Photo match AI

Using InEvent's facial recognition tool, Photo match AI, your attendees can easily find event photos in which they are featured. It is as easy as uploading event photos to your event, and your attendees can browse through photos they are in from the My Photos tab.

This article will guide you to enable and use the Photo match AI feature at InEvent.

Enabling Photo match AI tool

In order to use the Photo match AI tool, you must first enable it at the Company level and Event level.

The Photo match AI tool is an add-on feature. Contact your account manager for more information on purchasing the upgrade for the Photo match AI tool.

Company level

To enable the Photo match AI tool at the Company level, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to Account > Tools at the Company level.
  2. Locate the Photo match AI tool under the Live section.
  3. Click on Edit on the top right corner.
  4. Check the box that corresponds to the Photo match AI tool.
  5. Click End to finalize.
GIF showing how to enable Photo match AI tool at the Company level.

Event level

To enable the Photo match AI tool at the Event level, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Tools at the Event level.
  2. Locate the Photo match AI tool under the Live section.
  3. Click on Edit on the top right corner.
  4. Check the box that corresponds to the Photo match AI tool.
  5. Click on End to finalize.

GIF showing how to enable Photo match AI tool at the Event level.

Enabling My Photos Virtual Lobby tab

Your attendees can easily browse through photos in which they are featured in the My Photos Virtual Lobby tab.

For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby tabs article.

To enable My Photos tab in the Virtual Lobby, follow the steps below.

This tool is enabled by default.
  1. Navigate to Settings > Tabs at the Event level.
  2. Click on the Web app button on the top left corner.
  3. Locate My Photos tab on the list of tabs.
  4. Click on Edit on the top right corner.
  5. Check the box that corresponds to My Photos tab under the Visible column.
  6. Click on End to finalize.
GIF showing how to enable My Photos Virtual Lobby tab.

After completing the steps above, My Photos tab will be displayed in the Virtual Lobby. Additionally, if the Event photos Virtual Lobby tab is made visible, attendees will also be able to access My Photos from Event photos tab.

Uploading event photos

InEvent's Photo match AI matches photos uploaded to your event's Photo Gallery with your attendees profile photos. For complete instructions on uploading event photos, refer to our Photo Gallery article.

Using the Photo match AI functionality in the Virtual Lobby

In order to use the Photo match AI functionality on the Virtual Lobby, attendees will have to upload a profile photo with their face visible so that InEvent can recognize their facial features and match them with the available event photos.

Attendees can upload their profile photo from the My Account tab in the Attendee Center.

When attendees go to My Photos tab, InEvent will automatically match the facial features in their profile photo with those in the event photos and display the matching ones.

If the Event Photos tab is enabled, attendees can also browse through all event photos from the My Photos tab by clicking on Event Photos.
GIF showing how to access My Photos in the Virtual Lobby,

If you have no profile picture uploaded, you'll see a prompt to take a selfie. Click the Take selfie button, grant your browser access to your camera, and capture the image. If you want to retake the picture, click Retake selfie. Once satisfied, click Done. The AI will then automatically search the event gallery for pictures in which you appear, matching them to your profile picture.

It's important to note that once you've taken a selfie, it automatically becomes your profile picture.
Uploading a selfie

If your profile picture doesn't match any of the available event photos, you will see the message below:

My Photos tab

To send dynamic link to attendees, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Marketing > Communication > Email creator and create an email.
     My Photos dynamic link can also be added to Automatic emails.
  2. Click on Dynamic links and select My Photos.
  3. Select your target attendees.
  4. Review and send.
Gif showing how to send dynamic link directly to attendees via Email

Your attendees will receive an email containing a link, which will redirect them to the My Photos tab in the Virtual Lobby when clicked on.

Image showing email attendees receive after dynamic link of My photos is sent to them.

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