
The Billing feature allows the admins to control how many registrations, emails, SMS, and data collectors they have available and how many have been used. More registration credits can also be purchased on the Billing page.

How do I access the Billing page?

At the company level, click on Company > Billing. Then, you can view your available Registrations, Seats, Emails, SMS, and Data Collectors and AI information.

Accessing Billing page

Types of credits

Registration credits

Whenever a person registers for an event and becomes an attendee, it costs a registration credit regardless of their permission level. In other words: admins, presenters, collectors, users, interpreters, and staff will cost a credit whenever added to the attendees' list.

When an attendee is removed and re-registered to an event using the same username, no registration credit will be consumed, even if a different name and e-mail address are used. A registration credit will only be consumed if the attendee is re-registered with a different username. Credit consumption is related to the username value.
Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface
  • Credits purchased: Displays the total amount of credit purchased.
  • Credits used: Displays the quantity of credits that has already been deducted from the total purchased quota.
  • Credits available: Displays the total amount of credits still at disposal.
  • Credits price: Displays the total value of the credits purchased.
  • Payment status: Displays the status of payment.
  • Payment date: Displays the date and time payment was made.
  • Expiry date: Indicates the precise date and time until which the credits remain valid and can be used.
Billing is set in GMT regardless of the time zone selected at company level. The time associated with credit expiry can be regarded as GMT.

Additionally, the Payment date and Expiry date are displayed in the date and time format that is configured at the Company > Details page.
Creating an event will consume one credit, as the creator will be automatically added as an admin in the attendee list. Besides that, creating a template event will also consume one credit as well as API testing of credit consuming features such as adding attendees, sending out emails, among other actions that trigger credit consumption.
You can add as many people as you wish as company admins and it will not cost a credit, but being added as a company admin will only grant this person access to the backend, not to the Virtual Lobby. If you want company admins to have access to the Virtual Lobby, you will need to add them to the attendee's list, thus it will cost a credit.

To better control your registration credits usage, we recommend using the invitation list, if this option is available in the plan you have purchased. Your custom lists, waitlists, and invitees' lists will not consume registration credits. This way you can do all the management of possible participants in the event with these tools, since the credit will only be discounted once they reach the attendee's list.

Most common questions about registration credits usage
  1. If I delete an attendee, will I get the credit back?

No. Our platform considers that the previously registered participant has already consumed the credit, even if they are later deleted.

  1. Is it possible for me to be charged only when my attendees download the app?

Yes, but our app requires the attendee to be subscribed to access your content. So if you only want to be charged after the attendee has downloaded the app, we suggest allowing registration via app and a Visible and Private event (see more in App Download Restrictions).

  1. I still have registration credits left, but the platform won't allow me to register new attendees. Why?

If compared to your total subscription size, one single event represents more than 40% of its registration volume, the platform will automatically lock new registrations on that single event.

Seats credits

If you have purchased Seat credits, you will see how many credits you have available. For more information about the Seats feature, refer to our Seats article.

Screenshot showing the Seats credit in the Billing page.

Email credits

You can check your email credits under Current emails available. For more information about which email will deplete the email credits, please click here.

Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface

SMS credits

If the SMS sender is included in the plan you have purchased, you will be able to see your current SMS messages available.

Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface

Data collector credits

If you have purchased the data collector, you will see how many data collector credits you have available.

This is a premium feature. In order to use it, contact your sales representative/Customer success manager.

Data collectors credits

AI credits

The AI credit is for the use of ChatGPT and Photo Match AI in your event. If you have purchased AI credits, you will see how many credits you have available.

AI credits
Understanding ChatGPT Email AI credits usage
Please note that a credit here represents a token.
  • One credit is approximately equal to 4 English characters.
  • One credit is approximately equal to 0.75 words.
  • One hundred credits is approximately equal to 75 words.


  • One to two sentences is approximately equal to 30 credits.
  • One paragraph is approximately equal to 100 credits.
  • 1,500 words is approximately equal to 2,048 credits.

Understanding Photo Match AI credits

In Photo Match AI, one InEvent AI credit is used for each comparison between a user and a photo. For example, if you have 100 users and 100 photos, a total of 10,000 AI credits would be required to compare each user to every photo.

Credits management

Please note that you may not use the InEvent platform to host a single event that exceeds 40% of its subscription size, which is defined by the Order Form. If this is the case, the platform will automatically lock new registrations on that single event.

If you need more people to register for your event, you have two options:

  • Purchase more credits.
  • Use the event capacity with the waitlist feature to keep registrations going on, since sending people to the waitlist will not consume any credits. To learn how to use these features together, click here.

How do I purchase more credits?

If you require more credits, you can either speak to your Account Executive Representative or click on the Buy more registrations button in the top right corner of the Billing page.

Once you have used 75% of your registration credits, you are going to receive an email alerting you about it. The same email will be sent once you have reached 90%. In case you have used 100% of your registration credits, whenever an attendee tries registering on your event, they won't be able to do so.
  1. To purchase more credits, on the Billing page, click on Buy more registrations, in the top right corner.
Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface

  1. You will be notified of the price per registration originally agreed with your account executive. Click Next.
  2. Then, type the number of registrations credits you would like to purchase. The price will be calculated, as shown below. Click Next to proceed.
Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface

When adding new registration purchases to your current subscriptions, only numbers multiple of 100 will be accepted in the field How many registrations do you want to buy? For example, when buying upsells, you can purchase 100, 700, 3000 registration credits, but numbers that aren't multiples of 100 (such as 320 or 2345 credits) will not be accepted.
  1. The final step is to enter your credit card details. We will let you know the total amount of your purchase and you should and click Next to continue.
American Express payments are not accepted. If you try using American Express to complete your purchase, you will receive an error message that says 'Something went wrong. Gateway processing has failed'.
  1. The registration credits will then be added to your platform, and an invoice will be sent to the email of the administrator who purchased the credits.


New customers can pay up to $5,000 using a credit card and second-time customers can use the credit card option as often as they want.

All remaining cases should use ACH or bank transfer only and the credit card option on a per invoice basis.
For further information on pricing and payment, check the FAQ section of this page.

How long do credits last?

The way the credits will work will depend on your contract and its renewal.

If you do not renew the contract, the registration credits purchased at the beginning of the contract will last for 12 months. Credits purchased during the contract will also expire at the end of the current contract.

  • For example, if you purchased 1,500 credits in January and in July you buy an additional 500 credits, all 2,000 credits will expire in January of the following year.

In case you renew an equal or superior amount of credits, your unused credits will not expire and will be automatically added to your renewed account. If for the second year you purchase a different plan or purchase less than the initial amount of credits, you will lose the unused credits.

  • For example, let's say you have purchased 2000 Full plan registration credits in the first year and later purchased an additional 400 credits. You ended up using only 2.100 credits in the 12 months. If in the second year you renew at least 2000 Full plan registration credits, you'll get the 2.000 credits + the 300 unused credits for your renewed contract. If for the second year you purchase a different plan or purchase less than the initial amount (1999 credits or less), you will lose the unused credits.

Is it possible to transfer unused credits from company to company?

With an Umbrella account, you can transfer credits to linked companies, provided they have matching plans. You can see a list of companies eligible for credit transfer under Current linked companies by credit transfer.

For more information on creating and activating an Umbrella account, refer to our article on creating a new company for an Umbrella account or EventHub.
Current linked companies by credit transfer

You can transfer credits by following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Billing under the Company section of the Company level.
  2. Click on Edit on the top right corner.
  3. Click on Transfer credits on the top left corner. The Transfer credits pop-up box will be displayed.
Transfer credit umbrella account
  1. Select the target company using the drop-down box in the To field.
  2. Select the credit type using the drop-down box in the Type field. The available options are registrations, seats, and data collectors.
  3. Enter the amount of credits you want to transfer in the Amount field.
  4. Click on Transfer.
Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface

After completing the steps above, the credit will be transferred to the target company.

Credit transfers may take up to 24 hours to complete.
When transferring registration credits from an Umbrella account, the corresponding number of registration, email and SMS credits will be automatically relocated. For example, each transferred credit corresponds to 1 Registration credit1 SMS credit, and 25 Email credits. For more information, contact your Account Manager.

Account renewal

When your company runs out of credits, you will need to add more credits to your company before you can continue to hold events in the platform. You can add more credits to your company by:

When your credits expire, you will need to renew your account before being able to purchase more credits. In this case, you can get in touch with your Account Manager, who will assist you in the process of renewing your account. Once this process is completed, you will be able to purchase credits for your company.

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