Registration Form Settings

When using the registration form you can collect important data from the attendees enrolled in the event.

This article intends to explain what each tool of the registration form setting does and how they will, individually or grouped, affect the form. Based on your event's need you can adjust it accordingly.

How can I edit my registration form settings?

You can edit and configure your form's structure by going to Marketing > Registration > Registration Form. Press the Settings button located at the top right corner of the page. You can toggle the tools on and off using the button beside each one of them.

Reg form tools

The settings tools are segmented into three groups:

  • Registration
  • Login
  • Moderation


In the Registration section, you will see the tools below:

General settings
Some tool are incompatible with eachother another, and if enabled simultaneously, will interfere with the expected of one another. To learn more about them, refer to our article Registration Form tools compatibility.

If enabled, a private registration form will be generated for your guests. For further information on Invites, refer to our Invitees article.


If enabled, guests will have to be manually approved in order to join your event. For further information on Waitlists, refer to our Waitlists and approval requirement article.


If enabled, it will provide an RSVP option for your event. For further information on RSVP form, refer to the RSVP Confirmation article.


If you are planning to sell tickets in your event, this feature must be enabled in order to have a Tickets page where you can create and manage the tickets, sales, payment settings and invoices. For further information on Tickets, consult the Ticket management article.

Ticket giveaway

This option should be enabled if you want to allow the attendees to give away their own tickets.

The Tickets tool needs to be enabled first before the Ticket giveaway tool can function.

If Ticket giveaway is enabled, the attendee should see, under My tickets, three dots right by their ticket.

Ticket giveaway

If a participant or administrator gives away their one and only ticket, they will be removed from the event. If ticket requirement is enabled, any event attendee can only be in the event with a ticket linked to the user.
RSVP form

As this feature works alongside the Invite requirement, first the participants need to enter their username or email registered on the platform by the event organizer. Then they can access the RSVP form as shown below. For more information about this Yes or No form, click on RSVPs from your attendees.

The RSVP tool needs to be enabled first before the RSVP form tool can function.
You can change the headings related to RSVP form using the Headings feature. To learn more about this, refer to the Headings article.

RSVPs from your attendees
If the Quick Form is not activated, once the participants answer the RSVP they will be directed to the regular registration form.
Quick form

Similar to the RSVP form, this feature works alongside the Invite Requirement. By activating it, you will allow your guests to enter only their username or email address and automatically finish their registration.

Quick form
Guest form

This feature allows participants to bring a guest for the event. There is no need for the guest to answer the registration form, their information can be entered by the participant.

Guest form
To learn about tools that the Guest form is incompatible with, refer to our article Registration form tools compatibility.
Edits on form

When you enable this feature, it allows editing on form answers after it has been submitted. This action can be done on the My Account area by clicking on the Edit button.

Edits on form
Activities on form

If you wish, you can add an extra step in which participants can enroll in activities during registration. It's advisable to use this feature if you have set a capacity limit for the activities.

Activities on form

If the activity has already reached its full capacity, it will get crossed out on the Registration form:

To set an enrollment capacity limit for your activity, refer to this article.
Get crossed out on the Registration form
Activities that have the Automatic enrollment tool enabled will not appear on the Registration form.

And under My Agenda, the activity will be displayed as Not available:

the activity will be displayed as 'Not Available'
The Activities on form feature will not work if TicketsWaitlist and/or Approval requirement options are enabled. Also, make sure that the Automatic enrollment box is unchecked in the Activity Details tab.
Hotels on form

If you enable this tool, participants will be able to book their hotels on the Registration Form.

They will be able to:

  • Select a hotel
  • Choose a Room Type
  • Add their Check-in and Check-out dates
  • Choose whether they are bringing a guest or not.
Image showing how hotels appear on the registration form

Hotel reservations will then appear in the Hotel management page on the platform for event organizers to see. To learn more about the Hotel management feature, refer to our Hotel management article.

Registration without access

If enabled, users will not see the Go to event! button which gives users access to the event's Virtual Lobby upon registration completion.

Registration without access

Display tickets before identification

If enabled, the order on the Purchase form will change to show the Tickets section before the Identification section.

Below is how the Purchase form looks with the Display tickets before identification option disabled on the left and with it enabled on the right.

Screenshot showing the Purchase form with the Display ticket before identification disabled (left) and enabled (right).

Hide billing section

If enabled, participants will not be able to see the billing data on the Purchase form.

Below is how the Purchase form looks with the Hide billing section option disabled on the left and with it enabled on the right.

Hide Billing section


In the Login section, you will find the tools below:


Allow non-sso login

Allow users to login to event without SSO requirement. Click here for further information.

Mandatory SSO Auth

Users will only be able to log into the event through the single sign-on authentication. Click here for further information.

Auto register with SSO

Allow users who log in using SSO to be automatically registered to your event, even if they were not added to the event's list of attendees. Click here for further information.


In the Moderation section, you will see the tools below:

Moderation section

Ticket Requirement

Define if tickets are a requirement to enroll at this event. When this feature is enabled, only participants holding a ticket will be able to attend the event. This will add some extra steps during the registration process as displayed below:

Ticket Requirement

The Tickets tool needs to be enabled first before the Ticket requirement tool can function.
If you have the Ticket requirement enabled, the Password field will appear as a mandatory field on the purchase form even if you have removed it from the default questions in the Fields section or enabled the password lock.
Approval Requirement

When Approval Requirement is enabled, administrators must approve all attendee enrollment to the event. Once the user completes and submits the registration form, they will be placed on the Waitlist and will need to be approved by the admin to become an attendee.

The Waitlist tool needs to be enabled first before the Approval Requirement tool can function.
When the Ticket requirement tool is enabled alongside Approval requirement, registrants are taken to the Applicants page instead. For more information, refer to our Applicants article.
Invite Requirement

Set that only guests with invites will be allowed to enroll at the event. If manual approval is enabled, guests will also have to be approved in addition to their invitee.

The Invites tool needs to be enabled first before the Invite requirement tool can function.
Invite Requirement

Click here to learn how to add invitees to the platform.

By using the Approved list mechanism, you will be able to allow specific email domains to bypass certain registration form restrictions such as invite requirement, ticket requirement, and approval requirement. Click here for further information.
Waitlist Requirement

When the Waitlist Requirement is enabled, guests are automatically added to the event admission list when it has reached its full capacity, and their enrollment should be manually approved by admins.

The Waitlists tool needs to be enabled first before the Waitlist requirement tool can function.

Static field settings

To access the settings which regulate the registration form default fields, click on Static fields from the left hand menu.

Gif showing how to disable and enable static fields.

  • Autogenerated username: If enabled, the Username field will not be on the registration form as the system will automatically generate a username for the registrant.
  • Salutation lock: Restricts the Salutation field from appearing on the registration form. The Salutation field allows participants filling in the registration form to select the title they are addressed by. This lock is disabled by default and if enabled, the Salutation field will not be displayed on the registration form.
  • Profile lock: Restricts access to all the tools with personal data, such as networking and profile editing. It consequently removes both the Role and Company fields from the registration form. Click here for further information.
  • Password lock: Removes the Password field from the registration form.
  • Telephone lock: Removes the Phone field from the registration form.
  • Website lock: Removes the Website field from the registration form.
  • Role field lock: Removes the Role field from the registration form.
  • Company field lock: Removes the Company field from the registration form.
  • Global fields lock: Removes the Global fields questions from the registration form.
  • Tags lock: Removes the Tags section from the registration form.
  • Profile picture lock: Removes the User picture field from the registration form.
  • Email confirmation lock: Removes the Email confirmation field from the registration form.
  • Disable password confirmation: Removes the Confirm password field from the registration or purchase form.
  • Block assistant email: Removes the Assistant email field from the registration form.
  • Block personal emails: Blocks the use of personal email domains on the registration form.

If the Block personal emails tool is enabled, the following email domains will be disallowed on the registration form. Click the drop-down below to view them:

Blocked personal email domains

When participants try to register with any of the emails listed above, they will receive the following message:

Block personal emails
The Company field lock and Role field lock will be automatically enabled if their default questions are deleted from the Fields tab.

You can see below the registration form fields that will be affected by these settings:

The registration form default fields
Applicants will be able to select a salutation from the pre-set list or add their own.

Are all general settings compatible with each other?

Some registration form settings are incompatible with each other due to conflicting behavior, and therefore should not be enabled together. To learn more about the compatibility of the Registration form tools, refer to this article.

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