Registration Form tools compatibility

Some registration form settings are incompatible with each other due to conflicting behavior, and therefore should not be enabled together in order for each setting to carry out their expected behavior.

Below are some registration form feature incompatibilities:

Registration Form tools

Incompatible tools

Extra information

Ticket giveaway 

Although these features will not display an error message on the platform when enabled alongside Ticket giveaway, they must however be disabled for the Ticket giveaway feature to function as expected.

RSVP form

When RSVP form is enabled, invitees will be immediately added to the Invite list after answering Yes. As such, invitees will not see the Quick form and the Guest form.

Quick form

  • When Quick form is enabled, invitees will be immediately added to the event after entering their email/username. As such, invitees will not see the Guest form.
  • When Quick form is enabled, invitees will be immediately added to the event after entering their email/username. As such, invitees will not see the RSVP Yes/No form.

Guest form

These tools should be disabled before activating Guest form.

Activities on form

These tools should be disabled before activating Activities on form.

Ticket requirement

These tools should be disabled before activating Ticket requirement.

Waitlist requirement

The Ticket requirement tool should be disabled when Waitlist requirement is in use to avoid unexpected behavior after the event has reached its full capacity.

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