Event map

The event map is a valuable feature designed to enhance the experience of your participants or guests by offering them a precise visual representation of the event's location. This tool presents a customizable map that allows you to define the specific area relevant to your event. Additionally, it provides a selection of icons strategically placed on the map, serving as effective guides for navigating and locating different aspects of your event's setup.

This feature is available in the V&H Pro and V&H Full plans.

Enabling the Event map tool

Before starting to create and configure your Event map, the tool must first be enabled. To enable the Event map tool, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Tools from the Event level.
  2. Press the Edit button on the top right corner of the page.
  3. Locate the Live section.
  4. Enable Event map using the corresponding toggle.
  5. Press the End button to save your changes.
Image showing the Event map tool in Settings > Tools page. To activate it, tick the checkbox next to it

Once you refresh the page, you will be able to click on the Event Map tab in the drop down menu of the Event section.

Defining the event address

Start by defining your event location address under Event > Details. Here, you can add venue name, address, city, and state information.

For complete information on defining an event's address, refer to our Event details article.
Gif showing how to set up the  map in the Details page

Creating the event map

After defining your event address, navigate to Event > Event map. Then, click on Create Map.

Image showing the event map page tab

The New Map pop-up window will be displayed, in which you can add your Event Map Name, Location, and Description.

You will also be able to contour the exact area of your location by clicking on the Draw boundary button. Click to create the dot on the first corner of the area you wish to enclose, and then click again to create another dot in the opposite corner, a line will automatically link both dots. Once you have created as many dots as necessary, you can drag the dot to improve the shape. To finalize the boundaries, click on Lock position.

After adding all of the details, click on Save, and the event map will be created.

Gif showing how to add the location to the map and contour the exact area

Editing the Event map

After creating your Event map, you can edit its description and populate the map with floors, areas, structures, and more.

You can edit the description box of the event map by clicking on See details and the event map itself by clicking on the blue Edit button in order to customize the map with structures and places of interest.

Editing the description

To edit the description box of the event map, click on See details.

You will be able to modify the description content, add bullet points, add a link, add media and insert source code.

Gif showing how to edit the event map

Populating the event map

To start populating your event, click on the blue Edit Map button. You will be directed to the map editor, where you can populate the map with Floors, Areas, Structures, Places of Interest, and Groups.

Screenshot showing the map editor
Map options

On top part of the map editor, you will find several map options to assist you when editing your map. The available map options are as follows.

  • Map on/off: This utility allows you to display or hide the location map underneath your event map layer.
Gif showing how to turn Map On/Off
  • Grid on/off: This utility allows you to choose to display or hide grids over the event map.
An alert notification appears once you switch the grid on or off to inform you that this can affect the performance of the map.
  • Grid Opacity: This utility allows you to define the grid opacity.
  • Grid color: This utility allows you to use the color picker to define the color of grid lines.
Gif showing the grid control options on the map
  • Zoom: This utility allows you to zoom in (+)or out (-) when editing your map.
Image showing how to zoom in and out

You can add a floor by clicking on the Floors tab and clicking on the + sign. Then, enter a name of the floor. After adding it, you will be able to populate the floor with Areas, Structures, and Places of Interest.

When adding a new floor, Elevators that have been added in the default ground floor will be automatically added to the next floors.
Gif showing how to add a floor in the event map

To edit or delete a floor, click on the pen icon in the floor tab and you will be able to edit the name. You will also be able to remove the floor by clicking on Remove.

Gif showing how to delete a floor

Areas allow you to add defined places such as exhibitors or sponsors. You can add a customized area by clicking on the Area drop down and dragging one of the two square areas provided.

Furthermore, you can assign a Group for the area, Area name, adjust Area size, Pick a color, Upload image and add a Description. If you click on the newly created area icon, whether using the circle under Created areas or the square in the map, the edit window will open and you can make further edits to the area.

To delete an Area, Structure or Place of interest, click on the icon on the map that you want to delete or you can click on the circle beneath Created Areas, Created Structures or Created places of the place you want to delete, which will trigger a pop-up window. Click on the Delete button within it to delete the icon.

Gif showing how to add a customized area on the event map


Using Structures, you can place building facilities on your event map, place such as restrooms, elevators, stairs, and exits. To add them to your map, drag and drop the icons in the desired position.

Furthermore, you can assign a Group for the structure, Structure name, Area size, and modify its icon properties or assign a new image for the structure. You can also add a description for the structure. You can add the Area Name, specify Area size, Pick a color for the area, Upload an image for the area, as well as add a Description.

You can also resize the Area size by directly clicking and dragging the boxes around the icon.
Gif showing how to add structures

For a more detailed description, you can also add Corridors.

Be aware that you can only create corridors after adding a main entrance.

To add Corridors, click on + Create corridors and click next on the icon that is in close proximity to where you want to create a corridor. Then, click on the location where you want the corridor to connect to. This way, a line will automatically connect the two points. Once you are done creating the desired Corridors, press Enter on your keyboard to cancel the editor.

Gif showing how to create corridors

To remove a Corridor, click on the + Create corridor button, then select the part of the corridor you wish to delete. Press Delete on your keyboard. Then, click on the Cancel corridors editor to finalize your changes.

Removing a corridor
Places of Interest

Places of interest are places like food areas, information desks and ticket purchase offices.

To add a Place of Interest, click on the Places of Interest section and click on + New place of interest. After doing so, you can assign a Group for the Place of Interest, Point Name, Pick a color, and add a Description for the point.

Click on the place in the map you want the place of interest to appear and it will appear there as shown below.

Gif showing how to add a place of interest on the event map

The Groups functionality allows you to categorize Areas, Structures, and Places of Interest for convenient navigation. For example, you can group accessibility-related structures together, or group structures related to specific purposes.

To create a Group, click on the Groups menu and click on +. In the Group Name pop-up box, enter the desired group name and click on Save.

GIF showing how to create a new group

After doing so, you can add Areas, Structures, and Places of Interest to the group by clicking on the target icon and selecting the target group using the Select a group drop-down menu.

Screenshot showing how to assign a structure to a group

Setting the event map as visible

For the event map to be visible by attendees in the Virtual Lobby, it needs to be set to Visible. To do so, simply check the Visible box on the top right corner of the map.

An event may only have one visible event map.
Also ensure to enable the Event Map tab on the Virtual Lobby.
Screenshot showing the Visible checkbox

Removing the event map

To remove an existing map, click on See details. Then, click on Remove, and a confirmation pop-up box will be displayed. Click on Delete to confirm. After doing so, your event map will be removed from your event.

Gif showing how to remove the event map

Enabling the Event map tab on the Virtual Lobby

For the Event map to be visible to attendees, ensure that the Event Map tab is enabled within Tabs. To do so, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Tabs.
  2. Click on Web app.
  3. Click on Edit.
  4. Locate the Event Map entry.
  5. Check the box under the Visible box for the Event Map entry.
  6. Save your changes by clicking the End button.
Image showing the Event map tab on Web app

After completing the steps above, the Event Map tab will be visible on the Virtual Lobby menu.

Image showing the map tab which appears after it has been enabled from Settings>Tabs

The map will then be available for attendees to see when they click on the Event Map tab:

image showing event map

The map will display differently depending on the template mode set, whether you have selected Normal, Light or Dark. You can change the mode by navigating to Event > Virtual Lobby and selecting the desired mode from the Change template mode dropdown menu. To learn more on how to change template modes, refer to the Virtual Lobby article.

For a visual representation of how the map appears when the Light and Dark modes are enabled, see images below:

  • When Light mode is enabled, the map will appear as shown below:
Image showing how the event map looks like when the light mode is enabled

  • When Dark mode is enabled, the map will appear as shown below:
How the event map looks like when dark mode is enabled

Event map experience on the Virtual Lobby

Attendees can access the event map by navigating to the Event Map tab on the Virtual Lobby, provided that the tab is enabled and made visible.

Screenshot showing the Event map on the Virtual Lobby.

Attendees can click on the structures listed on the left menu, or on the icons to see further details about each structure, such as its description and image.

Grouped structures will be listed under their respective groups. Ungrouped structures will be displayed under Others.

Attendees can click on the How to get there button to receive directions for each structure. They can also search for structures related to Places, Exhibitors, or Sponsors using the search bar. In addition, they can switch between floor views using the floor selector on to top right corner.

Allowing use of location services on your device will provide you with directions to the event's location from your current position, guiding you along the most optimal route.
GIF showing the Event map on the Virtual Lobby

Adding favorites on the map

Attendees can add Places of Interests and Areas as favorites, allowing them to easily select them from the Favorites list that will be automatically created once you add any of these to favorites.

To add a Place of Interest or Area as a favorite, click on the star next to the corresponding field. The star icon will turn yellow once clicked, indicating that the place has been successfully added as a favorite.

Structures (elevators, stairs, bathrooms, exits) cannot be added as favorites.

Attendees can also search for their favorite Places of Interests and Areas in the search bar, and the results will be displayed under Favorites.

Gif showing how users can add favorites to the map

To remove a Place of Interest or Area from the favorite list, click on the star icon. The entry will be removed from Favorites, and will again be displayed under its original group.

Favorites will also be removed from the menu if there is no Places of Interest or Area in the list.
Gif showing users how to undo favourites

In addition, the interface of the Event Map tab will be displayed following the Virtual Lobby's selected template mode. Below is a screenshot of the Event Map tab when Normal/Light mode is selected, as well as when Dark mode is selected.

For more information, refer to our Virtual Lobby article.
Screenshot showing the map on Normal/Light mode and Dark mode.

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