Link ticket buyers to lists

The InEvent platform allows you to associate custom lists to a specific activity. And you can attach an individual ticket to a particular people’s list. This way, any attendee with that ticket has, automatically, access to the activities related to the list they belong to.

To link tickets to activities you must first:

  1. Create custom lists, following the steps here.
  2. Attach the lists to the activities. You can learn how to do it by clicking here.
  3. Navigate to Marketing > Tickets > Tickets on the platform.

At this third step, select the ticket you wish to connect to the specific list. Click on the blue button, far right, and then on Edit.

blue button

A new window will open on the right side, then scrow down till you find the field Assigning ticket user to the field. Choose the list you want to attach to this particular ticket and press End.  

Assigning ticket user to the field

Done! Now every attendee that purchases this specific ticket is assigned to the related activity.

The custom control displayed here refers only to the people who are allowed to purchase that specific ticket.

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