Setting up your events

To have the best experience possible with InEvent, it's important to make sure that all settings have been done correctly in your event, according to your needs. You can follow this guide to help you get started on creating your event!

Creating an event

The first step is to create an event. To do so, on your company level, select Events on the left bar menu, and then click on + New Event.

Choose a name for your event, and you can also choose a template for it as well. To learn more about templates, click here.

When you're done, click on Create.

You can also add custom fields to your event, to learn more about this, refer to the Event custom fields article.
Screenshot of how to create an event

Configuring Additional Settings

When creating the event, you also have the option to configure certain aspects immediately by selecting Show Additional Settings from the dialogue box. This allows you to set up important elements such as:

  1. Basic information: Here you can set up your event name, select an event template, set event location and address, and set event start and end dates to ensure your event is scheduled correctly.
  2. Privacy details: Choose whether your event is public or private, enable or disable the searchable event option, and select the event mode (Virtual, Hybrid, or In-Person). You can also define the type of event as Invite Only, Free Event, or Paid Event.
  3. Event cover: Upload a cover image to visually represent your event.
  4. Website templates: Select a website template to create a branded event page.
additional settings
You can choose to skip the additional settings and proceed directly with event creation. If needed, you can configure your event later by navigating to Event > Details in the platform.

Before starting to add any content or information to your event, it's important to check and adjust the Tools available for your event. To do do, go to Settings > Tools.

Here you have some pre-defined tools according to your plan, and these can be disabled if you wish. However, some features can be enabled regardless of the chosen plan. Most of these are under the Control, Block, and Extra sections. To learn more about this, refer to the Set Event Tools article.

With that done, you can now start setting up your event!

  1. Event Details

On the details page, you'll be able to configure the basic information on your events, such as a cover banner, end and start date, event privacy and mode, etc.

If no date is set at the time of creation, the event will automatically be scheduled for the current day + 14 days. Additionally, the event must have a minimum duration of 15 minutes and cannot exceed 365 days.

To check out all topics covered here, please review the Event Details article.

event details page
  1. Sponsors, Exhibitors, Speakers, Content

With details set up, you can start adding the basic information to your event. It's important to have this as one of your first steps to ensure that everything on the event's structure is ready before people have access to it.

This step is made up of 4 different elements:

How to access speakers, sponsors and content

  • Event > Exhibitors: Add companies that are exhibiting at your event. On the Exhibitors page, you can set contact information, allow a virtual room (if your event is online), as well as create ads for them.
Check out the Exhibitors article for more information.
  • Event > Sponsors: Add companies that are funding your event. On the Sponsors page, you can set contact information, give them a virtual room (if your event is online), as well as create ads for them.
Check out the Sponsors article for more information.
  • Event > Speakers: enter information on who's speaking at your event.
Check the Speakers article to understand and learn more about what's needed to add speakers to your event.
  • Event > Content: This area of the event is divided into 4 subareas.
content menu

Please click on each heading to navigate to the relevant FAQ:

  • Feed - A way of interacting with attendees with posts or by linking your social media accounts.
  • Files - Place where you can upload files relevant to your event.
  • Photo Gallery - Area to post photos related to the event
  • Feedback - Place to create a feedback form related to the event as a whole

  1. Activities

On Agenda > Activities, you'll be able to add sessions to your event. These sessions can be both online or not, and online sessions can be configured to be as live-stream, pre-recorded content or even integrate with 3rd party applications.

Check out the Activities article to learn more about this and how to go about each step in setting them up.

  1. Interactions

Now it's time to set up all features that include any type of interaction with your participants. That can be in the form of:

  • Polling - Participants can answer polls in live sessions.
  • Quiz: Participants can answer quizzes in live sessions
  • Questions - People can send out questions in the Question tab in live sessions.
  • Comments - Participants can send out comments with speakers and also interact with one another in the Chat tab in live sessions.
  • Gamification - A way of stimulating and engaging your participants in your event.
  1. Virtual Lobby

If you are hosting a virtual or hybrid event, you should go to Event > Virtual Lobby to set up your preferences regarding room access, welcome card, networking, interactions among other options.

Screenshot showing how to navigate to the Virtual Lobby menu
Click here for further information on how to set up your virtual event.

  1. Customization

With all the basic structure done, it's time to start customizing your event. This can be done through Tabs, Tags and Tracks, and Headings.

Screenshot showing how to navigate to the Tabs, Tags, and Tracks menu

Please check each of the following bullet points to go to the respective FAQ:

  • Tabs - A place to change and customize the tabs that appear on both your mobile App and online Virtual Lobby.
  • Event Tags and Tracks - These are a way of organizing your event, and can be applicable to Speakers, Sponsors, Activities, and Attendees.
  • Headings - On the Headings page you'll be able to change default texts and messages that are shown throughout your event.

Besides those customization features, there's a way of changing and making direct appearance changes on the Virtual Lobby (on available layouts, background images, and default font, for example). To do so, you'll have to go to Event > Virtual Lobby.

To learn more about how to customize the Virtual Lobby to your liking, check its FAQ article out by clicking here: Virtual Lobby
There are some visual customizations available for the Virtual Lobby by alterations in the CSS code. To learn more about this, click here: Custom CSS for Attendee Center

  1. Communication

    At this point, it is crucial to check out your confirmation automatic email before adding any attendees to the platform. That is due to the fact that since the confirmation emails are triggered automatically once an attendee is added to the event, it is imperative to have that email set up according to your needs and match up with the event's branding and aesthetic.
    It's a good idea to also learn other ways of communication with the audience, via Custom forms, Push messages, and SMS sender.
  2. Registration

It's important to set up the registration form at this point. Click here to check which plans include Registration features.

To access your registration form, go to Marketing > Registration > Registration Form. Here, you'll be able to add/delete questions, check the answers, and share your form.

Screenshot showing how to navigate to the Registration form page

At this stage, you'll also be able to set up tickets for your event if it's ticketed.

Let's take a look at the related FAQs about Registration Form & Ticket Management, Link tracking.

  1. Website

Create a custom website for your event where users can see details of the event and also register via the website. You can create a website using the Website tool or you can create your website with the Landing page feature.

You can add event information such as: event schedule , speakers , sponsor, map integrated with Google Maps to get to the venue and photos of the event .

  1. People

With all other steps concluded, it's finally time to start adding people to the platform. That can be through either the Registration Form, where people enroll themselves, or by the event hosts manually adding people to the participants' list.

Depending on the settings of the event, the participants could be added to the platform as Attendees, Invitees, and Leads.

There is also a possibility to directly add users to the Waitlist and Lists, for more information about the Waitlist click here, and for the List here.

Check out the Attendees List article to learn more.
  1. Dry run

To avoid possible points of failure on the day of your event, have your speakers, room hosts and administrators run through their permissions and presentations ahead of time as much as possible.

Test equipment and internet connection speeds, and identify solutions and backup plans.

If you are facing minor inconveniences, make sure to check if you are using a compatible browser, if you are meeting the minimal technical requirements and if your settings are correctly set. Click here to access our troubleshooting guide.

And just like that, you're done! You are all set up and ready to have an innovative experience with your online events! Don't forget to after it's done go and check the Analytics to see how has your event performed in regards to attendance, engagement, and much more!

To learn more about Analytics, which data is available, and how to get reports on it click here: Live Analytics and Virtual Lobby Analytics

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