Questions - InEvent Webinar
- For admins and/or room hosts
- How do I enable or disable the questions function for the Live Stream?
- How can I see questions that were asked during the Live Stream?
- How can I approve and reject questions asked during the Live Stream?
- How do I publish questions?
- How can I reply to unanswered questions during the live session?
- How do I check-off questions?
- How can I delete questions?
- How do I generate a report of all questions asked in an activity?
Through the Live Stream, attendees can interact with the speakers with direct questions, but filtered by the organization. You can automate their approval, as well as save the questions on the final report of the InEvent Webinar. The most voted questions are selected and can be answered in real-time by the speaker.
For admins and/or room hosts
How do I enable or disable the questions function for the Live Stream?
To enable the questions feature in your event, go to Settings > Tools > click the Edit button in the top right corner. In the Live section, scroll down to Question and toggle the button to green to enable it or toggle it off to grey to disable it.

If you are unable to enable the toggle button, and you see a message informing you the tool is locked globally, you will need to first enable this feature at the company tools.
How can I see questions that were asked during the Live Stream?
In the platform
To access the questions asked during the activities, Click on Interactivity > Questions > click on an activity name and a new window will open to the right side, containing the questions of that activity.

In the Live Stream
The questions will also be visible in the Questions tab in the Live Stream.

How can I approve and reject questions asked during the Live Stream?
Approval of questions can be:
- Automatic: all questions are posted instantly
- Moderated: all questions must be reviewed and approved before being posted.
By default, the automatic approval of attendees' questions on activities will be enabled.
To change this setup, press Settings button and then turn off the Questions of attendees tool, as shown below:

In the platform
By browsing the activity, you can check on attendee questions and moderate them. To moderate the questions, just click on Edit in the top right corner.
It is possible to approve or reject them by using the Yes/No dropdown box in the Approved section.

In the Live Stream
Questions can also be moderated inside the Live Stream it is happening. Once the attendees submit questions, the administrators and room host will see a green button to approve the questions and a x-one to reject them. If the question is approved, it will be visible to all in the room.

Before the question has been approved or rejected, the user who submitted the question will see a message that says Waiting for approval and the question will not be visible to all other users.

How do I publish questions?
- To do so, join the Live Stream and click on the Questions tab. You will see all questions that have been asked by your attendees and the option to Publish them.
- Once you press Publish, you will be asked to confirm the action.
- After pressing Confirm publish, the question and the name of the person asking will be displayed on the live stream.
- If you wish to remove the question from the live stream, press Cancel publish.

How can I reply to unanswered questions during the live session?
Admins, Staff members, Room host, Presenters and Speakers can write replies to unanswered questions. Below you can see how to write a reply, edit or delete the reply.

Attendees can see question replies in real time.
To check that all questions have been given a response, go to Agenda > Questions > click on the activity's name:

How do I check-off questions?
By default, questions are checked off as soon as they are replied; however, you can also check off questions manually. To do so, simply tick the checkbox on the right and the questions will appear to all present in the room as checked-off.

Once the questions are checked-off, they will be displayed at the bottom of the page so questions who haven't been answered can be displayed at the top.
How can I delete questions?
Deleting questions in the platform
To delete a question simply click on Edit and select the question checkbox. Then, click Remove > End.
You can also delete a question by clicking on the Orange bin icon.

Deleting questions in the Live Stream
To delete a question in the Live Stream, press the garbage icon. A pop-up window will ask you to confirm if you would like to permanently delete the questions, you should press Delete.

How do I generate a report of all questions asked in an activity?
To generate a report, select one activity and press Report to export data to a spreadsheet.
When you click the button, a message will appear at the top of the screen, warning you that you will receive the file with the data in your email when the process is complete.

For participants
How can attendees ask questions during the Live Stream?
To ask a question in the Live Stream, join a room and click on the Questions tab on the right hand side.
Then, type your question at the bottom of the page and press the paper plane icon to send the question.

All questions created within the activity will appear in a list. Attendees will be able to vote on the questions they are most interested in by clicking on the Like (heart) icon just below the question.