Attendees guide for Photo Match AI
This article intends to guide attendees on how to make use of the Photo match AI feature in the Web app.
How can attendees use the Photo match AI in the Web App
In order to use the Photo match AI functionality on the web app, attendees will have to upload a profile photo with their face visible so that InEvent can recognize their facial features and match them with the available event photos.
Follow these steps to make use of Photo Match AI:
- Navigate to My photos page in the web app. If attendees have a profile photo, InEvent will automatically match facial features in their profile photo with those in the event photos and display the matching ones. Attendees will be able to view them in the My photos tab.

- If you have no profile picture uploaded, you'll see a prompt to take a selfie. Click the Take selfie button, grant your browser access to your camera, and capture the image. If you want to retake the picture, click Retake selfie. Once satisfied, click Done. The AI will then automatically search the event gallery for pictures in which you appear, matching them to your profile picture.

If your profile picture doesn't match any of the available event photos, you will see the message below:

Can attendees upload photos directly from the Web app?
Yes, attendees can upload photos to the event's photo gallery through the Event Photos or My Photos tab in the web app if they have the Photographer, staff or admin permission, or if the event organizer has enabled the Any user can upload photos tool. In either case, the Add Photo button will be visible in these tabs, as shown below.