Custom domain

At InEvent, you can integrate your own new or existing custom domain for use with your events. This is especially useful for branding purposes, as well as maintaining simplicity and ease of access for your users.

Custom domain can be set up at the Company level or directly at the Event level. This article will guide you in setting up a custom domain at both levels, starting from creating the appropriate DNS records to integrating them at the InEvent platform.

Configuring a custom domain requires technical knowledge and special administrative privileges. Therefore, it is best configured by experts.

Configuring DNS records for your custom domain

Before using a custom domain at InEvent, it is necessary for to configure its DNS records first.

Configuring DNS records for a root domain

This section will guide you on how to set up DNS records for a root domain for use as custom domain at InEvent.

Using a root domain as a custom domain is recommended when you want to dedicate a domain for an event. If you want to use a subdomain, refer to the subdomain section of this article instead.
Verifying InEvent's IP address

Before starting to configure the DNS records for the root domain, it is necessary to verify the IP address of InEvent depending on the server you are using. You can do so by following the instructions below.

  1. Open your operating system's terminal or command-line interface.
  2. Type and enter ping into the terminal if you are using the US server. If you are using the EU server, type and enter ping instead.
  3. Locate the IP address within the terminal log. This value will be entered when you are configuring your root domain's DNS record.
Screenshot showing the InEvent IP address in the command-line.

Once you have verified InEvent's IP address, you can proceed to configure your root domain's DNS record.

Creating an A-Type DNS record

After verifying InEvent's IP address, you can start to configure an A-Type DNS record at your domain name registrar. To do so, follow the instructions below, using GoDaddy as an example.

  1. Navigate to the DNS management interface of your domain name registrar.
  2. Create a DNS record with the following specifications:
  • TypeA
  • Name@
  • Value: IP address of  (US server) or  (EU server), as previously verified in the terminal or command-line interface.
  • TTL: Leave as default, or select as necessary.
  1. Save the DNS record.
It may take some time for the DNS propagation to finish.
Screenshot showing the A-Type DNS record entry.

Once you have configured the DNS record, you can proceed to add it to InEvent as a custom domain.

Configuring DNS records for a subdomain

This section will guide you on how to set up a CNAME-Type DNS record for a subdomain for use as custom domain at InEvent.

  1. Navigate to the DNS management interface of your domain name registrar.
  2. Create a DNS record with the following specifications:
  • TypeCNAME
  • Name: The desired name or identifier of your subdomain.
  •  (US server) or (EU server).
  • TTL: Leave as default, or select as necessary.
  1. Save the DNS record.
It may take some time for the DNS propagation to finish.
Screenshot showing a CNAME-Type DNS record entry.

Once you have configured the DNS record, you can proceed to add it to InEvent as a custom domain.

Configuring a custom domain at the InEvent platform

Custom domain can be configured at the Company level and at the Event level. By configuring the custom domain at the Company level, all events and pages within the same company will use the configured custom domain, whereas configuring at the Event level will apply the changes only for the pages of the target event.

Configuring a custom domain at the Company level

To configure a custom domain at the Company level, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to the Details page under the Company section of the Company level.
  2. Click on the Edit button.
  3. Enter your domain name in the Custom domain field.
  4. Press End to save your changes.
Screenshot showing the Custom domain field at the Company details page.

Once you have successfully configured your custom domain, the custom domain will be applied to events and pages within the same company at the InEvent platform. Additionally, accessing the configured custom domain name will lead to the Event directory page as the default landing page.

SSL encryption is automatically applied for encrypted connections.
If your browser declares your site as unsafe due to HTTPS certificate related problems, it is recommended to add Let's Encrypt's CAA records (0 issue "") to your DNS management interface. For more information, refer to Let's Encrypt's Frequently Asked Questions page.
Using a custom domain for an Umbrella account

When using a custom domain at the Company level of an Umbrella account, the custom domain will also be applied to the child companies within the umbrella account if custom domain is not set at the child company level.

Below is a table of the URL structure and its description, using as the example custom domain for the umbrella company.



Opens the umbrella account's Event directory

Opens the umbrella account's Event directory. The umbrella account is specified using its Company nickname.

For more information on Company nickname and other company details, refer to our Company Details article.

Opens a child company's Event directory. The child company is specified using its company nickname.

Opens an event within the umbrella account. The umbrella account is specified using its Company nickname, and the event is specified using its Event nickname.

For more information on event nickname and other event details, refer to our Event details article.

Opens an event within the child company. The child company is specified using its Company nickname, and the event is specified using its Event nickname.

Redirects to if the target path does not exist.

Configuring a custom domain at the Event level

To configure a custom domain at the Event level, follow the steps below.

Before continuing, ensure that the White label tool is enabled at the Event tools.
  1. Navigate to Event > Details from the Event level.
  2. Click on the Edit button.
  3. Enter your domain name in the Custom domain field.
  4. Press End to save your changes.
Screenshot showing the Custom domain field at the Event details page.

Once you have successfully configured your custom domain, the custom domain will be applied your event pages. Additionally, accessing the configured custom domain name will lead to your Website if you have the Website tool enabled, or to the website configured using InEvent's Website builder if you have the Landing pages tool enabled.

Website and Landing page

After configuring your custom domain, you can also proceed to configure and manage your Website or Landing page according to your preferences. For more information, refer to the articles listed below.

  • Website: Easily set up a website page using templates and InEvent's curated options.
  • Landing page: Create a website page from scratch using elements provided by InEvent, and further customize its CSS properties.
  • Code builder: Manage your own landing page codes.
When both the Landing Page and Website features are enabled for an event, the Landing page will take precedence. This means that the custom domain link will default to the Landing page instead of the Website. To ensure your custom domain link directs to the Website, navigate to the Settings > Tools page and disable the Landing page tool.

Page redirect

You can automatically redirect users by setting up a server-side redirect or using Meta Refresh. In this section, you will find information regarding the two set up methods.

Server-side redirect

Server-side redirects occur directly on the webserver that hosts your website. When a browser requests a page with a server-side redirect in place, the server responds with a HTTP status code (usually 301 or 302) and a Location header, which informs the updated destination to the browser. You can set up either a Permanent or Temporary redirect.

  • Permanent redirect: Signals to search engines to update their indexes, so that the updated page is shown in search engine results. This is recommended for when the domain change is permanent and will not be reverted. Permanent redirect is indicated by the 301 or 308 HTTP status codes.
  • Temporary redirect: Shows the source page in search engine results. This is useful for when a service your site offers is temporarily unavailable, as you can set up a temporary notice or information page without compromising the original URL in the search results. Temporary redirect is indicated by the 302 HTTP status code.
The method of setting up server-side redirect may differ depending on the type of your web server.

Meta Refresh redirect

Meta Refresh functions to inform your browser to automatically refresh the page or redirect the user to the destination page after a specified amount of time. Meta Refresh redirect can be configured using InEvent's Code builder feature. To do so, follow the steps below.

Before proceeding, ensure that you have successfully configured your custom domain to point to InEvent's servers.
  1. Navigate to Marketing > Landing pages > Code builder.
Ensure that the Code builder tool is enabled at the Event tools.
  1. Click on +Add landing page.
  2. Enter the desired name and the domain you want to redirect from.
  3. Click on Create.
Screenshot of Landing pages > directory > index
  1. Click on index.html.
  2. Remove the <p>Your contents here</p> code from the code editor.
Screenshot of directory > Landing pages > index > your content here
  1. Insert the following code snippet, replacing path/to/destination/page with the address of your redirect destination. You can also insert a redirect notice in between <body> and </body>.
Additionally, you can also replace 3 with your desired amount of time in seconds.



<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=https://path/to/destination/page" />




  1. Press the Save button.
Screenshot showing an example of the Meta Refresh code snippet.

After completing the steps above, your user will be automatically redirected to the destination page after the specified amount of time has passed.

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