Sponsors and Exhibitors: People, Invite, Files, Ads, Tickets and Chats

You can create dedicated virtual rooms for each Sponsor or Exhibitor supporting your event. Using the InEvent Virtual Lobby, sponsors and exhibitors can engage and network with attendees on 1-1 and group meetings; increasing brand awareness, building relationships, and expanding their reach in their target audience. Between branded covers, ads, files, and engaging features, sponsors and exhibitors have plenty of options to get the most out of their investment.

To learn more about how to add sponsors to your event and how to create sponsor booths, click here, and to learn about how to add exhibitors and create exhibitors booths in your event, click here.

What is the purpose of these tabs?

You might not see all these tabs as it depends on the package you have purchased. Click here for further information on which features are included in each plan.
Sponsors' tabs
In case you do not want to have the Chat, Files, or People tabs being displayed on your sponsor/exhibitor booth, you can hide them. Click here to learn how to do so.

People (representatives)

It allows each person added to join the Sponsor or Exhibitor virtual room with Presenter abilities.

Besides having Presenter abilities, people added to the People tab are sponsor/exhibitor representatives as they will be able to edit the Sponsor or Exhibitor profile and allocate Sponsor or Exhibitor tickets.

To add someone to the People tab, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Event > Sponsors or Event > Exhibitors depending on who you wish to add a rep .
  2. Select a sponsor.
  3. Press the People > +Add person.
  4. Search for and select a person from the search box or click the Create new person button to add a new rep.
You can add as many Sponsor and Exhibitor reps as you wish.
Adding a new person will automatically add them to the event, and they will be listed under the People > Attendees page. It will also cost a registration credit.
Adding a sponsor/exhibitor rep

Adding the same email to both the People tab of a sponsor and an exhibitor can cause a permission error. For instance, if you add the email lana@inevent.com to the People tab of Sponsor #1, do not add the same email to the People tab of Sponsor #2 or Exhibitor A. If Lana accesses her My Account page, she will only see the first sponsor you linked her with.

When individuals listed in the Sponsor or Exhibitor's People tab access the Virtual Lobby, they'll find a dedicated Sponsor or Exhibitor account tab, depending on their listing.

While people listed beneath sponsors and exhibitors (representatives) can view this page, they must first enable it from Settings > Tab > Web app by clicking on Edit and ticking the corresponding box:

Image showing the page Settings > Tabs > Web app > Sponsor account and Exhibitor account

On this page, they can easily edit information such as company name, telephone, mini-bio, tags, logo, virtual room cover, etc. by clicking on the Edit button. They can also download the QR code for their booth by clicking the Download button in the Company QR code field. Additionally, right beside the Edit button, they'll find an Open Virtual Room button. Clicking this will automatically redirect them to the Sponsor or Exhibitor's virtual booth.

If the virtual room of the Sponsor is turned off from the platform (backend), the Open Virtual Room button will not be displayed.
The reps can alternatively access the Sponsor account or Exhibitor account by going to the My Account tab.

Below is a gif showing how to navigate to the Sponsor account tab in the Virtual Lobby:

Navigating to the Sponsor accounts

Below is a gif showing how to navigate to the Exhibitor account tab in the Virtual Lobby:

Navigating to the Exhibitor account

Room hosts will also have permission to edit the Sponsor or Exhibitor profile even if they haven't been added to the People tab.

It also allows for a feature to be enabled called Data collector (this is an Add-on feature therefore not available in all packages). To learn more about the Data collector click here.

Sponsors and Exhibitor representatives availability
The Sponsor or Exhibitor virtual room must be enabled to have their Representatives displayed.

Another way to engage with people who join the Sponsor or Exhibitor rooms is to make the Sponsor and Exhibitor reps available for meetings. After following the steps to add a person in the People's tab, simply click on Edit and tick the corresponding case as shown below:

You will be able to set up to four Sponsor and Exhibitor reps available for meetings per Sponsor or Exhibitor room.
screenshot showing sponsor available for meetings

When making the Sponsor and Exhibitor reps available for meetings, their profile pictures will be displayed on the Sponsors and Exhibitors' room page (similar to the Presenters' display in the activities):

shows the sponsor reps profile inside the session
If there are up to two representatives their names, roles and companies will also be displayed next to their profile pictures. You can have up to four Sponsor and Exhibitor representatives' profile pictures displayed.

The participants can hover over the Sponsor and Exhibitor representative profile and network, either by message or call:

gif showing how to book a meeting with a sponsor rep

To learn more about Meetings, click here.

If you wish to change the label Virtual Lobby Labels - Sponsor reps', check the Headings article to learn how to do so.
Can I download a report of my Sponsor and Exhibitor reps?

To download a report of your sponsor and exhibitor reps, go to the either the Sponsor or Exhibitor page, select the sponsor or exhibitor, click on the People tab, press Edit and click on the Report people button. A spreadsheet report will be processed and sent to your email shortly.

Alternatively, you can click on the Download button that appears in the notification banner. You will be redirected to the Spreadsheet > Sponsors: People section or Spreadsheet > Exhibitors: People section (depending on where the report is extracted from) of the All reports page where you can preview and download your report.
report people

The report will contain information such as the event ID, sponsor ID, person ID, name, firstName, last name username, email, role, telephone, etc.


This feature allows for a push notification to be sent to a person when their invitee has entered the event and printed their badge. Click here for further information about Invites.

Downloading the invites' report

To download a report of your sponsor or exhibitor invites, go to the either the Sponsor or Exhibitor page, select the sponsor or exhibitor, click on the Invites tab, press Edit and click on the Report invites button. A spreadsheet report will be processed and sent to your email shortly.

Alternatively, you can click on the Download button that appears in the notification banner. You will be redirected to the Spreadsheet > Sponsors: Invites section or Spreadsheet > Exhibitors: Invite section (depending on where the report is extracted from) of the All reports page where you can preview and download your report.
Invites report

The report gives a general report of the invites such as, eventID, sponsorID, facebookID, linkedInID, username, email, twitterID, email, telephone, personId, name, firstName, lastName, role, company, enrollmentDate and updateDate (date and time the user checked into the event), etc.


To create an ad for your Sponsors click on Event > Sponsors, select a sponsor > press Ads > + New ad. Follow this same process to create ads for your Exhibitors under Event > Exhibitors.

where to find ads

Next, you should select if you'd like to create an ad for the Event App or for the Virtual Lobby and press Create.

Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface

If you wish to have more information related to the Sponsor or Exhibitor advertisements, check this article here.

Click here to learn how to add ads to activities and their image requirements.
  1. Files

The Files tab allows you to upload files that will be available in your sponsor and exhibitor booths.

To add a file, select a sponsor or an exhibitor on the left and then press +Add file.

You can add as many files as you wish in these formats: xlsx, pptx, docx, pdf, zip, png, jpg, mp4, gif and html.
Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface

After that, click on the green button to choose documents from your device to upload.

Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface

Once you have chosen the files you wish to upload, you will need to fill in the File name and press Create.

Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface

That's all! Your files are now visible to the audience!

Video files can be uploaded from the Files tab of sponsors and exhibitors on the platform and also from inside sponsor and exhibitor rooms in the Virtual Lobby, but not from the My Files page.
Reporting clicks on files

As shown in the image above, you will be able to see how many clicks each file got under the column Clicks.

If you wish to know who clicked on each file, you should generate an excel report by clicking Edit in the upper right and pressing Report Files.

Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface

When you click the button, a message will appear at the top of the screen, warning you that you will receive the file with the data in your email, when the process is complete.

The report will inform you which participant have clicked on each file and how many times.

To learn more about Files Click here.

  1. Tickets

This tab allows you to allocate tickets to your sponsors and exhibitors at no cost. Please check this article for further information.

  1. Chats

This tab will allow you to visualize all chat comments from sponsor or exhibitor booths.

Besides visualizing chat comments, you can also:

  • Moderate chat comments: Click on the chat comment you would like to moderate, then press Edit on the top right corner. You will be able to approve, reject or even delete a comment. Click here for further information on that.
  • Save chat comments by generating reports: you will be able to save all chat comments by pressing Edit > Report chat. A spreadsheet with all data will be sent to your email.
Alternatively, you can click on the Download button that appears in the notification banner. You will be redirected to the Spreadsheet > Sponsors: Comment section or Spreadsheet > Exhibitors: Comment section (depending on where the report is extracted from) of the All reports page where you can preview and download your report.
Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface

If you are sponsoring an event happening on our platform, this article is going to help you understand what you are going to be able to do and how you can manage your own information within InEvent.

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