Photo Gallery

The photo gallery allows you add photos to your event that attendees can easily access and view through the Virtual Lobby and mobile app at any time.

How do I add photos to my event?

To add photos to your event, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Event > Content > Photo Gallery.
  2. Click on the Add Photo button in the top left corner.
The maximum photo size is 1920x1080 px.
You can select multiple files to be uploaded by holding the Shift key when clicking on the target files in the file selection window.
  1. Press the red folder button to choose the image you wish to upload.
If you have created albums, you will see an additional field, Albums (optional), which allows you select an album you would like to place the image. Refer to this section for more information.
  1. Click on Save in the image box (after making adjustments if needed).
How to add photos to your event

Creating an album

Creating albums lets you categorize and organize your photos, providing a streamlined display in the Event Photos tab of the Virtual Lobby. This feature allows attendees to easily browse through the photos using the created albums. To create an album, follow these steps:

  1. Click +Create album button or the + button.
  2. Enter the album name in the new window that appears.
  3. Click on Create.

Your new album will be displayed in the left-hand menu of the page and also under Settings > Tags > All tags.

Creating an album

Adding photos to an album

To add photos to an album, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the +Add photo button.
  2. Select the desired album using the dropdown under the Album (optional) field.
  3. Press the red folder button to choose the image you wish to upload.
  4. Click Save in the image box (after making adjustments if needed).

The added image will appear in the specified album and also in the All photos field.

Adding a picture to an album

Renaming an album

To rename an existing album, follow the steps below:

  1. Verify the album name you wish to edit.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Tags.
  3. Locate the current album name under All tags.
  4. Click on Edit on the top right corner.
  5. Click on the blue Open tag details button.
  6. Enter the desired album name in the Name field.
  7. Click on End to finish.

Once you have completed the steps above, your album will be renamed.

GIF showing how to rename an album.

Deleting photos

To delete photos from the All photos tab or in a specific album, follow these steps:

Deleting photos from an album will also remove them from the event's photo gallery.
  1. Click on the Edit button on the top right corner of the page.
  2. Check the box(es) on the top left corner of the photo(s) you want to delete.
  3. Press the Remove button on the top right corner of the page. A confirmation box will be displayed.
  4. Click on the red Remove button to confirm the removal of the photo.
  5. Click on End.
Screenshot of  how to delete a photo.
Can I delete all photos in bulk?

To delete all your photos at once, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Edit.
  2. Click the Select all button at the top right corner of the page.
You can click the Unselect all button if you wish to unselect the photos, or simply untick the photos you do not wish to delete.
  1. Next, press the Remove button. A confirmation box will be displayed.
  2. Click the red Remove button to confirm.
  3. Press End.
Deleting photos in mass

Deleting an album

To delete an existing album, follow the steps below:

  1. Delete all existing photos in the album.
  2. Locate the name of the album you wish to delete under All tags.
  3. Click on Edit on the top right corner.
  4. Check the box on the left side of the album name.
  5. Click on Remove on the top right corner of the page.
  6. Click on End to finish.

Once you have completed the steps above, the album will be deleted.

GIF showing how to delete an album.

Filtering photos by users

You can utilize the filter by user feature to specifically locate photos of your attendees where they are featured. Follow these steps:

The profile picture of the user must match the photos in the gallery to filter the photos they appear in.
  1. Click on the drop-down menu under the Filter by user field.
  2. Type the name of the user whose pictures you want to see.
Filtering by user

To clear the filter, simply click on the drop-down again and select No filter.

Adding alt texts to your images

Alt text
Alt text (also known as alt tag or alt description) is the written copy that appears in place of an image on a webpage if the image fails to load on a user's screen. It helps screen-reading tools describe images to visually impaired readers and allows search engines to better crawl and rank your website.

To add an alt text to your uploaded image, simply click on Edit at the top right corner of the page, then write your description in the Alt text box of the selected image. Click on End to save your changes.

Adding alt texts to your images

To automatically transfer photos from the News Feed posts to the Photo Gallery, enable the Feed's pictures in photo gallery tool from Event tools.

Go to Settings > Tools > click on Edit and enable the Feed's pictures in photo gallery tool.

Once the tool is enabled, photos attached to posts in the News Feed will be automatically uploaded to the Photo Gallery.

More information on how to upload posts to the News Feed is available in our News Feed article.
If you disable the Posts from social networks tool, which allows the automatic approval of posts from attendees via the linked social media platforms, and at the same time enable the Feed's pictures in photo gallery tool, any uploaded image from a feed post will not automatically displayed in the Photo gallery. The image will only appear in the Photo gallery once it has been approved by the event admin.
Gif showing how the news feed image appears in Photo gallery

Pictures that are posted in the News Feed before activating the Feed's pictures in photo gallery tool will not be automatically uploaded to the Photo gallery even after activating this tool.


In the Analytics field of the Photo gallery page, you can view the photos that have been reported by clicking on Reported photos. This page will show the list of photos that have been reported by attendees. The dashboard will contain the following information:

  • ID: Identifies the photo with its unique ID.
  • Photo: Displays the reported photo.
  • Person: Displays the name and email address of the attendee who reported the photo.
  • Message: Displays the report message submitted by the attendee.
  • Actions: Includes the Delete photo button for administrators to take action on the reported photo
  • Date: Indicates the date and time the photo was reported.
Dashboard of reported photos

Refer to this section to learn how to report photos.

Deleting reported photos

To delete a reported photo, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Edit.
  2. Press the Delete photo button under the Actions column of the photo you wish to delete. A new window will appear for you to confirm your action.
  3. Optionally, tick the Send a notification to the reporter checkbox if you want the reporter to receive an email about the deleted photo,
  4. Press Delete and the photo will be permanently deleted from the gallery.

Deleting reported photos

Attendees can see event photos from the Virtual Lobby and from the mobile app.

Virtual Lobby

Attendees can see event photos from the Event Photos tab in the Virtual Lobby. The Event Photos tab can be made visible by following the steps below.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Tabs.
  2. Click on the Web app button on the top left corner.
  3. Locate the Event photos tab on the list of tabs.
  4. Click on Edit on the top right corner.
  5. Check the box that corresponds to the Event Photos tab under the Visible column.
  6. Click on End to finalize.
GIF showing how to make the Event photos Virtual Lobby tab visible.

After completing the steps above, your attendees can access the Event Photos tab in the Virtual Lobby to browse through your event's gallery. If you've created albums, attendees will see all the available albums listed under the Filter by album field. By selecting an album, only photos added to the chosen album will be displayed.

Event photos

Additionally, if the Photo match AI tool is enabled, attendees can also browse through the photos they are featured in by accessing My Photos from Event Photos or by accessing the My Photos tab directly, if this has been enabled.

For more information, refer to our Photo match AI article.

How can attendees report a photo?

To report a photo, simply click on the photo you wish to report and press the flag icon at the the top right corner. A new window will appear for you to write your report. Write your report and click on the blue Report button. The event admin will be able to see the reported photo in the backend and take further actions.

Reporting a photo

If the event admin has enabled the Send a notification to the reporter checkbox from the backend when deleting the reported photo, you will receive an email notifying you of the deleted photo:

Email notification for deleted reported photos

Mobile app

The photos of the event will be in the Photo Gallery tab of the app. Press Menu then press Photo Gallery inside the app to view the photos.

Screenshot of Photo Gallery section in InEvent App.

Adding the Event photos tab to the Mobile app

The Event photos tab can be added as a custom tab to the Mobile app by copying the Virtual Lobby link of the Event photos tab and adding it as a Custom tab under Settings > Tabs > Live app.

To learn more about this, refer to this article.

Adding the Event photos tab to the mobile app

Once this tab is created, attendees will be able to access it through the mobile app by navigating to Menu > Event photos (name given to the custom tab).

Event photos in the mobile app

  • Filter photos by album: If albums have been created, attendees can filter photos by albums as explained in this section.
Filtering by albums

  • Report a photo: Attendees can report a photo by clicking on the photo and pressing the flag icon at the top right corner. This will open a new window for them to write the report and submit it by clicking the blue Report button. Refer to this section to learn more.
Reporting a photo
Attendees can also download or share a photo by pressing the related icon after clicking on the photo.

Our Photo Gallery accepts only image files. If you need to insert videos or Gifs, we suggest using posts in the Corporate Feed (Timeline).

The images can be inserted as downloadable materials in the Files folder or inserted as Customizable Tabs.

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