Usernames: registering people without using emails

If you do not have or cannot use the email address of your participants, you can register them by using a username.

How do I enable username access instead of email access?

To enable this tool, at the company level, go to Account > Tools on the left sidebar menu. Go to the Login section and enable Usernames by toggling the corresponding button.

By doing so, the participants can be registered in the event by the admin and access the Virtual Lobby and mobile app with no need to type their email addresses.

When Usernames is disabled, the system identifies attendees through their email address. In this case, registered email addresses cannot be modified. When Usernames is enabled, the system identifies attendees through their username. In this case, registered usernames cannot be modified, whereas the registered email addresses can be modified.
Username in event tools

Registering attendees

Once you have enabled the usernames functionality, you will be able to register new participants by entering only their full name and username. Since you enabled Username as a login option, the Email field will be optional.

The email address field will be optional in the backend when the administrators register attendees manually or via spreadsheet, as explained in the following sections. If attendees try registering themselves via the registration form, the email addresses will always be requested.
If this feature is enabled, the confirmation email will only be sent if an email address has been added to the attendees' profile.
When an attendee is removed and re-registered to an event using the same username, no registration credit will be consumed, even if a different name and e-mail address are used. A registration credit will only be consumed if the attendee is re-registered with a different username. A credit consumption is related to the username value.
Registering attendees manually

To register attendees manually, go to People > Attendees > press + Add person. A window will pop up and you should enter your attendee information according to the indicated fields, as shown below:

Registering attendees manually with username

Click here for further information on how to register attendees manually.

You must not use the same username for different attendees. You should use specific usernames so that there is no possibility of conflicting information. We recommend usernames such as: firstname.surname.
Registering attendees via spreadsheet

There is an option to upload the data of attendees with the Import feature. To import the spreadsheet, go to People > Attendees > Edit > Import > press Download Demo File. 

The attendees' username should be added to the Username column, as shown below:

Registering attendees via spreadsheet with username

Click here for further information on how to register attendees using spreadsheets.

Username masks

If you would like your attendees to have social security number, registration number, or would like to choose the information format of the username, you should use username masks. For more information, refer to our Field mask article,

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