Dynamic lists
With the Dynamic Lists tool, event organizers can view and manage a list of attendees based on specific filters they select. This functionality helps streamline the process of organizing and categorizing attendees efficiently, ensuring that organizers can easily access and work with tailored subsets of attendee information.
As new attendees register and meet the selected criteria, they are automatically added to the appropriate lists, ensuring that the information is always up-to-date and easily accessible.
How do I create a Dynamic list?
To create a dynamic list, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to People > Dynamic lists.
- Click on the Create dynamic lists button at the left corner of the page. A new window will be displayed.
- Enter the List's name.
- Select a Search filter specific for your list from the dropdown.
- Select a Status filter from the dropdown.
- Click on Create. This will instantly display the attendees who match the selected filters from the People > Attendees page.
How do I configure the dynamic list?
You can configure your dynamic list by selecting the desired list from the left-hand menu, then clicking on the Settings button at the top right corner.
From the Settings button, you can configure the following:
- List's name: You can edit the name of your dynamic list by typing the new name in the List's name field.
- Action to execute when a person is added to the list: You can select a custom email to be automatically sent when a person is added to the list. To configure this action, select Send email from its drop-down box, select the target email, and press Add trigger. To remove a trigger, click X on the trigger or email box.
- Action to execute when a person is removed from the list: You can select a custom email to be automatically sent when a person is removed from the list. To configure this action, select Send email from its drop-down box, select the target email, and press Add trigger. To remove a trigger, click X on the trigger or email box.
Click on Done when you have finished with your edits.
How do I run bulk operations from the Dynamic list page?
Attendees in your dynamic list can be bulk added to a List, to the Attendees page, and to the Invitees page.
To add users to any of these pages, follow these steps:
- Click on Edit from within the dynamic list you wish to copy from
- Select the users you want to move by ticking their checkbox(es). A new window will appear on the right side of the page.
- Select the destination list from +Add to list the dropdown menu on the right side window if you are moving to a list.
- If you are moving them to your Attendees or Invitees page, select the respective destination from the +Add to drop down menu, and click Run Bulk Operation.
Searching for attendees within your dynamic list
Within your dynamic list, you can use the Search button at the top right corner in searching for a person or persons. Simply click the Search button and enter the search term, then press Search. Attendees related to the search term will be displayed.
How do I delete a dynamic list?
To delete a dynamic list, follow the steps below:
- Select the list from the left side of the page
- Click on Settings button at the top right corner of the page
- Click on Remove.
- Enter REMOVE LIST in the text box to confirm your action.
- Press Remove.
How do i remove an attendee from a dynamic list.
To remove an attendee from a dynamic list, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to People > Attendees.
- Find and select the user you want to remove from the list.
- In the pop-up window on the right, click on the Details button.
- You will be redirected to the details page. Select LISTS on the details page.
- Click on Edit and select Remove.
- Press End to finalize the removal of the person from the dynamic list
How do I extract a report?
To extract a spreadsheet report of your dynamic list, follow the steps below:
- Select the dynamic list from the left side of the page.
- Click on Edit > Export.
- Select Spreadsheet as data destination.
- A message will appear along the top of the screen letting you know that your excel sheet is being processed and will be sent to your email once completed.
The report will show information of the list and attendees within the list, such as: personID, username, listpersonID, listID, firstName, lastName, name, email, enrolled etc.