Event Academy: How do I become a certified partner with InEvent?

To become a certified partner, InEvent offers custom-designed courses to learn about and become an expert on the InEvent platform. Once certified, you will be listed on EventMarket.

What is EventMarket?

EventMarket is an exclusive marketplace that gathers trusted and certified event service providers worldwide. It is InEvent's solution to connect professional service providers with InEvent clients aiming to explore the platform’s advanced feature sets and other events-related services. Click here for further information.

What are the types of InEvent partnerships?

There are two types of InEvent partnerships:

  • Tier I: Business Partners
  • Tier II: Certified Support Partners
Click here to learn more about these types of partnerships.

Both Business Partners and Certified Support Partners need to go through the certification.

Why do I need to become a certified partner?

There are three main reasons for becoming a certified partner:

  • To become a part of an InEvent customer's private Partners List. However, please note that while you will not be publicly listed on the EventMarket, you will still be eligible for certification
  • To be listed on the public EventMarket, and be available for all InEvent clients. Note that you must sign up a new customer, sign the Partner Agreement, and pass the certification.
  • To become a Business Partner with commercial agreements to resell InEvent technologies.
When you become a Partner and you receive three ratings from clients that are below four stars, you will be unlisted from the EventMarket.

Steps to becoming a certified partner

  1. Kick-off

Once your contract is signed, you will get your virtual Welcome kit and instructions on how to begin your training:


To start your certification process, visit the EventAcademy page, and enroll using the registration form at the bottom of the page.

Preview of InEvent.com and EventAcademy page.

Complete the registration form with your name, email, password, training preferences, information about your company, and then select the course(s) you plan to take.

After this, you'll get an invitation with unique access to join your training.


Training starts with the Foundations course.

This is a required 30-minute course for all partners to be certified and become a part of EventMarket. This course gives you a general overview of InEvent, how best to present and sell to your clients, and the tools you will use as a partner.

Here, you will also be introduced to the additional courses that are offered through EventAcademy. Click here for more information.

Our 6 additional courses are:

  • Create: Regardless of the event mode you choose (In-Person, Hybrid, or Virtual), there are tools that all events share. Here you will understand the basics of these features, how to design your event agenda, and registration to establish the type of access.
  • InPerson: Solutions for in-person events using the InEvent platform.
  • Connect: Integration methods to connect your service to the InEvent Platform.
  • Virtual: Online solutions like Networking features to make your event more engaging and interact live for a unique experience.
  • Av Production: The A-Z of streaming live events, and managing virtual audiences using different hardware.
  • The Works: Our CMP-certified by EIC (Event Industry Council) course to become an InEvent Expert. Completion of this course earns 5 CMP credits.
To become an InEvent expert, select The Works as the course on the registration form.
To focus only on specific solutions with our platform related to the type of service you provide, we advise selecting one or more courses and combining them.

Platform access

Prior to the first training session, you will receive an email with a unique link to enter the training platform where the sessions will be hosted.

It is important for participants to keep their unique access safe and secure, as it is unique to each individual.

Additionally, you will get access to your own company dashboard to practice everything discussed during training and test all the tools on your own time.

  1. Certification

Taking the Foundations course already qualifies you to become a part of the EventMarket, and you will get a certificate from EventAcademy.

However, if you plan to earn 5 CMP credits and learn every feature on our platform, you should consider taking The Works course.

If this is the case, once you have completed all your training sessions, you will be required to finish an assessment in order to get your certification.

This assessment is a simple 20-question online form that needs to be completed at the end of the training week.

  1. Activation

In this phase, you will be required to insert the InEvent badge and backlink (inevent.com) onto your website, which you can find on your virtual Welcome kit.

Once this is done, the EventMarket team will create your marketplace profile, where you can maintain and update the information available.

Certified Support Partners must set their website partner page up with InEvent badges and links to formalize our partnership. This is a required step to maintain your status.

How long do I have to complete the certification?

You will have up to 1 week to complete the certification.

Please be informed that your free trial lasts 7 days. At the end of the 7th day, you will receive a pop-up message alerting you that your credits have expired. If you wish to extend the certification period, please request an extension to complete your certification.

Do I have to pay to get certified?

All InEvent certifications are free! Simply attend the workshops and submit the required evaluation for your chosen course.

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