Meetings: guide for participants

You will be able to see a list of other attendees and their information about who is present at the event. You can select another attendee among those at the event to connect with and open a group room to begin a private or public discussion.

Using the Meetings feature

To network with other attendees, scroll to the bottom of the Virtual Lobby homepage. On the right-hand side, active attendees will be listed under Networking. To see all online attendees or search for an attendee, press View all .

Networking in Virtual Lobby
Attendees can see and network with all other attendees - online or offline, who have made their profile visible by navigating to the Networking page (if made available). For in-person events, attendees need to use this dedicated Networking page to network and schedule meetings with other attendees.

When you have found the person you wish to connect with, click on their name. A pop-up will display the attendee's details, and allow you to connect with them via message or a video call.

Attendee's detail in Networking

When you select Ask to meet (camera icon), you will be taken to a screen that will ask you if you would like to Meet now or Schedule Meeting.

The video icon will not appear if event organizers have enabled the Instant Meeting lock tool. You will then have to schedule meetings from the Networking tab.
Meet now or schedule meeting

Meet now

Click here for further information on this kind of video request.

Schedule meeting

  1. If you select Schedule meeting, you will be taken to a new screen for you to select the date and time for your meeting. The times will be shown in your local time zone.
Schedule meeting in the calendar

If a slot has already been booked by either you or the attendee you are trying to schedule with, either through the schedule meeting calendar, appointments calendar, or by event organizers on the platform, it will appear faded out in the Schedule meeting calendar.
  1. Once you select the date and time, you will be taken to a new screen:
  • If the event is a virtual/online event, you can enter a meeting topic or adjust the meeting time (optional).
Schedule meeting

  • If the event is a hybrid event, you will have the option to select if the meeting is in person or not. By enabling the This meeting is in-person button, the Topic field will be replaced by Place field. Click the drop-down to select a place where this meeting will be held.
Event admins must have set up places on the platform where meetings will be hosted.
Hybrid events
  1. Press Confirm Booking once done.

Once you confirm your booking, you will see the screen shown below.

Booking meeting successfully scheduled

Attendees will receive notifications via email and in the Virtual Lobby.

Scheduling meetings for In-person events

For in-person events, users need to make use of the dedicated Networking tab that will be made visible by the event admin. This tab will allow users see all other participants in the event. To schedule a meeting with a participant via the web app follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Networking tab.
  2. Locate the attendee you want to meet with.
  3. Click on the Schedule meeting button.
  4. Select the date and time using the available slots in the calendar. A new window will appear.
  5. Select the place you want to hold this meeting using the drop-down menu of the Place field (mandatory).
Event admins must have set up places on the platform where meetings will be hosted.
  1. Click on Confirm booking.
Scheduling meetings for In-person events

Attendees will receive notifications via email and in the web app.

Schedule a meeting with multiple participants

You can select multiple guests for your meeting when booking it. To do it, follow these steps:

This feature works for events that are virtual/online or hybrid.
  1. Go to the Networking tab.
  2. Select all the participants you want to invite to your meeting
  3. Click on the Schedule meeting with (number of attendees selected) button.
Schedule meeting button
  1. Select the date and time using the available slots in the calendar. A new window will appear.
  2. Enter the Topic for the meeting
  3. Press Confirm meeting

You will see this message: Booking successfully scheduled!

Schedule a meeting with multiple participant

Will the person I invite for the meeting receive a notification?

Yes, both you and your invitee should receive emails with the meeting details.

  • Below is an example of an email notification for a virtual meeting:
Email with meeting details
  • Below is an example of an email notification for an in-person meeting:
In-person meeting email notification
The .ics file will be attached to the confirmation email if the event admin has enabled the ics file on meeting confirmation tool, allowing the participant to save the meeting on their calendars.

Your invitee should also receive a notification in the Virtual Lobby (for virtual/hybrid events).

Meeting notification in the Virtual Lobby

If they click on View meeting, they will see the meeting's details with information such as the meeting's topic, date, and information about the person who created the meeting.

For In-person events, the invitee will see the meeting notification when they click on the notification icon in the web app:

email notification in the web app

If I invite multiple people to a meeting, will all of them receive a notification?

If you invite multiple people to a meeting, you and all guests invited will receive an email with the meeting details such as time, list of guests, topic and the link to join the meeting.

Participants will only receive emails if the event organizer enables the Meeting email tool under Settings >​ Tools.

All invited participants will also receive a notification in the Virtual Lobby or web app under the bell icon and by clicking View meeting they will see the meeting details and cancel their participation if they wish to.

View meeting under bell icon

If participants were registered to the event without an email, they will not receive an email about the meeting but they will still receive the notification in the Virtual Lobby.

How do I view all my meetings?

All your meetings will be displayed on the main page of the Virtual lobby (for virtual/hybrid events).

Meeting in the main page of the Virtual Lobby

But you can also visualize your meetings by going to My Agenda > Meetings.

My Agenda Meetings

If you are the meeting host, you can set a status for your meeting by clicking on the meeting's details and using the Select a status drop-down to choose a meeting status for your meeting:

Setting a meeting status
The status of the meetings will be set to Provisioned by default.

How do I accept a meeting?

Once someone schedules a meeting with you, you'll receive an email notification with the details of the proposed meeting, such as the time, date, and topic of discussion. From this email, you have the option to either confirm or decline the invitation based on your availability.

In the email, you will see two buttons Confirm meeting and Cancel meeting.

For the Confirm button to appear in the email, the Meeting Approval tool must be enabled at both the company and event levels. Without this setting activated, users will not be able to see the option to confirm meetings from the email notification.

To accept the meeting, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Confirm meeting button in your email.
Meeting confirmation through email

You will be redirected to a confirmation page where you will be asked to reconfirm your decision.

  1. Click on Confirm to successfully accept the meeting.
Confirm meeting notification

How do I cancel a meeting?

You can choose to cancel your participation in a meeting or you can choose to cancel an entire meeting.

  • To cancel your participation in a meeting without cancelling the meeting for the other particpants, press on Cancel participation either on the email you recieved por at the My Agenda > Meetings page.
Ways to cancel meetings
If the Canceled meeting email tool is enabled, both meeting participants will receive an email when either the host or the guest cancels the meeting.

Alternatively, you can choose to cancel the entire meeting by doing either of the following:

  1. By pressing the Cancel Meeting button in the email you received with the meeting details.
Cancel meeting through email
  1. By pressing the Cancel meeting button at the My Agenda dedicated space for Meetings. To see the Cancel meeting button, click on the meeting Details and then click the option from the Actions field. A confirmation box will appear, you can type in a reason for your cancellation (optional) and then click Cancel to confirm your action.
Cancel meeting through My Agenda

How can I set meeting restrictions?

You can set restrictions for when you won't be available for meetings. To do so go to My Agenda > Restrictions > New restriction. A new window will appear for you to fill in the Restriction details. Choose the type of restriction: Date and time rangeRecurring times or Entire date, and fill in the necessary details. Press Create.

Meeting restriction and preference

To remove a restriction, simply click on the cancel (x) button beside the restriction. A confirmation box will appear, click on Remove to confirm the action.

Removing a restriction

Instructions for event organizers

If you are an event organizer and you wish to learn how to create a meeting, places, feedback forms, and more, click here.

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