Email logs

Monitor the emails sent to your attendees through the InEvent platform with our email logging function.

How do I access the email logs?

To access the email logs press Marketing > Communication > Email logs.

Email logs

You will then see a page that informs you about your email quota, as well as a list of all emails that have been sent out. Besides that, you will be able to view email analytics and generate reports.

Email quota

Your email quota will show you how many emails you have sent out and how many emails are included in your contract.

In the example below, the customer has already sent out 95 emails and his contract allows him to send out 2500000 emails.

Email quota

To check your email quota information, you can also access the Billing page.

List of all emails

By clicking on the icon highlighted in green, as shown in the image below, you will see a list with all emails created on the platform.

List all emails

If you would like to check the analytics for one specific email, click on the top of the email subject.

You will be taken to a new page where you'll be able to see email logs and statistics such as who opened your emails, its status and the date it was sent out.

Email logs of a specific email

Filtering automatic emails

If you wish to monitor exclusively the automatic emails sent out from the platform, you should click on the icon highlighted in green, as shown in the image below.

List of automatic emails

Possible Status messages for sending emails

There are some possible status messages for sending emails from the platform. To learn more about them, click here.

Understanding the Opened column

There are emails that haven’t been opened and still appear as read. And others that don't appear as read, but my participants have opened it. Why?


To mark an email as open and read, the email server used by InEvent must receive a return from the recipient's email server to mark it as received and/or opened. There is a possibility that a recipient received the forwarded email message, but the reading was not recognized in the report because the recipient server may not have sent the return to the InEvent server.

Another possibility is that some email servers or clients use plugins or extensions that "open" emails to avoid tracking. This plugin or extension sends back that the email has been opened and/or read, without necessarily having actually been done by the recipient.

The information depends on the recipient's server. InEvent server responsibility is solely reading the information sent to it.

How do I track the opening status and clicks by email?

To track the email analytics, select the View statistics button at the top left.

Also in the upper left, there will be a drop-down for you to choose which email you want to analyze the opening and click rates or leave it in the general summary (All Emails), which shows the event's shooting timeline.

Email logs charts

On this new screen, you will see two charts:

  • The first one, on the left, will show you email statistics such as the number of emails that were sent, opened, link clicks, spam complaints, and bounces.
  • The second one, on the right, will show you the email timeline.

Downloading the email statistics

Both charts presented in the previous section contain a Download button in the upper left.

Downloading email charts

The charts will be downloaded as pictures that will show exactly what you are seeing on the screen. The file will be saved in your default download location.

Can I generate a report?

The email history allows you to track which address the message was sent to, the status, subject, date of sending, and whether the message was opened or not. You can also export this information by clicking the Report button.

Generating a report

Once you click the button, a message will appear at the top of the screen, warning you that you will receive the file with the data in your email when the process is complete.

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