Guest form

You can allow the event attendees to bring guests and decide which guests' information should be retrieved in the registration process.

This article intends to show you how to enable and use the guest form.

How do I enable the guest form?

You can enable the Guest form tool by completing the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Tools.
  2. Locate the Guest form tool under the Registration section.
  3. Click on the Edit button.
  4. Toggle on the corresponding button to enable the tool.
  5. Click on the End button to finalize.
GIF showing how to enable the Guest form tool in the event level
This option can also be enabled on the registration form settings.

How do I access the guest form?

After enabling the Guest form, you can access it on the platform by navigating to Marketing > Registration > Registration form and clicking on Guests +1 on top of the page.

If you cannot see the Registration tab when pressing Marketing in the menu, this means the Registration form is disabled. For more information on enabling the Registration form, refer to our Registration Form article.
Accessing the guest form

Fields: What guest information do I want to retrieve?

By default, the Guest form contains three default fields: First name, Last name, and Email address.

The Email address field will not be visible on the Guest form if Guests email is disabled. Refer to the section on enabling Guests email for more information.
Guest form fields

You can add custom questions to the Guest form by clicking on + Add field.

For detailed information on adding questions, refer to our article on configuring fields on forms.
Screenshot showing the Add field tab

additionally, after creating fields, you can modify or customize them as well. For a more tailored and effective interaction between guests and hosts, after creating the fields, you have the ability to have questions targeted for specific guests using the Available for box. Follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the available for box.
  2. Select the guests from the list that the question is targeted towards. You can select multiple guests if necessary.
  3. Press End to save changes.

The question will now only appear to those specific selected guests during the form-filling process.

Gif showing setting up guest form questions for specific guests.

How do I request the email of the guest?

The Email address form will not be visible on the Guest form if the Guests email tool is not enabled. You can enable the Guests email tool by completing the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Tools.
  2. Locate the Guests email tool under the Registration section.
  3. Click on the Edit button.
  4. Toggle on the corresponding button to enable the tool.
  5. Click on the End button to finalize.
GIF showing how to enable the Guest email tool

Once you have completed the steps above, the Email address field will be visible in the Guest form.

Settings: How do I define how many guests each participant can bring?

You can define a limit on how many guests your attendees can bring. To do so, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on Guests +1 from the Registration form page.
  2. Click on the Guest Settings tab under Registration form.
  3. Click on Edit.
  4. Enter the maximum number of guests your attendees can bring.
  5. Click on End to finalize.
GIF showing how to define guests limit
Be aware that if you are hosting an online event, and the attendee and their guest will access the Virtual Lobby from different computers, the ideal process would be to perform the common registration without using the guest form. Otherwise, both the attendee and guest will have to be together and use the same device.
Count guests as a registration

By default, guests will not count on the event capacity and invite capacity limits. If this option is enabled, guests will be counted as if they were regular attendees, which means they will be included in the event capacity.

This option can be enabled from the Guests settings for the Guest form.

Count guest as a registration
If the guest is not counted as a registration, it is not possible to use accreditation or access control features for this audience as they are not counted as attendees.

Submissions: Can I see all guest form submissions?

You can see Guest form submissions by navigating to Submissions on the Registration page and clicking on Guests +1. Click on the submission to see the form answers.

Image showing Guest form submissions
Can I generate a guest report?

You can generate a Guest form submission report by clicking on Edit > Report. You will be asked whether you want the report to be generated automatically and periodically every 12 hour, every day, every week, every month or custom setting. If you do not wish to automatically generate report according to any of these plans, select disabled from the list and click on done. A blue notification banner will be displayed at the top of the page. Once the spreadsheet is processed, it will be sent to your e-mail.

Alternatively, you can also click Download on the notification banner. You will then be redirected to the Guests section of the All reports page, from which you can preview and download the spreadsheet.
GIF showing how to download guest form report.

This feature does not allow you to extract guest information such as activities in which they took part from the platform.

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