Webhook events - JSON data type
- Where can I access the webhook events?
- Types of webhook events supported by InEvent
- Event created
- Activity enrollment
- Activity dismissal
- Event edited
- Event enrollment
- Event enrollment update
- Event dismissal
- Person checks in to the event
- Person checks out of the event
- Person checks into an activity
- Person checks out of an activity
- Activity created
- Activity edited
- Activity Removed
- Speaker created
- Speaker edited
- Speaker removed
- End of Event
InEvent offers a Webhook integration solution that allows you see and manage real-time webhook notifications when certain actions are carried out on the platform.
In this article, we will be showing you how the types of Webhooks that can be currently sent from InEvent across all plans except the V&H Advanced plan.
Where can I access the webhook events?
The webhook events can be accessed and added on InEvent's platform from the company level and event level.
Types of webhook JSON data
The data types present in a webhook JSON payload can vary depending on the structure and content of the specific webhook implementation. However, here are some common data types you might encounter in a webhook JSON payload:
- String: Typically used for textual data.
- Integer: Used for numeric values, including floating-point numbers.
- Data: This is a key that often represents a sub-structure containing various pieces of information which fall into other data types.
- Timestamp: A timestamp is a type of Integer that represents a specific point in time. It typically records the number of seconds or milliseconds that have elapsed since a predefined reference point in time.
Types of webhook events supported by InEvent
Below is a list of all the types of events we currently send along with their expected JSON data that will be displayed in the logs section of the Webhooks integration page, and in the external webhook site whose URL is being used.
Event created
This webhook event can be found only at the company level. It is triggered when an event is created by a company admin. Below is the expected JSON data given in their data types:
"companyID": Integer,
"companyName": "String",
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"eventID": "Integer",
"name": "String",
"nickname": "String",
"emailAddress": "String",
"emailName": "String",
"emailDNS": "Integer",
"emailReplyTo": "String",
"description": "String",
"cover": "String",
"fontFamily": "String",
"page": "String",
"contentPage": "String",
"ownerID": "String",
"creatorID": "Integer",
"dateCreated": "Timestamp",
"dateBegin": "Timestamp",
"dateEnd": "Timestamp",
"dateBeginTimezone": "Timestamp",
"dateEndTimezone": "Timestamp",
"enrollmentBegin": "Timestamp",
"enrollmentEnd": "Timestamp",
"enrollmentOpen": "Integer",
"accessEnd": "Timestamp",
"accessOpen": "Integer",
"quarter": "String",
"eventDays": "Integer",
"month": "String",
"capacity": "0",
"invites": "1",
"guestsForMember": "Integer",
"keywords": "String",
"timezone": "String",
"currency": "String",
"latitude": "Integer",
"longitude": "Integer",
"spot": "String",
"placeID": "Integer",
"address": "String",
"city": "String",
"state": "String",
"country": "String",
"venue": "String",
"fugleman": "String",
"ebEventID": "Integer",
"ticketURL": "String",
"language": "String",
"contentLanguage": "String",
"googleAnalytics": "String",
"googleAnalytics4": "String",
"googleTagManager": "String",
"adobeAnalytics": "String",
"facebookPixel": "String",
"facebookPixelConversion": "String",
"twitterPixel": "String",
"twitterPixelConversion": "String",
"linkedInPixel": "String",
"linkedInPixelConversion": "String",
"tiktokAnalytics": "String",
"intercomTag": "String",
"website": "String",
"faq": "String",
"agreement": "String",
"facebook": "String",
"linkedIn": "String",
"instagram": "String",
"twitter": "String",
"rss": "String",
"cname": "String",
"archived": "Integer",
"visible": "Integer",
"published": "Integer",
"public": "Integer",
"presential": "Integer",
"budget": "Integer",
"automaticEnrollment": "Integer",
"sandbox": "Integer",
"isWebinar": "Integer",
"purchasePageSuccess": "String",
"purchasePageError": "String",
"accessCode": "Integer",
"wireless": "Integer",
"templateID": "Integer",
"companyID": "Integer",
"companyName": "String",
"hasTag": "Integer",
"hasFeedback": "Integer",
"hasPhoto": "Integer",
"hasMaterial": "Integer",
"hasSponsor": "Integer",
"systemLevel": "Integer",
"companyLevel": "Integer",
"personID": "Integer",
"role": "String",
"company": "String",
"level": "Integer",
"approved": "Integer",
"templateName": "String",
"templateColor": "String",
"isSponsor": "Integer",
"placeName": "String",
"happeningNow": "Integer",
"happeningAfter": "Integer",
"peopleCount": "Integer",
"originalSystemLevel": "Integer",
"originalCompanyLevel": "Integer",
"originalLevel": "Integer",
"eventUrl": "String"
"translations": [],
"appIcon": "String",
"pos": Integer,
"eventModeKey": "String",
"eventMode": "String",
"creator": "String",
"owner": "String",
"hasMarketo": "Integer",
"admins": [],
"accessKeypad": Integer,
"tags": [],
"eventCurrency": "String",
"ticket": {
"isActive": String,
"eventTickets": []
"eventRegistrationFormURL": "String",
"activities": [
"activityID": "Integer",
"eventID": "Integer",
"placeID": "Integer",
"liveID": "Integer",
"mktoListId": "Integer",
"msdSessionId": "Integer",
"name": "String",
"description": "String",
"latitude": "Integer",
"longitude": "Integer",
"location": "String",
"dateBegin": "Timestamp",
"dateEnd": "Timestamp",
"dateBeginTimezone": "Timestamp",
"dateEndTimezone": "Timestamp",
"capacity": "Integer",
"oversize": "Integer",
"general": "Integer",
"highlight": "Integer",
"notify": "Integer",
"visible": "Integer",
"unrestrictedVisibility": "Integer",
"lockOperations": "Integer",
"feedbackTitle": "String",
"feedbackCustom": "String",
"stream": "String",
"raiseHands": "Integer",
"raiseHandsRobertsRule": "Integer",
"hideActivities": "Integer",
"hideSponsors": "Integer",
"hideExhibitors": "Integer",
"hideMeetings": "Integer",
"hideGroupRooms": "Integer",
"hideNetworking": "Integer",
"hidePeople": "Integer",
"hideComment": "Integer",
"hideMaterial": "Integer",
"hideBreakoutRoom": "Integer",
"hideSpeedNetworking": "Integer",
"hideQuestion": "Integer",
"hideQuiz": "Integer",
"hideQuizChain": "Integer",
"vlJoinBeforeStarts": "String",
"vlJoinAfterEnds": "String",
"vlActivityLayout": "String",
"personID": "Integer",
"approved": "Integer",
"priori": "Integer",
"entries": "Integer",
"guests": "Integer",
"hasFeedback": "Integer",
"hasMaterial": "Integer",
"hasQuiz": "Integer",
"placeName": "String"
"webhookData": {
"eventID": Integer
"eventFields": [],
"sponsors": []
"webhookEvent": "eventCreated",
"webhookDate": Timestamp
Activity enrollment
This webhook event is triggered when a user enrolls into an activity. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": String,
"data": {
"activityID": Integer
"webhookEvent": "activityEnrollment",
"webhookDate": Timestamp,
"activityID": Integer
Activity dismissal
This webhook event is triggered when a user deregisters from an activity. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"activityIDs": [
"webhookEvent": "activityDismissal",
"webhookDate": Timestamp
Event edited
This webhook event is triggered when an admin edits an event on the Event > Details. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"eventID": "Integer",
"name": "String",
"nickname": "String",
"emailAddress": "String",
"emailName": "String",
"emailDNS": "Integer",
"emailReplyTo": "String",
"description": "String",
"cover": "String",
"fontFamily": "String",
"page": "String",
"contentPage": "String",
"ownerID": "Integer",
"creatorID": "Integer",
"dateCreated": "Timestamp",
"dateBegin": "Timestamp",
"dateEnd": "Timestamp",
"dateBeginTimezone": "Timestamp",
"dateEndTimezone": "Timestamp",
"enrollmentBegin": "Timestamp",
"enrollmentEnd": "Timestamp",
"enrollmentOpen": "Timestamp",
"accessEnd": "Timestamp",
"accessOpen": "Integer",
"quarter": "String",
"eventDays": "Integer",
"month": "String",
"capacity": "Integer",
"invites": "Integer",
"guestsForMember": "Integer",
"keywords": "String",
"timezone": "String",
"currency": "String",
"latitude": "Integer",
"longitude": "Integer",
"spot": "String",
"placeID": "Integer",
"address": "String",
"city": "String",
"state": "String",
"country": "String",
"venue": "String",
"fugleman": "String",
"ebEventID": "Integer",
"ticketURL": "String",
"language": "String",
"contentLanguage": "String",
"googleAnalytics": "String",
"googleAnalytics4": "String",
"googleTagManager": "String",
"adobeAnalytics": "String",
"facebookPixel": "String",
"facebookPixelConversion": "String",
"twitterPixel": "String",
"twitterPixelConversion": "String",
"linkedInPixel": "String",
"linkedInPixelConversion": "String",
"tiktokAnalytics": "String",
"intercomTag": "String",
"website": "String",
"faq": "String",
"agreement": "String",
"facebook": "String",
"linkedIn": "#String",
"instagram": "String",
"twitter": "String",
"rss": "String",
"cname": "String",
"archived": "Integer",
"visible": "Integer",
"published": "Integer",
"public": "Integer",
"presential": "Integer",
"budget": "Integer",
"automaticEnrollment": "Integer",
"sandbox": "Integer",
"isWebinar": "Integer",
"purchasePageSuccess": "String",
"purchasePageError": "String",
"accessCode": "Integer",
"wireless": "String",
"templateID": "Integer",
"companyID": "Integer",
"companyName": "String",
"hasTag": "Integer",
"hasFeedback": "Integer",
"hasPhoto": "Integer",
"hasMaterial": "Integer",
"hasSponsor": "Integer",
"systemLevel": "Integer",
"companyLevel": "Integer",
"personID": "Integer",
"role": "String",
"company": "String",
"level": "Integer",
"approved": "Integer",
"templateName": "String",
"templateColor": "String",
"isSponsor": "Integer",
"placeName": "String",
"happeningNow": "Integer",
"happeningAfter": "Integer",
"peopleCount": "Integer",
"originalSystemLevel": "Integer",
"originalCompanyLevel": "Integer",
"originalLevel": "Integer",
"eventUrl": "String",
"translations": [],
"appIcon": "String",
"pos": Integer,
"eventModeKey": "String",
"eventMode": "String",
"creator": "String",
"owner": "String",
"hasMarketo": "Integer",
"admins": [
"username": "String",
"email": "String",
"qrCode": "String",
"nfc": "String",
"eventID": "Integer",
"personID": "Integer",
"salutation": "String",
"name": "String",
"firstName": "String",
"lastName": "String",
"role": "String",
"company": "String",
"headline": "String",
"ticketName": "String",
"ticketEntrance": "String"
"accessKeypad": Integer,
"tags": [],
"eventCurrency": "String",
"ticket": {
"isActive": String,
"eventTickets": [
"ticketID": "Integer",
"customOrder": "Integer",
"eventID": "Integer",
"chainID": "Integer",
"active": "Integer",
"name": "String",
"description": "String",
"entrance": "String",
"assignListHolder": "Integer",
"dateBegin": "Timestamp",
"dateEnd": "Timestamp",
"capacity": "Integer",
"purchaseMin": "Integer",
"purchaseMax": "Integer",
"purchaseLimit": "Integer",
"giveawayTicket": "Integer",
"price": "Integer",
"formID": "Integer",
"skuId": "String",
"chainName": "String",
"constraint": "String",
"hasFormTicket": "Integer",
"attachedFormID": "Integer"
"lowEndTicket": "Integer",
"highEndTicket": "Integer"
"eventRegistrationFormURL": "String",
"activities": [
"activityID": "Integer",
"eventID": "Integer",
"placeID": "Integer",
"liveID": "Integer",
"mktoListId": "String",
"msdSessionId": "String",
"name": "String",
"description": "String",
"latitude": "Integer",
"longitude": "Integer",
"location": "String",
"dateBegin": "Timestamp",
"dateEnd": "Timestamp",
"dateBeginTimezone": "Timestamp",
"dateEndTimezone": "Timestamp",
"capacity": "Integer",
"oversize": "Integer",
"general": "Integer",
"highlight": "Integer",
"notify": "Integer",
"visible": "Integer",
"unrestrictedVisibility": "Integer",
"lockOperations": "Integer",
"feedbackTitle": "String",
"feedbackCustom": "String",
"stream": "String",
"raiseHands": "Integer",
"raiseHandsRobertsRule": "Integer",
"hideActivities": "Integer",
"hideSponsors": "Integer",
"hideExhibitors": "Integer",
"hideMeetings": "Integer",
"hideGroupRooms": "Integer",
"hideNetworking": "Integer",
"hidePeople": "Integer",
"hideComment": "Integer",
"hideMaterial": "Integer",
"hideBreakoutRoom": "Integer",
"hideSpeedNetworking": "Integer",
"hideQuestion": "Integer",
"hideQuiz": "Integer",
"hideQuizChain": "Integer",
"vlJoinBeforeStarts": "Integer",
"vlJoinAfterEnds": "Integer",
"vlActivityLayout": "String",
"personID": "Integer",
"approved": "Integer",
"priori": "Integer",
"entries": "Integer",
"guests": "Integer",
"hasFeedback": "Integer",
"hasMaterial": "Integer",
"hasQuiz": "Integer",
"placeName": "String"
"webhookData": {
"key": "String",
"value": "String",
"oldValue": "String"
"eventFields": [
"id": "Integer",
"title": "String",
"value": "String",
"type": "String"
"sponsors": [
"sponsorID": "Integer",
"eventID": "Integer",
"companyName": "String",
"contactName": "String",
"telephone": "Integer",
"email": "String",
"website": "String",
"twitter": "String",
"instagram": "String",
"linkedin": "String",
"facebook": "String",
"bio": "String",
"image": "String",
"logo": "String",
"exhibitor": "Integer",
"position": "Integer",
"hasFeedback": "Integer",
"hidePeople": "Integer",
"hideComment": "Integer",
"hideMaterial": "Integer",
"category": "String",
"visible": "Integer",
"dataCollector": "Integer"
"webhookEvent": "eventEdited",
"webhookDate": Timestamp
Event enrollment
This webhook event is triggered when a user enrolls into an event via the Registration form or is added to the event by the event admin. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": 14075949,
"data": {
"username": "String",
"facebookID": "Integer",
"linkedInID": "Integer",
"twitterID": "Integer",
"email": "String",
"telephone": "Integer",
"qrCode": "String",
"ebQrCode": "String",
"nfc": "String",
"utm": "String",
"utm_source": "String",
"utm_medium": "String",
"utm_campaign": "String",
"utm_term": "String",
"utm_content": "String",
"eventID": "Integer",
"personID": "Integer",
"salutation": "String",
"firstName": "String",
"lastName": "String",
"name": "String",
"personName": "String",
"role": "String",
"company": "String",
"summary": "String",
"image": "String",
"headline": "String",
"personHeadline": "String",
"city": "String",
"facebook": "String",
"linkedIn": "String",
"twitter": "String",
"instagram": "String",
"website": "String",
"position": "Integer",
"level": "Integer",
"ebUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserStatus": "String",
"approved": "Integer",
"paid": "Integer",
"rsvp": "Integer",
"present": "Integer",
"message": "String",
"private": "Integer",
"meetingQuotaID": "Integer",
"meetingAutoConfirm": "Integer",
"engagement": "Integer",
"language": "String",
"personLanguage": "String",
"origin": "String",
"salesforceID": "String",
"salesforceType": "String",
"hubspotID": "String",
"dynamicsID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationStatus": "String",
"dynamicsType": "String",
"enrollmentDate": "Timestamp",
"updatedDate": "Timestamp",
"meetingQuotaName": "String",
"meetingQuotaAmount": "Integer",
"device": "String",
"downloaded": "Integer",
"favorite": "Integer",
"ally": "Integer",
"isSponsor": "Integer",
"prints": "Integer",
"profileID": "Integer",
"ticketID": "Integer",
"assistantEmail": "String",
"ticketName": "String",
"ticketEntrance": "String",
"couponCode": "String",
"originalLevel": "String",
"magicLink": "String",
"tags": [],
"tagsWithCategories": {
"hasCategories": String
"lastCheckLogType": "String",
"isCheckedIn": "Integer",
"lists": [],
"speakerID": "Integer",
"fields": [
"feedbackID": "Integer",
"text": "String",
"value": "String",
"readableValue": "String",
"type": "String",
"apiField": "String"
"tickets": [],
"ticketCount": Integer,
"ticketsTotalPrice": "String",
"payments": [],
"eventMode": "String"
"webhookEvent": "eventEnrollment",
"webhookDate": Timestamp
Event enrollment update
This webhook event is triggered when a user updates their registration information in the event. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"username": "String",
"facebookID": "Integer",
"linkedInID": "Integer",
"twitterID": "Integer",
"email": "String",
"telephone": "Integer",
"qrCode": "String",
"ebQrCode": "String",
"nfc": "String",
"utm": "String",
"utm_source": "String",
"utm_medium": "String",
"utm_campaign": "String",
"utm_term": "String",
"utm_content": "String",
"eventID": "Integer",
"personID": "Integer",
"salutation": "String",
"firstName": "String",
"lastName": "String",
"name": "String",
"personName": "String",
"role": "String",
"company": "String",
"summary": "String",
"image": "String",
"headline": "String",
"personHeadline": " String",
"city": "String",
"facebook": "String",
"linkedIn": "String",
"twitter": "String",
"instagram": "String",
"website": "String",
"position": "Integer",
"level": "Integer",
"ebUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserStatus": "String",
"approved": "Integer",
"paid": "Integer",
"rsvp": "Integer",
"present": "Integer",
"message": "String",
"private": "Integer",
"meetingQuotaID": "Integer",
"meetingAutoConfirm": "Integer",
"engagement": "Integer",
"language": "String",
"personLanguage": "String",
"origin": "String",
"salesforceID": "String",
"salesforceType": "String",
"hubspotID": "String",
"dynamicsID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationStatus": "String",
"dynamicsType": "String",
"enrollmentDate": "Timestamp",
"updatedDate": "Timestamp",
"meetingQuotaName": "String",
"meetingQuotaAmount": "Integer",
"device": "String",
"downloaded": "Integer",
"favorite": "Integer",
"ally": "Integer",
"isSponsor": "Integer",
"prints": "Integer",
"profileID": "String",
"ticketID": "String",
"assistantEmail": "String",
"ticketName": "String",
"ticketEntrance": "String",
"couponCode": "String",
"originalLevel": "Integer",
"magicLink": "String",
"tags": [],
"tagsWithCategories": {
"hasCategories": String
"lastCheckLogType": "String",
"isCheckedIn": "Integer",
"lists": [],
"speakerID": "String",
"fields": [
"feedbackID": "Integer",
"text": "String",
"value": "String",
"readableValue": "String",
"type": "String",
"apiField": "String"
"tickets": [],
"ticketCount": Integer,
"ticketsTotalPrice": "String",
"payments": [],
"eventMode": "String"
"webhookEvent": "enrollmentUpdate",
"webhookDate": Timestamp
Event dismissal
This webhook event is triggered when a user is removed from an event. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"personID": Integer,
"webhookDate": Timestamp
Person checks in to the event
This webhook event is triggered when a user is checked into the event or checked as present on the platform by an admin. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"username": "String",
"facebookID": "Integer",
"linkedInID": "String",
"twitterID": "String",
"email": "String",
"telephone": "Integer",
"qrCode": "String",
"ebQrCode": "String",
"nfc": "String",
"utm": "String",
"utm_source": "String",
"utm_medium": "String",
"utm_campaign": "String",
"utm_term": "String",
"utm_content": "String",
"eventID": "Integer",
"personID": "Integer",
"salutation": "String",
"firstName": "String",
"lastName": "String",
"name": "String",
"personName": "String",
"role": "String",
"company": "String",
"summary": "String",
"image": "String",
"headline": "String",
"personHeadline": "String",
"city": "String",
"facebook": "String",
"linkedIn": "String",
"twitter": "String",
"instagram": "String",
"website": "String",
"position": "Integer",
"level": "Integer",
"ebUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserStatus": "String",
"approved": "Integer",
"paid": "Integer",
"rsvp": "Integer",
"present": "Integer",
"message": "String",
"private": "Integer",
"meetingQuotaID": "Integer",
"meetingAutoConfirm": "Integer",
"engagement": "Integer",
"language": "String",
"personLanguage": "String",
"origin": "String",
"salesforceID": "String",
"salesforceType": "String",
"hubspotID": "String",
"dynamicsID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationStatus": "String",
"dynamicsType": "String",
"enrollmentDate": "Timestamp",
"updatedDate": "Timestamp",
"meetingQuotaName": "String",
"meetingQuotaAmount": "Integer",
"device": "String",
"downloaded": "Integer",
"favorite": "Integer",
"ally": "Integer",
"isSponsor": "Integer",
"prints": "Integer",
"profileID": "Integer",
"ticketID": "Integer",
"assistantEmail": "String",
"ticketName": "String",
"ticketEntrance": "String",
"couponCode": "String",
"originalLevel": "Integer",
"magicLink": "String",
"tags": [],
"tagsWithCategories": {
"hasCategories": String
"lastCheckLogType": "String",
"isCheckedIn": "Integer",
"lists": [],
"speakerID": "String",
"fields": [
"feedbackID": "Integer",
"text": "String",
"value": "String",
"readableValue": "String",
"type": "String",
"apiField": "String"
"tickets": [],
"ticketCount": Integer,
"ticketsTotalPrice": "String",
"payments": [],
"eventMode": "String",
"webhookData": {
"collector": "String",
"virtual": String }
"webhookEvent": "eventCheckIn",
"webhookDate": Timestamp
Person checks out of the event
This webhook event is triggered when a user is checked out of the event or unchecked as present on the platform by an admin. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"username": "String",
"facebookID": "Integer",
"linkedInID": "Integer",
"twitterID": "Integer",
"email": "String",
"telephone": "Integer",
"qrCode": "String",
"ebQrCode": "String",
"nfc": "String",
"utm": "String",
"utm_source": "String",
"utm_medium": "String",
"utm_campaign": "String",
"utm_term": "String",
"utm_content": "String",
"eventID": "Integer",
"personID": "Integer",
"salutation": "String",
"firstName": "String",
"lastName": "String",
"name": "String",
"personName": "String",
"role": "String",
"company": "String",
"summary": "String",
"image": "String",
"headline": "String",
"personHeadline": "String",
"city": "String",
"facebook": "String",
"linkedIn": "String",
"twitter": "String",
"instagram": "String",
"website": "String",
"position": "Integer",
"level": "Integer",
"ebUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserStatus": "String",
"approved": "Integer",
"paid": "Integer",
"rsvp": "Integer",
"present": "Integer",
"message": "String",
"private": "Integer",
"meetingQuotaID": "Integer",
"meetingAutoConfirm": "Integer",
"engagement": "Integer",
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"origin": "String",
"salesforceID": "Integer",
"salesforceType": "String",
"hubspotID": "String",
"dynamicsID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationStatus": "String",
"dynamicsType": "String",
"enrollmentDate": "Timestamp",
"updatedDate": "Timestamp",
"meetingQuotaName": "String",
"meetingQuotaAmount": "Integer",
"device": "String",
"downloaded": "Integer",
"favorite": "Integer",
"ally": "Integer",
"isSponsor": "Integer",
"prints": "Integer",
"profileID": "Integer",
"ticketID": "Integer",
"assistantEmail": "String",
"ticketName": "String",
"ticketEntrance": "String",
"couponCode": "String",
"originalLevel": "Integer",
"magicLink": "String",
"tags": [],
"tagsWithCategories": {
"hasCategories": String
"lastCheckLogType": "String",
"isCheckedIn": "Integer",
"lists": [],
"speakerID": "Integer",
"fields": [],
"tickets": [],
"ticketCount": Integer,
"ticketsTotalPrice": "String",
"payments": [],
"eventMode": "String",
"webhookData": {
"collector": "String",
"virtual": String
"webhookEvent": "eventCheckOut",
"webhookDate": Timestamp
Person checks into an activity
This webhook event is triggered when a user checks into an activity. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"username": "String",
"facebookID": "Integer",
"linkedInID": "Integer",
"twitterID": "Integer",
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"nfc": "String",
"utm": "String",
"utm_source": "String",
"utm_medium": "String",
"utm_campaign": "String",
"utm_term": "String",
"utm_content": "String",
"eventID": "Integer",
"personID": "Integer",
"salutation": "String",
"firstName": "String",
"lastName": "String",
"name": "String",
"personName": "String",
"role": "String",
"company": "String",
"summary": "String",
"image": "String",
"headline": "String",
"personHeadline": "String",
"city": "String",
"facebook": "String",
"linkedIn": "String",
"twitter": "String",
"instagram": "String",
"website": "String",
"position": "Integer",
"level": "Integer",
"ebUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserStatus": "String",
"approved": "Integer",
"paid": "Integer",
"rsvp": "Integer",
"present": "Integer",
"message": "String",
"private": "Integer",
"meetingQuotaID": "Integer",
"meetingAutoConfirm": "Integer",
"engagement": "Integer",
"language": "String",
"personLanguage": "String",
"origin": "String",
"salesforceID": "String",
"salesforceType": "String",
"hubspotID": "String",
"dynamicsID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationStatus": "String",
"dynamicsType": "String",
"enrollmentDate": "Timestamp",
"updatedDate": "Timestamp",
"meetingQuotaName": "String",
"meetingQuotaAmount": "Integer",
"device": "String",
"downloaded": "Integer",
"favorite": "Integer",
"ally": "Integer",
"isSponsor": "Integer",
"prints": "Integer",
"profileID": "Integer",
"ticketID": "Integer",
"assistantEmail": "String",
"ticketName": "String",
"ticketEntrance": "String",
"couponCode": "String",
"originalLevel": "Integer",
"magicLink": "String",
"tags": [],
"tagsWithCategories": {
"hasCategories": String
"lastCheckLogType": "String",
"isCheckedIn": "Integer",
"lists": [],
"speakerID": "Integer",
"fields": [],
"tickets": [],
"ticketCount": Integer,
"ticketsTotalPrice": "String",
"payments": [],
"eventMode": "String",
"webhookData": {
"activityID": Integer,
"collector": "String",
"virtual": String
"webhookEvent": "activityCheckIn",
"webhookDate": Timestamp,
"activityID": Integer
Person checks out of an activity
This webhook event is triggered when a user checks out of an activity. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"username": "String",
"facebookID": "Integer",
"linkedInID": "Integer",
"twitterID": "Integer",
"email": "String",
"telephone": "Integer",
"qrCode": "String",
"ebQrCode": "String",
"nfc": "String",
"utm": "String",
"utm_source": "String",
"utm_medium": "String",
"utm_campaign": "String",
"utm_term": "String",
"utm_content": "String",
"eventID": "Integer",
"personID": "Integer",
"salutation": "String",
"firstName": "String",
"lastName": "String",
"name": "String",
"personName": "String",
"role": "String",
"company": "String",
"summary": "String",
"image": "String",
"headline": "String",
"personHeadline": "String",
"city": "String",
"facebook": "String",
"linkedIn": "String",
"twitter": "String",
"instagram": "String",
"website": "String",
"position": "Integer",
"level": "Integer",
"ebUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserID": "Integer",
"mkUserStatus": "String",
"approved": "Integer",
"paid": "Integer",
"rsvp": "Integer",
"present": "Integer",
"message": "String",
"private": "Integer",
"meetingQuotaID": "Integer",
"meetingAutoConfirm": "Integer",
"engagement": "Integer",
"language": "String",
"personLanguage": "String",
"origin": "String",
"salesforceID": "String",
"salesforceType": "String",
"hubspotID": "String",
"dynamicsID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationID": "String",
"dynamicsEventRegistrationStatus": "String",
"dynamicsType": "String",
"enrollmentDate": "Timestamp",
"updatedDate": "Timestamp",
"meetingQuotaName": "Timestamp",
"meetingQuotaAmount": "Integer",
"device": "String",
"downloaded": "Integer",
"favorite": "Integer",
"ally": "Integer",
"isSponsor": "Integer",
"prints": "Integer",
"profileID": "Integer",
"ticketID": "Integer",
"assistantEmail": "String",
"ticketName": "String",
"ticketEntrance": "String",
"couponCode": "String",
"originalLevel": "Integer",
"magicLink": "String",
"tags": [],
"tagsWithCategories": {
"hasCategories": String
"lastCheckLogType": "String",
"isCheckedIn": "Integer",
"lists": [],
"speakerID": "Integer",
"fields": [],
"tickets": [],
"ticketCount": Integer,
"ticketsTotalPrice": "String",
"payments": [],
"eventMode": "String",
"webhookData": {
"activityID": Integer,
"collector": "String",
"virtual": String
"webhookEvent": "activityCheckOut",
"webhookDate": Timestamp,
"activityID": Integer
Activity created
This webhook event is triggered when an activity is created by an admin. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"activityID": "Integer",
"eventID": "Integer",
"placeID": "Integer",
"liveID": "Integer",
"mktoListId": "Integer",
"msdSessionId": "Integer",
"name": "String",
"description": "String",
"latitude": "Integer",
"longitude": "Integer",
"location": "String",
"dateBegin": "Timestamp",
"dateEnd": "Timestamp",
"dateBeginTimezone": "Timestamp",
"dateEndTimezone": "Timestamp",
"capacity": "Integer",
"oversize": "Integer",
"general": "Integer",
"highlight": "Integer",
"notify": "Integer",
"visible": "Integer",
"unrestrictedVisibility": "Integer",
"lockOperations": "Integer",
"feedbackTitle": "String",
"feedbackCustom": "String",
"stream": "String",
"raiseHands": "Integer",
"raiseHandsRobertsRule": "Integer",
"hideActivities": "Integer",
"hideSponsors": "Integer",
"hideExhibitors": "Integer",
"hideMeetings": "Integer",
"hideGroupRooms": "Integer",
"hideNetworking": "Integer",
"hidePeople": "Integer",
"hideComment": "Integer",
"hideMaterial": "Integer",
"hideBreakoutRoom": "Integer",
"hideSpeedNetworking": "Integer",
"hideQuestion": "Integer",
"hideQuiz": "Integer",
"hideQuizChain": "Integer",
"vlJoinBeforeStarts": "Integer",
"vlJoinAfterEnds": "Integer",
"vlActivityLayout": "String",
"translations": [],
"speakers": [],
"sponsors": []
"isSpeakerCheck": String,
"isSponsorCheck": String,
"ads": [],
"tags": [],
"isSubHost": String,
"subHosts": [],
"streamingEmbed": "String",
"premiereEmbed": "",
"translations": [],
"textTracks": [],
"onDemandReady": "Integer",
"transcriptionConsoleUrl": "String"
"mayEnroll": 1,
"reason": "",
"translations": [],
"webhookData": {
"activityID": 564952
"webhookEvent": "activityCreated",
"webhookDate": 1718982358,
"activityID": 564952
Activity edited
This webhook event is triggered when an activity is edited. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"activityID": "Integer",
"eventID": "Integer",
"placeID": "Integer",
"liveID": "Integer",
"mktoListId": "Integer",
"msdSessionId": "Integer",
"name": "String",
"description": "String",
"latitude": "Integer",
"longitude": "Integer",
"location": "String",
"dateBegin": "Timestamp",
"dateEnd": "Timestamp",
"dateBeginTimezone": "Timestamp",
"dateEndTimezone": "Timestamp",
"capacity": "Integer",
"oversize": "Integer",
"general": "Integer",
"highlight": "Integer",
"notify": "Integer",
"visible": "Integer",
"unrestrictedVisibility": "Integer",
"lockOperations": "Integer",
"feedbackTitle": "String",
"feedbackCustom": "String",
"stream": "String",
"raiseHands": "Integer",
"raiseHandsRobertsRule": "Integer",
"hideActivities": "Integer",
"hideSponsors": "Integer",
"hideExhibitors": "Integer",
"hideMeetings": "Integer",
"hideGroupRooms": "Integer",
"hideNetworking": "Integer",
"hidePeople": "Integer",
"hideComment": "Integer",
"hideMaterial": "Integer",
"hideBreakoutRoom": "Integer",
"hideSpeedNetworking": "Integer",
"hideQuestion": "Integer",
"hideQuiz": "Integer",
"hideQuizChain": "Integer",
"vlJoinBeforeStarts": "Timestamp",
"vlJoinAfterEnds": "Timestamp",
"vlActivityLayout": "String",
"lists": "Integer",
"feedbacks": "Integer",
"quizzes": "Integer",
"chainQuizzes": "Integer",
"tags": [],
"entries": "Integer",
"guests": "Integer",
"hasFeedback": "Integer",
"hasMaterial": "Integer",
"hasQuiz": "Integer",
"placeName": "String",
"speakers": [],
"sponsors": [],
"materials": [],
"lives": [],
"mayEnroll": Integer,
"reason": "String",
"translations": [],
"webhookData": {
"activityID": Integer,
"key": "String",
"value": "String",
"oldValue": "String"
"webhookEvent": "activityEdited",
"webhookDate": Timestamp,
"activityID": Integer
Activity Removed
This webhook event is triggered when an activity is removed from an event. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"webhookData": {
"activityID": Integer
"webhookEvent": "activityRemoved",
"webhookDate": Timestamp,
"activityID": Integer
Speaker created
This webhook event is triggered when a speaker is added to the event by an admin. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data type:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"webhookData": {
"speakerID": Integer,
"speakerName": "String"
"webhookEvent": "speakerCreated",
"webhookDate": Timestamp
Speaker edited
This webhook event is triggered when a speaker's information is edited by the speaker or by the admin of an event. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data type:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"count": Integer
"data": [
"speakerID": "Integer",
"companyID": "Integer",
"eventID": "Integer",
"personID": "Integer",
"name": "String",
"headline": "String",
"description": "String",
"category": "String",
"position": "Integer",
"image": "String -URL",
"email": "String",
"facebook": "String",
"linkedIn": "String",
"twitter": "String",
"instagram": "String",
"website": "String",
"activities": [
"activityID": "Integer",
"name": "String"
"tags": [],
"translations": []
"webhookData": {
"speakerID": Integer,
"eventID": "Integer",
"key": "String",
"value": "String"
"webhookEvent": "speakerEdited",
"webhookDate": Timestamp
Speaker removed
This webhook event is triggered when a speaker is removed from an event. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data type:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"webhookData": {
"speakerID": Integer
"webhookEvent": "speakerRemoved",
"webhookDate": Timestamp
End of Event
This webhook event is triggered when an activity is removed from an event. Below is the expected JSON data broken down in its data types:
"eventID": Integer,
"eventName": "String",
"personID": Integer,
"data": {
"count": {
"totalLives": "Integer",
"activityLives": "Integer",
"detachedLives": "Integer"
"sessions": {
"totalSessions": "Integer",
"totalSingleSessions": "Integer",
"totalUsers": "Integer",
"totalTimeSpent": String,
"avgTimeSpent": String
"topViewedRooms": [],
"topUniqueViewedRooms": [],
"topTotalTimeSpent": [],
"topAvgTimeSpent": [],
"online": [],
"newReport": String
"webhookEvent": "endOfEvent",
"webhookDate": Timestamp