Set Event Tools

Choose the tools you will be using in each event you are hosting.

Enabling and disabling tools

To access the event tools page, click on Settings > Tools and press Edit. Then, toggle the correspondent switch to enable or disable each feature. Click End to save the changes.

Gif showing how to enable and disable event tools
This article is regarding tools for individual events. To learn about setting the tools for multiple events at the company level, refer to our Company Tools article instead.

Event tools

From the Event tools menu, you can view the categories with their relevant tools. Each category represents a part of the platform and contains the necessary tools to help customize it. You can click on All to see all the available event tools or you can click on a single category from the list: Start, Registration, Live, Compliance, Hospitality, Pass, Support, LogIn, Control, Block and Extra.

Categories of event tools
For further information, refer to InEvent's plan details page.

Searching for tools

You can search for specific tools by clicking on the Search bar on the upper right corner, typing in the tool you are looking for in the Search field, and clicking enter. All the tools that contain the term you have searched will appear.

Image showing the search bar which allows you to search for tools located at the top right corner

Start section

This section contains tools related to the base features in the platform.

Tool name



Create an all-encompassing experience designed for large audiences with a long duration. Events range from Virtual and In-Person to Hybrid experiences. For more information, refer to our article on setting up events.


Create and deploy Webinars in a simple and easy way with our powerful Live Studio. For further information, refer to our Webinar article.

Android / iOS Apps

Publish a powerful native mobile channel for your events apps on Google Play and on the Apple App Store. For more information, refer to our App publishing methods article.

White label

The visual identity of an enterprise or company is essential so it becomes a strong brand. InEvent platform allows the customization of images and colors in order for your company to have all the identity details reflected in the cloud and on the event app. For more information, refer to our article on white labeling your app.

Import / Export

Work with spreadsheets for unlimited imports and exports. You can import or export a spreadsheet that contains various types of information without having to add individual units one at a time. For further information, refer to our article on importing and exporting spreadsheets.

Data Sync

Send various spreadsheets with the attendees' updated data. The updated attendees' information can be sent via the platform during the event. It can be automatically synchronized with the new data and available to the attendees. For further information, refer to our article on synchronizing spreadsheets.

API developers

Accessing the API and its documentation allows any external system (such as your own website or CRM) to connect directly with the InEvent platform performing updates safely and easily. For further information, refer to our article on accessing the InEvent API documentation.

Permission profiles

Permissions are useful when you have external agencies or partners who need to view or control a part of your platform, without having full access to it at the event or company level. For more information, refer to our Permissions profile and company permissions article.

Link tracking

Start your link tracking tool (UTM) with real analytics and track the performance of campaigns and content. For more information, refer to our Link Tracking (UTM) article.


InEvent provides you with a vast array of tools to create your own personalized events. To add additional services, we also have a list of certified partners, experienced in InEvent technologies, to help with hardware, production studios, virtual reality, and much more. For more information, refer to our EventMarket article.


Display the main page to configure the event information, such as location, dates, etc. For more information, refer to our Event Details article.


In this page you can manage the attendee's information, credentials, filter, search, and edit everything needed. For more information, refer to our article on managing attendees.


Create and view attendees notes, logs, RSVPs and confirmations. Notes are only visible to the administrators, attendees will not be able to see them. For more information, refer to our Notes article.


Display a series of content, images, videos, links, information, messages, etc. related to the event. Participants can interact with one another on the feed along with the event organizer by commenting and even sharing posted content. For more information, refer to our News feed article.


Display the calendar with the agenda of the event and its activities. The number of activities is unlimited and you can add in each of the information about location, speakers, sponsors, exclusive materials, and even build content tracks for your participants. For more information, refer to our Agenda management article.


Show the list of speakers on the event. For further information, refer to our Speakers article.


Display the list of sponsors of the event. For further information, refer to our Sponsors article.


Display the list of exhibitors of the event. For further information, refer to our Exhibitors article.


Display the Sponsor Ads of the event at the Virtual Lobby, App and website. For further information, refer to our article on creating sponsor and exhibitor ads.


Allow all files used in the event and its activities to be downloaded. For further information, refer to our Files and documents article.

Photo gallery

Display pictures sent by the participants of the event for a great engagement and interactions between them. For further information, refer to our Photo Gallery article.


Define the order of the tabs, modify their names, their icons and create external URL tabs. For further information, refer to our Tabs article.


Share a dynamic card with your attendee's information. For further information, refer to our Digital Ticket Voucher article.

Random sponsors

Sort sponsors randomly on Virtual Lobby. For further information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.

Random group rooms

Sort group rooms randomly on Virtual Lobby. For further information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.

Activity tile show 'Tracks'

Show Tracks on activity tiles. For further information, refer to our Virtual Lobby layouts article.

Activity tile show 'Location'

Show location on activity tiles. For further information, refer to our Virtual Lobby layouts article.

Activity tile show 'Speakers'

Show speakers on activity tiles. For further information, refer to our Virtual Lobby layouts article.

Sponsor file show 'Description'

Show the mini-bio of Sponsors in the dedicated Sponsor tab in the Virtual Lobby.

Feed's picture in photo gallery

Save and display pictures posted in the news feed into the photo gallery. For more information, refer to our Photo Gallery article.

Allow users download app as PWA

Show option for users to download the web app as PWA (Progressive Web App) on the Virtual Lobby.

Registration section

This section contains tools related to attendee registrations in the platform.

Tool name



Create a customized website for your event in a few minutes, adjusting its layout with event identity design and links such as a registration form and it can be linked to one external website. For further information, refer to our Website article.

Landing page

Use a new modern engine for creating a fully customized website with multiple pages. For further information, refer to our Landing pages: Creating your custom website article.

Code builder

Create customizable event landing pages with custom domains. For further information, refer to our Landing pages: Code builder article.

Registration form

Generate forms with addons to collect data and register new attendees. For further information, refer to our Registration Form article.

Custom forms

Generate custom forms for surveys, feedback and general data collection. For further information, refer to our Custom Forms article.


Create lists to help segment individuals into different schedule, communications and tickets features. For further information, refer to our Lists article.


Creating an Invitation List to your event allows you to invite your target public with no costs. They will be counted as registration credits only after confirming their presence. For further information, refer to our Invitees article.


Approve or decline people who expressed interest to enroll at your event. For further information, refer to our Waitlists and approval requirement article.


With the RSVP option, you will be able to create a simple registration form where your invitees can confirm their presence with just one click. For further information, refer to our RSVP Confirmation article.


Send all your communication emails to people lists. For more information, refer to our Email creator article.


This is a communication feature that allows you to send a text message directly to your attendees' mobile number. For further information, refer to our article on text messages.


Manage tickets, group sales, batches, payment settings and invoices. For more information, refer to our Ticket Management article.


In addition to the networking functionality, you can set up meetings using our self-service booking system. You can request more info, add your inbox, confirm or reject a meeting, add check-in options and assign automatic survey forms. For further information, refer to our Meetings article.


Integrate programs, lists and emails with Marketo. For further information, refer to our Integration with Marketo article.


Integrate Salesforce to import Leads and Contacts. For further information, refer to our Integration with Salesforce article.


Integrate with Cvent to sync invitations and registrations. For further information, refer to our Integration with Cvent article.

Salesforce Chatter

Integrate Salesforce Chatter feed posts. For further information, refer to our Integration with Chatter article.

Microsoft Dynamics

Integrate leads and contacts with Microsoft Dynamics CRM. For further information, refer to our Microsoft Dynamics 365 (MSD) article.


Add support for HubSpot campaigns and contacts. For further information, refer to our Integration with HubSpot article.


Integrate with Authorize.Net easy to use white label payment solution. For further information, refer to our Integration with Authorize.Net article.


Integrate with Stripe easy to use white label payment solution. For further information, refer to our Integration with Stripe article.


Integrate payment with Paypal to sell to customers around the globe. For further information, refer to our Integration with Paypal article.

Integrate payment with to sell to customers around the US.


Register your website with your company information and upcoming events. For further information, refer to our Events & Webinars Directory article.

Assistant email

Send email communications copied cc to your guests assistant. For further information, refer to our Assistant email article.


Manage your registration process flow and sales for attendees. For further information, refer to our Pipeline article.

Ticket transfer

Show an option to transfer ticket, so instead of purchasing only your ticket, you can also purchase for other guests. For further information, refer to our article on transferring tickets.

Email requirement when filling ticket for guests

Allow users to add guests' email addresses when giving away their tickets and filling out the form for guests. For more information, refer to the How do I send a ticket to another person? article.

RSVP form

Create a practical yes or no form to quickly RSVP your attendees. For more information, refer to our Registration Form Settings article.

Quick form

Allow attendees to answer their RSVP and automatically finish their registration. For more information, refer to our Registration Form Settings article.

Guest form

Allow attendees to bring a guest (or multiple guests) to the event. For more information, refer to our Registration Form Settings article.

Edits on form

Allow attendees to edit their registration answers after the form has been sent. For more information, refer to our Registration Form Settings article.

Activities on form

Add an extra step during the registration form to select activities. For more information, refer to our Registration Form Settings article.

Hotels on form

Add an extra step during the registration form to select the hotel. For more information, refer to our Registration Form Settings article.

Registration without access

Disable user event access after registration is complete (only applies to the Registration Form).

Hotel reservation email

Send email to hotel reservations and cancellations automatically.

.ics file on confirmation email

Send a .ics file attached to the confirmation email, so guests can confirm attendance using calendar clients. For further information, refer to our Calendar invites article.

.ics file with activity list

Generated .ics files will contain a list of activities on multiple entries instead of the whole event. For further information, refer to our Calendar invites article.

.ics file on meeting confirmation email

Send a .ics file attached to the meeting confirmation email. For further information, refer to our Meetings article.

Count guests as attendees

Count registration guests as if they were regular attendees. By default guests will not count on the event capacity and invite capacity limits. For more information, refer to our Guest form article.

Guests email

Ask email from guests when enabling the guest form on the registration form. For more information, refer to our Guest form article.

Allows invoice

Allow invoice option during purchase, which send bank, wire or e-check details through the attached invoice. For more information, refer to our Manual invoice payment option article.

Payment type on invoice

Allow user to select the payment type when using the manual invoice option.

Hide sold out tickets

Hide sold out tickets from the Purchase form.

Display tickets before identification

Display the tickets section before the user identification section on the Purchase form.

Hide billing section

Hide the Billing section (billing data will not be available on your Payment Provider).

Live section

This section contains tools related to live streaming and Virtual Lobby features.

Tool name



A list of the attendees who are present in your event will be displayed on the main page of the Virtual Lobby and they will be able to send each other video requests. For more information, refer to our Networking guide for event organizers.


Send feedback for event, activities, and sponsors. For more information, refer to our Feedback article.


Send questions or post live Q&A during activities. For more information, refer to our Questions article.


Send comments, chats or an open forum during activities. For more information, refer to our Comments article.


Answer live polling during activities. For more information, refer to our Polling article.


Answer interactive quizzes with answers during activities. For more information, refer to our Quiz article.


Display the most engaged attendees in the event. For more information, refer to our Live Analytics article.


Engage attendees to complete missions given by the event. For more information, refer to our Gamification article.

Content projection

Create a live engaging experience for your attendees. For more information, refer to our Content Projection article.

Messages scheduling

Schedule all your messages prior to the event commencement. For more information, refer to our Push Notifications article.

Virtual Lobby

A tool that allows your events to happen virtually. An online environment that can broadcast from a large networking event, a single session, or even several simultaneous sessions of individual conversations. For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby article.

Live Studio

Use the Live Studio to produce, display and stream your content to attendees. You can enhance your streaming by adding animations, lower thirds, chyrons, and custom backgrounds to it. For more information, refer to our Live Studio article.

Video Conferencing

Provide the option to connect attendee sessions using real time communication. For more information, refer to our Video Conferencing article.

Video Conferencing PRO

Similar to video conferencing, with a larger room capacity for presenters.

Simulated Live Streaming

Use a pre-recorded video to stream live during the session dates automatically. For more information, refer to our Simulated Live Streaming article.

Speech to Text Transcription

Generate speech to text transcriptions in real time for attendees. For more information, refer to our Live transcription and translation in the Virtual Lobby article.

Audio interpretation

Add audio interpretation channels for your live content. For more information, refer to our Audio interpretation channels article.


Add Interprefy integration for audio interpretation on your live content. For more information, refer to our Audio Interpretation: Interprefy article.

Hive Streaming

Add support for Hive Streaming to your Live Stream video player. For more information, refer to our Hive Streaming Integration article.

RTMP streaming

Integrate with streaming software platforms like OBS, Wirecast or vMix. For more information, refer to our RTMP Streaming article.

Dedicated WebRTC IP

Enables a dedicated IP range for WebRTC video conferencing. For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby article.


Enable dial-in option for speakers on all interactive video modes. For more information, refer to our SIP Dial-in article.

Breakout rooms

Create multiple breakout rooms for your sessions with various topics. For more information, refer to our Breakout Rooms article.

Photo match AI

Match attendees photos with advanced artificial intelligence. For more information, refer to our Photo match AI article.

Large files

Allow admins to upload files larger than 100mb on event materials. For more information, refer to our Files and documents article.

Quick menu

Show a menu of actions for quick access in the event. For more information, refer to our Quick menu article.

Push notification

Send push notification for all available user platforms. For more information, refer to our Push Notifications article.

Room Recording

Allows room recording on event activities. For more information, refer to our Room recording article.

Reverse stream priority

Reverse stream endpoints priority, use endpoint B as the primary endpoint. For more information, refer to our RTMP Streaming article.

Collapse networking area

Collapse Virtual Lobby networking area as part of the top bar. For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.

Hide people count

Hide people count on Virtual Lobby session tiles. For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.

Show end times on activities

Show end times on Virtual Lobby activities tiles. For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.

Virtual background

Enable Virtual Background option for speakers. For more information, refer to our article on virtual backgrounds.

Virtual background upload

Allow Speakers to upload their own Virtual Background.

Local recording

Record locally speakers videos with full quality for post production. For more information, refer to our Room recording article.

Speed Networking timer renew

Allows participants to extend the timer when the session is about to end. For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.

Instant external links

Open Virtual Lobby external links instantaneously.

Group Rooms

Allow group rooms in the Virtual Lobby. For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.


Enable Inbox when Networking is active. For more information, refer to our Networking guide for event organizers.

Sponsors on main page

Displays the sponsors' rooms at the end of the main screen of the Virtual Lobby. For more information, refer to our Sponsors article.

Instant activities enrollment

Removes the confirmation popup when pinning/unpinning activities on My Agenda. For more information, refer to our My Agenda article.

Social streaming on activities

Allows access to social streaming in activities. For more information, refer to our Social media article.

Compliance section

This section contains tools related to compliance in the platform.

Tool name



Extract detailed information across multiple events with clear statistics. For further information, refer to our Live Analytics and Email Analytics articles.


Bring a full printable document of your event summary. For further information, refer to our Briefing Management article.

Attendance tracking

Tracks attendance for CEU credits and attendance certificates. For further information, refer to our Attendance tracking article.

Briefing requests

Request and manage forms to create new events from templates. For further information, refer to our Briefing Management article.

Events calendar

Deliver a featured calendar of your events with filters and management tools. For further information, refer to our Events Calendar article.

Budget control

Serve as a budget control for all the event expenditures. For further information, refer to our Event Budget Management article.

Task management

Create procedures, tasks and to-do lists for your team workforce. For further information, refer to our Task Management article.

Hospitality section

This section contains tools related to the hospitality features in the platform.

Tool name



Share curated information with each attendee. For further information, refer to our Itinerary article.


Contain all information regarding attendee's flights. For further information, refer to our Flight Management article.


Group the attendee's shuttle from airports to venues. For further information, refer to our Shuttles article.

Room list

Select and join attendee's rooms of your hotel event. For further information, refer to our Hotel room selection article.

Hotel management

Hotel management module with booking support. For further information, refer to our Hotel Management article.

Pass section

This section contains tools related to attendee check-in controls for in-person events.

Tool name



Print a full list with all the attendees's badges. For further information, refer to our Accreditation article.

My QR Code

Display the user QR Code to easily show at leads collectors and check-ins. For further information, refer to our Attendee's QR Code article.

My VCard

Display the user Virtual Card to easily share contact information. For further information, refer to our My VCard article.

Access control

Allow precise access as staff scan badges or QR Codes. For further information, refer to our Access Control article.


Check-in guests through our integrated QR Code reader. For further information, refer to our Attendee Check-in Control article.

NFC control

Power NFC to collect data and control access. For further information, refer to our Accreditation & Access Control with NFC article.

Data collector

Collect leads as staff use the QR Code reader to scan badges. For more information, refer to our Data Collector or Leads for sponsors and exhibitors article.

Support section

This section contains tools related to user support in the platform.

Tool name


Email support

Get email support from our customer success reps during business hours. For more information, refer to our Help center: support channels article.

Chat support

Get chat support directly from the platform, with quick replies. For more information, refer to our Help center: support channels article.

Live calls

Get a call from our customer support reps, in real time. For more information, refer to our Help center: support channels article.

Scheduled calls

Book a call with our customer success reps to discuss specific topics. For more information, refer to our Help center: support channels article.

Online training

Get your video and FAQ training online during the length of your contract. For more information, refer to our Help center: support channels article.

Project manager

Get a project manager dedicated to your project implementation. For more information, refer to InEvent's plan details page.

In-person training

Get training in-person during your onboarding initial implementation plan. For more information, refer to our Help center: support channels article.

Login Section

This section contains tools related to the log in process.

Tool name


One time login

Creates a single registration, requesting only the person's name and no password recovery. For further information, refer to our One time login article.

Allow non-sso login

Allows non-SSO login when SSO is enabled and active. For further information, refer to our Single Sign-On article.

Marketo ID Auth

Allows users to sign in using the Marketo ID Auth URL. For more information, refer to our Integration with Marketo article.

Event login page

If enabled, the login page will be active. If disabled, it will automatically open the registration form. For more information, refer to our article on accessing the Virtual Lobby.

Autogenerated username

If enabled, the username field in the registration form will not appear. It will be auto-generated by the system when registering. For more information, refer to our Registration Form article.

Mandatory SSO Auth

If enabled, users can only enroll to the event if they are authenticated through SSO. For further information, refer to our Single Sign-On article.

Auto register with SSO

Users will be automatically enrolled to the event when logging in using SSO.

Control section

For this category, you can enable or disable automatic emails, registration, and interaction tools.

Tool name


Admission email

Allow to send email confirming the person application into the event. More information can be found in our article on automatic emails.

Confirmation email

Allow to send email confirming the person entry into the event. More information can be found in our article on automatic emails.

Cancellation email

Allow to send email confirming the cancellation of the person registration into the event. More information can be found in our article on automatic emails.

Approval email

Allow to send email with the approval for purchase notice for this event. More information can be found in our article on automatic emails.

Rejection email

Allow to send an email with the rejection notice of your event. More information can be found in our article on automatic emails.

Meeting email

Allow to send email confirming a meeting with an attendee. More information can be found in our Meetings article.

Meeting approval

Sends an email requesting a meeting with one or more attendees

Event admin email

Allow to send an email with an easy entry link into the event. More information can be found in our articles on event admin and automatic emails.

Posts from attendees

Automatic approval of attendees posts in the internal event feed. Disable if you want to moderate all attendees' posts in the internal feed of the event. More information can be found in our News feed article.

Posts on social networks

Automatic approval of attendees posts in social networks. Disable if you want to moderate all attendees' posts in the internal feed of the event. More information can be found in our News feed article.

Comments of attendees

Automatic approval of attendees’ comments on activities. Leave it as No if you want to moderate the attendees' comments on the activities. More information can be found in our Comments article.

Questions of attendees

Automatic approval of attendees’ questions on activities. If disabled, all questions submitted by the Attendees are to be approved by the admin/host. More information can be found in our Questions article.

Gamification missions

Automatic confirmation of attendees’ missions at any gamification. More information can be found in our Gamification article.

Any user can upload photos

Define if any user can upload photos to the event gallery. If disabled, only admins and attendees set with 'photographer' permission will be able to upload photos to the event gallery. More information can be found in the Permissions for attendees and Photo gallery articles.

Ticket requirement

Define if tickets are a requirement to enroll at this event. If tickets and invites are disabled, any person will be able to register at the event during valid enrollment dates. More information can be found in our Registration Form Settings article.

Approval requirement

Define if admins must approve attendee enrollment. If tickets are enabled, attendees will be automatically approved once their tickets are purchased and validated. More information can be found in our Registration Form Settings article.

If Tickets are enabled, Attendees will automatically be approved when their tickets are purchased and validated.

Invite requirement

Set that only guests with invites will be allowed to enroll at the event. If manual approval is enabled, guests will also have to be approved in addition to their invite. More information can be found in our Registration Form Settings article.

Waitlist requirement

Define if guests can be added to the event waitlist when it has reached its full capacity. Guests will be automatically added to the event admission list and can be approved by admins. More information can be found in our Registration Form Settings article.

Allows cancellation

Define if guests can cancel their registration in the event. Guests can cancel their registration at the My account page in the attendee center. More information can be found in our Attendee Center article.

Block section

For this category, there are tools that block the attendee from modifying their profile, chats, posting, or editing their agenda.

Tool name


Profile lock

Restricts access to all the tools with personal data, such as networking and profile editing. For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.

Salutation lock

Restricts salutation selection on Registration Form. For more information refer to Registration form settings.

Password lock

Blocks passwords on relevant channels, such as forms, emails, websites, or apps.

Logout lock

Blocks attendees from changing accounts or logging out.

Email lock

Blocks email from attendees in networking interactions. For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.

Telephone lock

Locks the phone of attendees, including calls or messages through WhatsApp.

Website lock

Locks the attendees website in networking and interactions.

Social network lock

Blocks attendees in networking interactions via Facebook.

Social network lock

Blocks attendees in networking interactions via Instagram.

Social network lock

Blocks attendees in networking interactions via LinkedIn.

Social network lock

Blocks attendees in networking interactions via Twitter.

Schedule lock

Disables access to personalize or edit the event's personal agenda. For more information, refer to our article on creating activities with restrictions and choice blocks.

Sharing lock

Blocks attendees from sharing content or event information. For more information, refer to our Content Sharing article.

Favorite lock

Does not allow any favorites to be added by attendees. For more information, refer to our Networking via App article.

Chat lock

Blocks any conversation between attendees. For more information, refer to our Networking via App article.

Role field lock

Disables the Role field on the registration form. For more information, refer to our Registration Form article.

Company field lock

Disables the Company field on the registration form. For more information, refer to our Registration Form article.

Global fields lock

Disabled the use of global fields questions on the registration form. For more information, refer to our Registration Form article.

Tags lock

Disables the tags section on the registration form. For more information, refer to our Registration Form article.

Profile picture lock

Disables the picture section on the registration form. For more information, refer to our Registration Form article.

Email confirmation lock

Disables the Confirm email address field on the registration or purchase form.

Password confirmation lock

Disables the Confirm password field on the registration or purchase form.

Block assistant email

Disables the Assistant email field on the registration form.

Disable global event templates

Disables all global event templates InEvent creates by default. For more information, refer to our Templates article or further information.

Event booking templates lock

Disables Template selection on event booking forms. For more information, refer to our Briefing Management article.

Event booking tags

Disables Tags selection on event booking forms. For more information, refer to our Company tags article.

Event booking region lock

Disables region section on event booking forms.

Event booking admins lock

Disable admin selection on event booking forms.

Full rooms lock

Hide rooms from the agenda when they have no more vacancies. For further information, refer to our Hotel room selection article.

Hide welcome

Hide Virtual Lobby welcome card with description and cover/video. For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.

Hide sponsors logo

Hide sponsors' logo on activity tiles in the Virtual Lobby. For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.

Hide manual ticket invite

Hide option to fill out the ticket invite form on behalf of the guest. For more information, refer to our article on giving away tickets.

Hide hotel booking number

Hide the booking number from attendees on the email confirmation to avoid confusion. For more information, refer to our Hotel Management article.

Block content share

Block content share popup with options besides screen sharing. If enabled, instead of seeing all three screen sharing options, (screen, PDF, video) the presenters will see only the screen option. For further information, refer to our Virtual Lobby Tools article.

Block personal emails

Block the use of personal emails when filling registration forms. For further information, refer to our Registration Form article.

Block content library

Block content library pop-up when sharing a video or a PDF using the Live Studio. For more information, refer to our article on screen and content sharing.

Block emoji

Block emoji sharing in the Virtual Lobby.

Block meetings outside of the event date

In the Virtual Lobby settings, is possible to extend the dates for meetings to be scheduled outside the event date range. By enabling this tool, you will disable Event meeting dates from the settings.

Instant Meeting Lock

Block instant meetings in the Virtual Lobby which makes the video icon disappear from attendees' profiles so they cannot video call each other instantly.

Disable magic links

Disable magic links on emails, .ics files and disables new magic link requests.

Extra section

This category refers to extra features, that can involve tools from the agenda, importing and exporting spreadsheets, access logs, and others.

Tool name


Foreign support

Allows adding custom details relevant to organizations outside the United States.

Foreign support will affect the Address section of the purchase form. We recommend enabling it only if you are based in Brazil and using the Wirecard integration.

Email link tracking

Enables support for link tracking to get click reports on your email analytics. For more information, refer to our Email Analytics article.

Private EventMarket

Only shows private EventMarket listings.

Concurrent schedule

Enable attendees to enroll in activities that occur simultaneously. By default, one person cannot enroll in sessions which dates are overlapping. For more information, refer to our article on creating activities with restrictions and choice blocks.

Multiple rooms

Enable support for an attendee to be hosted at multiple lodgings. When enabled, the mobile app lodging will be disabled due to screen space constraints. For more information, refer to our Hotel room selection article.

Offline notification

Allow attendees to receive offline feedback notifications while using the mobile app. Once enabled it may take up to one week before the tool is disabled on all devices.

Short QR Codes

Create 14 digits number-only QR Codes (this will result in a loss of security). Such a feature is useful for systems that can read short strings only. For further information, refer to our article on QR Code for attendees.

Access control as log

When enabled, access control acts as an access log. This means that it will only validate the QR Code and not the entry status of the participant. For further information, refer to our Access Control article.

Presence swipe control

Control your event and activities attendance using the swipe function on a mobile device. For further information, refer to our Attendee Check-in Control article.

Check-in post NFC

Checks-in person after their badge is printed or their NFC tag is synced. Useful for events that everyone printing badges or syncing NFC are essentially doing their check-in as well.

Excel sheets with activities

Export excel sheets with activities, so you can see a comma-separated list of all the activities an attendee is currently enrolled in. Must have the import/export feature enabled. For further information, refer to our article on importing and exporting spreadsheets.

Two-tab schedule

Enable My Schedule and General Schedule tabs on mobile apps. Labels can be customizable if the custom tabs feature is enabled. For more information, refer to our My Agenda article.

Navigation Mode Selector

Switch between the Navigation Drawer and the Bottom Navigation Bar in the Android app. For more information, refer to our Mobile app: User guide for event organizers artcle.

Date on wallet

Show dates on the Apple Wallet and Google Wallet, available on automated emails sent from the platform.

My Agenda as a list

Show My Agenda session tiles as a list instead of cards. For more information, refer to our My Agenda article.

Permission indicator

Show the permissions of people in an activity in the Chat tab. For more information, refer to our Comments article.

Check device when raising hands

Check media devices when raising hands to verify if user can join the call. For more information, refer to our article on interacting with attendees during virtual activities.

Native websocket

If your audience includes attendees from China, we highly recommend enabling it. For further information, refer to our article on Virtual Lobby Tools.

Accessibility menu

Show the accessibility menu for the control of users. For further information, refer to our Event accessibility article.

Social networks at the event details

Shows social networks so they can be personalized in event details. For further information, refer to our Event details article

You can also access the tools related to a page by clicking on the Settings button of the page. This allows you to view and use the tools directly from there.

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