How do I send a ticket to another person?

As an event attendee, you can either send your extra tickets to another person or give away your own ticket.

How do I send my extra tickets to another person?

If you have multiple tickets, you can send any of the free tickets to other people.

Sending tickets to guests

Sending the ticket invite form to guests
  1. Go to My tickets tab in the Virtual Lobby.
  2. You will see the page shown below with a complete view of all your tickets, and you can group by tickets or by payment:
How do I send a ticket to another person?
  1. Choose the ticket you want to send to someone else and click on Send invite. A window will open for you to add the invitee’s name and email address, then, press Send.
how to send tickets part 2
  1. The guest will receive an email with the invitation, and they will have to fill in the registration form to be registered in the event.
Filling the ticket invite form for your guest

You have the option to fill the registration form for for your guests after pressing the Send invite button associated with the ticket you wish to give away.

  1. Enter the name of the guest and email address in the respective fields.
If the event admin has disabled the tool Email requirement when filling tickets for guests you will be able to fill out the form for your guests without filling the Email field.
  1. Click on the Fill in now for your guest button.
  2. You will be redirected to the Registration form page to fill the form on behalf of the guest.
Only guests whose emails are provided will receive a confirmation email after filling the form.
Filling a ticket form for guests

If Invite requirement is enabled, guests will receive an invitation email, but will not have access to the registration form in the email, only people in the Invite list can have access to the registration form. To allow guests access the registration form, Invite requirement should be disabled.

How do I give away my own ticket?

If you want to send your own ticket to someone else, click on the 3 dots next to the ticket and press Giveaway ticket. Your ticket will turn gray and you will be able to send it.

how to give tickets away
You will only be able to give away your ticket if the event organizer has enabled ticket give away on the registration form settings.
If you give out your only ticket, you will be disenrolled from the event once the guest accepts the ticket.

Sending a ticket to an already enrolled attendee

  1. Go to My tickets tab in the Virtual Lobby.
  2. You will see the page shown below with a complete view of all your tickets.
  3. Choose the ticket you wish to send to the attendee.
  4. If you decide to generate a link and fill out the form on behalf of the invitee, you will encounter a block message stating that the form must be accessed through the link sent via email to the invited person. This is to prevent any potential issues with the event tickets.
  5. The invited person will see this disclaimer and a button “Accept Invite” as they are already registered and don’t need to fill out the form again.

How do I send multiple tickets?

In case the participants want, they can fill out a group of tickets making a copy & paste on the screen of available tickets they have.

  1. To do so, select the option Group by tickets on the top right corner and click on Send all tickets.
  2. After completing this step, a screen with the fields Name and Email will appear. Copy this info from the previous file and paste it on the first field Name. After filling out this info, click on Send.
How do I give away multiple tickets?
 The copy & paste only works with the first field (Name). If you try to paste from the second field, the platform will not recognize the information.

Can I cancel an invite?

It is possible to resend or cancel the ticket that hasn't been accepted by clicking on one of the buttons shown below.

When you cancel the invite, the person will receive an email stating that the invite has been canceled. The cancellation is only possible if the invitee hasn’t confirmed.

Screenshot of the waiting for acceptance ticket.

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