WebRTC Service Provider

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is an open-source project that enables peer-to-peer communication between browsers. In other words, WebRTC allows you to exchange any kind of media (such as video, audio and data) through the web without any required plugin or framework.

Direct communication between browsers improves performance and reduces latency since clients do not necessarily need to keep sending and receiving messages through a server.

WebRTC Providers

InEvent offers Vonage (TokBox) WebRTC, Azure Communications Services (Microsoft Teams), and AWS Chime as WebRTC providers. To select a provider, navigate to Event > Virtual Lobby > Tools. Then, click on the WebRTC Provider drop-down menu and choose your desired provider.

These providers are available to all users.
WebRTC providers

WebRTC Specifications

Check below the specifications for WebRTC connectivity:

  • Maximum resolution 1080p
  • Recommended resolution 720p
  • Video bitrate 5000bit
  • Video adaptive bitrate
  • No video degradation
  • Recommended 4 Mbit for uploads
WebRTC does not support the use of 4K video quality.

Firewall configuration

If the virtual room stays in a connecting state, or you cannot join a session due to a network error, it could mean that your network is blocking our IP addresses through a firewall, gateway, or VPN.

If you or your company use a firewall whitelist to restrict network access to only certain websites or software. In that case, you can use the information below to ensure your service can connect.

Tokbox and ACS services require access to specific ports, click here to check the requirements that must be met for Tokbox and here for ACS.

You can always test if your connection is going through by running a system check.

Choosing the streaming protocol

Streaming protocol
A streaming protocol is a standardized method of delivering multimedia, usually video and/or audio, over the internet. Selecting the right protocol starts with defining what you’re trying to achieve. Latency, playback compatibility, and viewing experience can all be impacted. 

You don't necessarily need to use WebRTC. There are other streaming protocol options.

Click here for further information about the room video modes offered by InEvent.

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