
There are a lot of good reasons why you should have attendees give their feedbacks after the event. Feedbacks are important in learning what improvements can be done for future events, and showing the attendees that you are approachable, also that you are respectful and considerate of their inputs.

There are four types of surveys that can be conducted in your event:

  1. Event feedback: Every attendee is able to evaluate the event.
  2. Activity feedback: Only attendees enrolled in that activity can answer the survey.
  3. Sponsor rooms feedback: Attendees who visit sponsor rooms can answer the survey.
  4. Exhibitor feedback: Attendees who visit exhibitor room can answer survey.

You will be able to control and view attendees' responses in real-time.

How do I enable the feedback feature?

To enable the feedback tool, click on Settings > Tools. On the left side you can view all the event tools categories/tabs. To enable the feedback feature, click the Live tab, press Edit on the top right corner of platform and toggle the button to turn it green. Press End to save changes. The status will display as Yes once the feature is enabled.

Gif showing how to enable the feedback tool at the event level

If you are unable to enable the toggle button, and you see a message informing you the tool is locked globally, you will need to first enable this feature at the company tools. To do this go to the company level > Account > Tools. Then, click the Live tab, press Edit, and make sure the Feedback toggle button is enabled. The status will display as Yes once the feature is enabled. Press End to save the changes.

Gif showing how to enable feedback tool at the company level

How do I create a feedback survey?

Event feedback

To create a feedback survey that will be available in the mobile app and in the Virtual Lobby, go to Event > Content > Feedback. Then click on +Add field, enter your field title, choose answer type and select a parent field if needed. Click on Create to end.

Gif of how to create event feedback

Activity feedback

To add a feedback form to a particular activity, go to Agenda > Feedback > and select the activity.

Then, click on + Add field in the upper left corner and enter the Field title. Next, choose the answer type and press Create.

How to create feedback surveys for activities
Adding the fields to other activities

It is also possible to add a feedback field from one activity directly to the other ones by following these steps:

  1. On this same page, click on the field you wish to be copied and press Edit
  2. Scroll down until you see Add to another activity, enable this box
  3. Select the activities you wish this field to be added
  4. Press End to save the changes
Adding questions to multiple Activities

Creating multiple fields

You can create multiple fields for each of the event activities. The number of fields within an activity appears in the field row to the right, as shown below.

Number of questions per activity

You can create feedback forms that will pop up when users leave the sponsor room so they can rate their experience. Follow these steps to set it up:

  1. Go to Event > Sponsor and select the sponsor.
  2. Press Edit and scroll down till you see See Feedback.
  3. Click on See Feedback and you will be taken to a new page.
  4. Click on +Add field button.
  5. Enter the feedback question in the Field title and choose an answer type.
  6. Click on Create.
gif showing how to create feedback for sponsor rooms
Ensure that the checkbox Ask for feedback when leaving is enabled to activate the visibility of the feedback form. By default, it is always enabled.

Exhibitor feedback

You can create feedback forms that will pop up when users leave the exhibitor room so they can rate their experience. Follow these steps to set it up:

  1. Go to Event > Exhibitor and select the exhibitor.
  2. Press Edit and scroll down till you see See Feedback.
  3. Click on See Feedback and you will be taken to a new page.
  4. Click on +Add field button.
  5. Enter the feedback question in the Field title and choose an answer type.
  6. Click on Create.
Ensure that the checkbox Ask for feedback when leaving is enabled to activate the visibility of the feedback form. By default, it is always enabled.
gif showing how to create feedback for exhibitor rooms

How do I configure the fields on the form?

To learn how to add new fields as well as how to set up the answer types, click here.

To learn how to add conditional fields, click here.

How can I preview the feedback form?

To preview the activity, sponsor or exhibitor's feedback form, click on the Preview button on the submenu.

Previewing a feedback form

There is no preview button for the event feedback at the backend. To check how the feedback form will look like, you can go to the Virtual Lobby and open in a separate tab. You can also get the URL of the page and share it with your attendees via email or social media.

How can I send notifications asking the attendees to answer the feedback surveys?

In the app

At the end of an activity, Attendees will see a notification in the Alerts section of the app. It is also possible to manually send a push notification informing the attendees about the feedback survey.

You can send a notification every 10 minutes for participants to complete the survey.

To send a feedback notification to attendees, go to Agenda > Feedback. Select your activity of choice and click on Send notification at the upper-left side of your screen.

screenshot feedback > send notification

When sending a push message of up to 140 characters, do not use special characters such as quotation, apostrophe, backslash and line break.

In the Virtual Lobby

During an activity

Admins, room hosts, and staff can trigger a feedback pop-up during an activity by clicking on the Feedback pop-up button at the top of the activity room. Attendees will receive the pop-up immediately.

You can only see the feedback pop-up button after creating a feedback form in the activity as demonstrated in the Activity feedback section of this article.

Feedback pop-up during an activity
After an activity

For a feedback form to pop up after an activity, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Agenda > Activities.
  2. Select an activity and click on the Edit button.
  3. Scroll down until you see Ask for feedback when leaving checkbox.
  4. Enable this option by ticking the checkbox.
  5. Press End to save your changes.
Gif on how to enable the option to ask for feedback when leaving

By default, the pop-up title will be Rate your experience.

Feedback form popup

You can customize the pop-up title to a title of your choice by adding a new title under the Pop-up title field which appears when you enable Ask for feedback.

Pop-up title

If you wish to use an external platform to collect feedback, you can enable the Custom feedback option. To do so, tick the checkbox and a Pen/pad icon will be displayed for you. Click on it to type a message with the link to the external feedback form.

Custom feedback

This is what the feedback pop-up will look like with Custom feedback enabled:

Custom feedback

When attendees click on the link, they will be directed to the external page to answer the feedback form.

How can attendees answer feedback surveys?

Click here to learn how the attendees can give their feedback on your event.

Submissions and reports

Event feedback

To view responses to the event feedback form, you will click on Event > Content > Feedback > Submissions. You will see the details of the attendees who have responded to the feedback. Click on an attendee to view their response. To extract the answers, click the Report button.

Event feedback subsmissions

Activity feedback

To view the submissions to an activity's feedback form, you will click Agenda > Feedback > select the activity and click on Submissions. You will see the details of the attendees who have responded to the feedback. Click on an attendee to view their response. To extract the answers, click the Report button.

reporting submissions - activities

To view submissions for the sponsor feedback form, navigate to Event > Sponsors. Select the sponsor, click on Edit, and scroll down to locate See Feedback. Click on See Feedback, which will open a new tab. In this new tab, click on the Submissions field to see attendees who have responded to the feedback. Click on an attendee to view their response. To extract the answers, click the Report button.

sponsor feedback submissions

Exhibitor feedback

To view submissions for the exhibitor feedback form, navigate to Event > Exhibitor. Select the exhibitor, click on Edit, and scroll down to locate See Feedback. Click on See Feedback, which will open a new tab. In this new tab, click on the Submissions field to see attendees who have responded to the feedback. Click on an attendee to view their response. To extract the answers, click the Report button.

Exhibitor feedback submissions

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