Static and Contact lists

This article intends to teach you how to create Static Lists at the event level, and Contact lists at the company level. With the Lists tool, event organizers can segment individuals into different groups that can be given their own agendas, notifications, emails, among many other features.

How do I create a static list?

The first step in segmenting people into different lists is to begin by creating a new list. To do this,

  1. Go to your event and click on  People > Static lists.
  2. Click on the + button or + Create list button at the left side menu.
How to create a new list


  1. Enter the name of the list and set an expiry policy.
The expiration date of your list is determined by the days, hours, and minutes you set in your expiry policy. If you do not want your list to expire, you can leave the expiry policy field blank.
  1. Press the blue Create button to create your list.
Screenshot of steps to add a new list

The created list(s) will appear at the left-hand menu of the page.

Screenshot of where to find your lists

How do I configure the static list?

You can configure your list by clicking on the desired list from the left-hand menu, then clicking on the Settings button.

From the Settings button, you can configure the following:

  • Name: You can edit the name of your List by typing the new name in the Name field and pressing the Done button.
  • Expiry Policy: Define the duration in days, hours, and minutes for which a person's status remains active on the list. This setting will be reflected in the Expiration column, which shows one of the following statuses:
    • Never Expires
    • Expired
    • Time remaining until the person’s status changes to expired.
Expiration column
Any new configurations or changes to the expiry policy will only impact new additions to the list. Individuals already in the list will retain the previous expiry policy settings.
  • Action to execute when a person is added to the list: You can select a custom email to be automatically sent when a person is added to the list. To configure this action, select Send email from its drop-down box, select the target email, and press Add trigger. To remove a trigger, click X on the trigger or email box.
For more information on creating custom emails, refer to our Email creator article.
You can set multiple emails to be automatically sent.
  • Action to execute when a person is removed from the list: You can select a custom email to be automatically sent when a person is removed from the list. To configure this action, select Send email from its drop-down box, select the target email, and press Add trigger. To remove a trigger, click X on the trigger or email box.
GIF showing how to edit List name and set action to execute: send email.

How do I remove a static list?

To remove a static list, click on the desired list from the left-hand menu, then click the Settings button at the top right corner of the page. Press the Remove button and enter REMOVE LIST in the confirmation box. Then press Remove again.

Removing a Static list

How do I add people to the list?

Adding people to a list will not consume credits. Only adding people to the Attendees page will consume credits. Additionally, you can add both registered and unregistered users to your static ist.
  • Manually

To add a new person to the list, select the list you want to add the person to from the left-hand menu, click + New Person, enter their data and click on Create.

Screenshot of steps to add a new person to a list

  • Bulk Movements

Users can be bulk added to a list from another list, or to your attendees or invitees page.

To copy users from one list to another, click Edit from within the list you wish to copy from, and select the users you want to move. After this step, select the destination list from +Add to list the dropdown menu on the right side window. If you are moving them to your attendees or invitees list , select the respective destination from the +Add to drop down menu, and click Run Bulk Operation.

Screenshot os the steps to run a list bulk operation
User information display and customization on the Static list dashboard

When users are added to a list, the following columns will display information about each user in the dashboard:

  • ID of the User
  • Salutation
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Username
  • Email
  • Global and custom fields (if any)
  • Date and time added to the list
  • Expiration: The duration of time the user will remain on the list.
  • Enrolled: Shows if user is enrolled or not in the event.

You can click on the user and a window will appear at the right side of the page displaying the user's profile details, as well as answer to company user fields. By clicking on the settings icon, you can control the visibility of information you wish to be displayed on the dashboard:

User dashboard
How do I remove a person from a static list?

To remove a person from a static list, follow these steps:

  1. Select the static list from the list drop-down menu on the top left corner of the page.
  2. Click on Edit.
  3. Tick the checkbox(es) beside the person(s) you wish to remove from the contact list.
  4. Click on Remove people at the top right corner of the page.
Removing people from a static list
  • Importing lists from other events or company contact lists

If you have already created a list in another event, a contact list, or want to import data from a different list within the same event to another list, follow these steps:

  1. Press Edit.
  2. Select the list you wish to import to from the left hand menu.
  3. Click on the Import button and select List as your data origin.
Select List as your data origin
  1. A new window will open with a dropdown showing all the lists available within the company (including event lists and contact lists). Select the list origin:
  • Current Event List: Other lists existing within your event.
  • Other Event List: Lists existing in other events within the company.
  • Global Event List: Lists created at the company level.
A picture showing the import from list dropdown
  1. Select a list from the dropdown after selecting a list origin.
Select a list
  • If you choose Other Event list as list origin, you will first see a field to select an event, before the Select a list field is displayed.

Select an event
  1. Click on Done. The list will be imported.
Click on Done

Via spreadsheet

To import lists using a spreadsheet, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Edit > Import.
  2. Select Spreadsheet as your data origin.
Select spreadsheet as your data origin

You will have two options: you can either download the demo file provided by InEvent or your own spreadsheet to insert your users' information.

Importing lists
  1. Download the demo file to your computer and enter the required details, such as the target persons' first name, last name, username, and e-mail address. Additionally, you can also enter Custom field responses for the attendee.
For more information on custom fields, refer to our article on configuring fields on forms.
Example screenshot of the demo file.
  1. Upload the spreadsheet by clicking on the green folder button and selecting the target file.
When uploading a spreadsheet to a Static List on the platform, please be aware that drag and drop functionality is not currently supported. Instead, users need to click on the folder icon to browse and select the file from their computer. Attempting to drag and drop may result in an error message.
  1. Press the Import button. For more information on uploading the filled spreadsheet, refer to our article on Importing and exporting spreadsheets.
When importing a spreadsheet to the Static List page, ensure there are no extra spaces before or after the email addresses in the email field. Any additional spaces can cause the system to reject those entries during the import process.
Click on the green folder
If username is disabled at the company tools, the username column will be automatically removed from the List import spreadsheet.

Contact lists

Contact lists allow you to segment your attendees into different lists. It is a technique used by businesses and marketers to send relevant communications to specific groups of people.

How do I create a contact list at the company level?

To create a contact list, carry out the following steps from the company level:

  1. Go to Account > Contact lists.
  2. Click the + New list button towards the top left of the platform.
  3. Enter the name of your list in the pop-up box and press Create.
Create segmentation list
You can switch between previously created contact lists by clicking the drop-down bar at the top-left corner of your screen and selecting from the available options. Additionally, all lists created within the events of the company will be displayed in the drop-down.

How do I configure the contact list?

You can configure your list by clicking on the desired list from the left-hand menu, then clicking on the Settings button.

From the Settings button, you can configure the following:

  • Name: You can edit the name of your List by typing the new name in the Name field and pressing the Done button.
  • Expiry policy: Set the Days, Hours, Minutes you wish the person to remain on the list before being automatically removed.
Once the time time configured is reached, the people in this list will be removed from the list.
Gif showing how to configure the settings of a list to change to set an expiry time for members within it
The status of members added before you set an expiration time for the list will remain unaffected. However, the status will apply to new members added after the expiration time is set.

How do I add people to the contact list?

You can add people to your contact list in one of the following ways:

  • Adding each individual member to your list manually.
  • Importing large amounts of list members through a spreadsheet.
  • Approving a Membership form submission, which adds the user to the contact list.
Adding list members manually

To manually add people to your contact list, carry out the steps below:

  1. Select a list from the drop-down at the upper left of your screen.
  2. Click the + New Person button.
  3. Fill in the Salutation, Name, Username, and Email fields.
  4. Press Create.
Create person

Importing list members through a spreadsheet

You can import large amounts of people to your contact list by completing the steps below:

  1. Select a list from the drop-down at the upper left of your screen.
  2. Click the Edit button in the upper right corner.
  3. Press the Import button, and select Spreadsheet as the data origin.
  4. Click on Download demo file to use InEvent's provided demo file.
Importing a spreadsheet
  1. A spreadsheet file will be downloaded to your computer, and you will need to fill out the required fields. , complete the rest of the steps to upload the file back onto the platform.
  2. Once you have entered your data in the spreadsheet, press the green folder button and select the spreadsheet file from your computer.
An image illustrating the green folder button
  1. Press Import once the file upload is complete.
Fields created at User > User settings page will also show up in the contact list import spreadsheet.
To learn more about the import function, click here.
Approving a Membership form submission

You can also use a registration-based approach to add users to your contact list. In order to do so, you must create a Membership form and connect it with your target contact list.

Screenshot showing the form creation screen.
For more information on creating forms at the company level, refer to our Briefing Management article.

Once the form is created, users can make submissions for the administrators' approval. Users whose submissions are approved will be automatically added to your target contact list. In addition, administrators can also send a message to users whose submissions are rejected.

Membership forms automatically creates 3 email types: Form submitted, Form submission accepted and Form submission rejected in the Email creator tool at the company level. For more information, refer to our Email creator - Company level article.
Can users edit their membership form submissions?

Yes, users who have submitted a membership form can edit their information by following these steps:

  1. Click on the Already a member? text at the top of the form.
  2. Provide the email address used to register for the event, and the confirmation code from your approval or rejection email.
  3. If you do not remember the code, click on Forgot confirmation code, enter your email address and press Submit.
Company admins need to ensure that the Form confirmation code recovery email is enabled from the Email creator page for users to receive the confirmation code.
  1. The confirmation code will be sent to you via email. Copy and paste it in the confirmation code field.
  2. The membership form will be displayed allowing you to make changes.
  3. Press Confirm when done.

The submission answers will be updated as shown in the gif below.

Users editing answers

Admins can customize the Already a member text using our Headings feature by modifying the Membership - Label Already a Member heading. For more details, please refer to our Headings article.
User information display and customization on the Contact list Dashboard

When users are added to a contact list, the following columns will display information about each user in the dashboard:

  • ID of the User
  • Salutation
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Username
  • Email
  • User Fields (Company Global Fields)
  • Date and Time Added to the List
  • Expiration: The duration of time the user will remain on the list.

You can click on the user and a window will appear at the right side of the page displaying the user's profile details, as well as answer to company user fields. By clicking on the settings icon, you can control the visibility of information you wish to be displayed on the dashboard:

Fields created at User > User settings page will also appear as columns in the Contact list dashboard.

How do I edit or remove a contact list?

To edit or remove a contact list, simply select the contact list from the list drop-down menu on the top left corner of the page. Next, click on the Settings button at the top right corner of the page. A pop-up box will be displayed with the option to rename the contact list. Press Done once completed.

Editing the name of a contact list

If you wish to delete the list, click on the Remove button and type REMOVE LIST in the confirmation box that appears. Next click on the Remove button.

Removing a Contact list

How do I remove a person from the contact list?

To remove a person from a contact list, follow these steps:

  1. Select the contact list from the list drop-down menu on the top left corner of the page.
  2. Click on Edit.
  3. Tick the checkbox(es) beside the person(s) you wish to remove from the contact list.
  4. Click on Remove people at the top right corner of the page.
Removing people from the Contact list

Moving users to another list in bulk

You can move users from one list to another in bulk at the company level. To do this, select the contact list from the lists drop-down menu on the tp left corner, click Edit, select the users you want to move by ticking their checkboxes. Next, select the destination list from +Add to list dropdown menu on the right side window, click Run Bulk Operation, and press End to save your changes.

Moving users in bulk

How do I import the contact lists to my events?

After creating and adding members to your contact lists, you can import the list within any event of your choice. To do this, navigate to People > Lists at the event level and follow the steps in this section.

How can I use lists?

There are many different uses for your lists once they are created. You can find more detailed explanations on each of these uses in the articles below.

Click here to learn how to do so.

Communication: How do I send an email to a list?

Click here to learn how to do so.

Click here to learn how to do so.

Click here to learn how to do so.

Push notifications: How to send push notifications to specific lists?

Click here to learn how to do so.

Custom form: How to add a list to a custom form?

Click here to learn how to do so.

How do I extract a report?

To extract a spreadsheet report of your lists, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the list from the left side of the page.
  2. Click on Edit > Export.
  3. Select Spreadsheet as data destination.
  4. A message will appear along the top of the screen letting you know that your excel sheet is being processed and will be sent to your email once completed.
You can also click on the Download button on the notification that appears, this will lead you to the All reports > Lists page where you can also download or preview the report.
Extracting a Lists report

The report will show information of the list and attendees within the list, such as: personID, username, listpersonID, listID, firstName, lastName, name, email, enrolled etc.

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