Integration with Salesforce
- What kind of data and process can be integrated between InEvent and Salesforce?
- Integrating with Salesforce
- Configuring synchronization at the Event level
Integrating InEvent with Salesforce can shape a whole new way of creating a customer-centric view of your event attendees that will help you get more results out of your customer database, mitigate risk and enable a frictionless sales process. This integration works two ways, so data that is synchronized to your Salesforce database will also appear on the InEvent platform.
What kind of data and process can be integrated between InEvent and Salesforce?
You can synchronize the following items between Salesforce and InEvent:
- Salesforce Campaigns with InEvent Events and Activities
- Salesforce Campaign fields with InEvent Registration form fields
- Salesforce Fields with various InEvent fields
- Salesforce Objects with InEvent Questions, Comments, Polls and UTM links
Integrating with Salesforce
Before synchronizing items between Salesforce and InEvent, you first need to integrate Salesforce with InEvent at the Company level. To do so, complete the following instructions:
- Navigate to Integrations > Salesforce.
- Click Edit.
- Press Link Production Account or Link Sandbox Account depending on the type of your Salesforce account.
- Complete the Salesforce log-in process. Once your Salesforce account is linked with InEvent, the interface will be updated.
- Complete the integration configuration by using the drop-down box for the following options:
- When exporting a person, define where it will be saved: Select the target Salesforce category to be automatically synced when exporting a person from InEvent. The available options are Automatic, Contacts, and Leads.
- When creating an event, should we create a campaign?: Select whether or not to automatically create a Salesforce campaign when creating an event. The available options are Yes and No.
Configuring synchronization at the Event level
This section will inform you on how to configure Salesforce synchronization with InEvent at the Event level.
The Salesforce integration configuration interface can be accessed from the Event level by navigating to Settings > Integrations > Salesforce.
Through this interface, you can configure the synchronization of the following items:
- Campaign
- Fields
- Event fields
- Activities
- Activity members
- Questions
- Comments
- Polls
In this section, you can manage your Campaign settings and Campaign member statuses.
Campaign settings
Here, you can select a campaign to be synchronized with your event. Below are the available options:
- Select a campaign to sync (if applicable): Using the drop-down box, select an existing Salesforce campaign to be synchronized with your event. Once a campaign is selected, the interface will be updated to show Campaign member statuses.
- Sync new registrations from InEvent to Salesforce: Using the checkbox, enable or disable synchronization of new registrations from InEvent to Salesforce.
- Sync email opt-outs: Using the checkbox, enable or disable synchronization of email opt-outs from InEvent to Salesforce.
- Sync leads from Salesforce automatically: Using the checkbox, enable or disable synchronization of Salesforce leads to InEvent. If this tool is enabled, a new option will be displayed:
- For new leads added directly to your campaign, choose a target list to sync: Using the drop-down box, select a target InEvent list to be synchronized with new campaign leads added through Salesforce. The available options are Attendees and Invitees.
Once your campaign is linked and configured, you can manually start the synchronization process by clicking Sync data from the Campaign settings interface. Doing so will also trigger synchronization for all linked fields.
Campaign member statuses
This section will explain how you can set up automatic synchronization of Salesforce's Campaign Member Status with your event. This feature makes it easy to keep track of your invitees and attendees' interaction with your event registration and participation and automatically synchronize them to Salesforce.
Before configuring this feature in your event, ensure that you have set up your desired statuses in Salesforce.
Below are examples of custom Campaign Member Statuses on Salesforce, which will be used throughout this section:
Once you have set up your statuses in Salesforce, we can proceed to configure its synchronization with invitee or attendee interaction at the InEvent platform. To start configuring the synchronization, follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Salesforce > Campaigns.
- Click Edit at the top right corner of the page.
- Locate Campaign Member Statuses.
- Map each trigger on the left to the corresponding status on the right using the Campaign Member Status drop-down box. The available triggers are as follows:
- User is added to list of invitees: Automatically sync user to a Campaign Member Status on Salesforce once they are added as invitees in your event.
- User receives an email: Automatically sync user to a status once they have received an email from your event.
- User opens an email: Automatically sync user to a status once they have opened an email from your event.
- User clicks on an email link: Automatically sync user to a status once they have clicked on a link on your event's email.
- User is added to a list of attendees: Automatically sync user to a status once they are added as attendees in your event.
- User attends the event: Automatically sync user to a status once they have successfully attended your event.
- Press End to save your changes.
Once you have configured the synchronization, campaign members who complete the defined triggers will automatically have their statuses updated on Salesforce.
In this section, you can manage your Fields settings and map them to your Registration form fields.
Field settings
Using the checkbox, select whether you want to automatically overwrite default fields.
If Overwrite default fields automatically is enabled, InEvent will automatically detect and map new entries from Salesforce. Therefore, some fields will not appear in the InEvent Fields interface.
If Overwrite default fields automatically is disabled, you must manually select the fields to be overwritten.
Synchronizing Fields
You can easily map and link your Salesforce Fields, including Account, Contact, and Lead fields, of all types to InEvent Registration form fields using the drop-down boxes.
InEvent will detect your Salesforce fields, including custom fields.
The InEvent fields you can link with Salesforce fields are listed below:
- Registration ID
- Person ID
- First name
- Last name
- Username (Email Address)
- Role
- Company
- Phone
- Magic link
- Magic link (event list)
- Enrollment date
- Custom questions in your Registration form
Additionally, you can also choose to override existing field values on Salesforce with InEvent values by checking the Override value on Salesforce box beside the desired field.
Event fields
In this section, you can map and link your Salesforce Campaign fields to InEvent Event fields.
Synchronizing Event fields
You can map and link your Salesforce Campaign fields to InEvent Event fields using the drop-down boxes.
InEvent will detect your Salesforce fields, including custom fields.
The Event fields you can link with Salesforce Campaign fields are listed in the table below:
InEvent fields | ||
InEvent ID | Creator ID | Date begin |
Total invitations | Creator name | Date end |
Total registrations | Creator email | Enrollment begin |
Total group rooms | Owner ID | Enrollment end |
Total session rooms | Owner name | Enrollment open |
Total time spent | Nickname | Access end |
Average time spent | Description | Access open |
Total invitations (numeric) | Main page | Address |
Total registrations (numeric) | Content page | City |
Total group rooms (numeric) | State | |
Total session rooms (numeric) | Name | |
Total single sessions | Country | |
Total single sessions (numeric) |
| |
Total time spent (numeric, seconds) | Event Timezone | |
Average time spent (numeric, seconds) |
Mapping the event timezone
Mapping your event timezone ensures that your events are accurately synchronized with the appropriate time zones in your Salesforce account. To map and link your Event Timezone, you'll first need to create a custom field in your Salesforce Campaign fields. To create a custom field on Salesforce, follow the steps below:
- Log in to Salesforce.
- Navigate to Setup.
- In the Quick Find box, enter Object Manager and select Campaigns.
- Go to Fields & Relationships.
- Click on New to create a new custom field.
- Select the field type (e.g.,Text ) and click Next.
- Enter Timezone as the field label, configure other required settings, and click Save.
Once you are done creating the custom field, you can now link and map your event timezone by following the next steps:
- Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Salesforce on the InEvent platform and refresh the fields under Event fields.
- Map the InEvent Field Event Timezone to Salesforce Campaign Timezone and click on End.
- Finally, navigate to Event > Details and select your desired timezone.
In this section, you can manage the synchronization of InEvent Activities with Salesforce campaigns. To enable synchronization toggle on the activies button.
Synchronizing Activity fields
You can map and link your Salesforce Campaign fields to InEvent's Activities-related fields using the drop-down boxes.
InEvent will detect your Salesforce fields, including custom fields.
The Activities-related fields you can link with Salesforce Campaign fields are listed below:
- Activity Name
- Activity Start date
- Activity End date
Activity members
On the Activity members page, you can map and link attendee or activity member details by matching the appropriate InEvent fields with Salesforce fields. Select the corresponding Salesforce field from the drop-down menu to align it with the InEvent field.
When attendees participate in activities, their details including Activity ID, Activity Member ID, and Time Spent on Activity will be automatically synced as campaign members within the associated campaign. This ensures accurate tracking of member participation across activities.
Synchronizing Activity members fields
To synchronize Activity member fields, follow the steps below;
- Create the custom Salesforce fields Activity ID, Activity Member ID, and Time Spent on Activity.
- Map and link the InEvent fields on the Activity members page with these Salesforce fields by selecting them from the drop-down menu.
Questions, Comments, Polls & UTM links
In these sections, you can manage the synchronization of Salesforce custom objects with InEvent Questions, Comments, Polls and UTM links.
Synchronizing Questions, Comments, Polls & UTM links
You can easily map and link your Salesforce custom objects to Questions, Comments, Polls & UTM links from your event by using the available drop-down boxes.
Below is a guide on mapping and linking Salesforce custom objects, using Questions as an example:
- Select a Salesforce custom object to be linked with your event Questions. Once a custom object is linked, the interface will be updated to show Fields and Default values.
- Map your Salesforce fields on the right to the corresponding InEvent fields on the left under Fields.
- Create new default values for your custom objects in Default values (optional).
Templates with customized configuration
You can create templates which save any customized configurations you make on the Salesforce page, ready for you to use for any future events you create. You can do so by following the steps below:
- Navigate to Company level > Event > Templates
- Click on +New Template: fill in the Template name, select whether its a webinar or not and pick the Tag color
- Inside the new event template, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Salesforce
- Make the desired configuration and your template should be ready and customizedWhen creating a new event from Company level >Events > + New event, select the created template from the dropdown menu. Your event will now be customized with the Salesforce configuration available in the template.
Reset to template
If you make any further changes to the configurations of the Salesforce page, you will have the possibility to reset the configuration to the original one that existed in the template. To do so, click on Edit and click Reset to template.
How do I export attendees from the InEvent platform?
You can export attendees as Leads from the InEvent Platform to Salesforce by following these steps:
- Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Salesforce.
- Click on Fields.
- Map the InEvent fields First name, Last name, Username, and Company to the corresponding Salesforce fields: [Lead]First Name, [Lead]Last Name, [Lead]Email, and [Lead]Company.
This process allows you to transfer attendee information from InEvent to Salesforce, ensuring your leads and contacts are up-to-date.
How do I import Contact Names, Leads, Lists, or Campaigns?
You can import your contacts, leads, lists, or campaigns to Invitees or Attendees on the InEvent platform.
To import attendees, click on People > Attendees > click Edit on the right upper corner. Then, click on the Import and select Salesforce as your data source.
A new window will open, where you can select what you wish to export: Contacts, Leads, Campaigns, or All.
Choose one option, search the names that are on your Salesforce account you would like to import, and press the Import button at the bottom.
After clicking on the Import button, you will be able to see all the contacts that were imported. To identify the names from Salesforce, you will see an icon next to the name.
To import invitees (People > Invitees) or to add people to lists (People > Lists), you should follow the same process described above.
Exporting edited information to Salesforce from the InEvent platform
You can edit the attendees' details on the InEvent platform and send the updated info directly to Salesforce.
To do so, go to People > Attendees and choose the contact name (from Salesforce). A window with this person’s details will appear. Click on Edit, update the information, and click on the Export to Salesforce button, as shown below:
Tracking and saving event features
By selecting the custom object integration, you will be able to use the following modules:
Salesforce logs
Here you can monitor all campaigns created using the Salesforce integration.
To access the Salesforce write logs press Settings > Integration > Salesforce > Scroll down to Logs and click on Write logs.
The Salesforce write logs will give you the following information:
- Name: The name of the user who created the operation
- Email: The email of the user who created the operation
- Operation: Name of the operation
- Result: Shows if the operation was a success or a failure
- Date (UTC): Date that the log was created
Salesforce VisualForce plugin
VisualForce is a web development framework that enables developers to build sophisticated, custom user interfaces for mobile and desktop apps that can be hosted on the Lightning Platform. You can use VisualForce to build apps that align with the styling of Lightning Experience, as well as your own completely custom interface.
Click here to learn how to link VisualForce with your Salesforce integration.
Salesforce objects you can synchronize with InEvent
Here are the Salesforce objects that Can Be Synchronized with InEvent fileds:
The Salesforce objects listed below must be mapped to the appropriate InEvent fields to enable successful synchronization. Proper mapping ensures that data flows seamlessly between Salesforce and InEvent, allowing you to fully utilize the integration. | |
[CampaignMember] Status | [Account] Account Name |
[CampaignMember] Activity ID | [Account] Account Type |
[CampaignMember] Activity Member ID | [Account] Parent Account ID |
[CampaignMember] Time Spent on Activity | [Account] Billing Street |
[Contact] Account ID | [Account] Billing City |
[Contact] Last Name | [Account] Billing State/Province |
[Contact] First Name | [Account] Billing Zip/Postal code |
[Contact] Salutation | [Account] Billing Country |
[Contact] Other street | [Account] Billing Latitude |
[Contact] Other city | [Account] Billing Longitude |
[Contact] Other State/Province | [Account] Billing Geocode Accuracy |
[Contact] Other Zip/Postal Code | [Account] Shipping Street |
[Contact] Other Country | [Account] Shipping City |
[Contact] Other Latitude | [Account] Shipping State/Province |
[Contact] Other Longitude | [Account] Shipping Zip/Postal Code |
[Contact] Other Geocode Accuracy | [Account] Shipping Country |
[Contact] Mailing Street | [Account] Shipping Latitude |
[Contact] Mailing City | [Account] Shipping Longitude |
[Contact] Mailing State/Province | [Account] Shipping Geocode Accuracy |
[Contact] Mailing Zip/Postal Code | [Account] Account Phone |
[Contact] Mailing Country | [Account] Account Fax |
[Contact] Mailing Latitude | [Account] Website |
[Contact] Mailing Longitude | [Account] Industry |
[Contact] Mailing Geocode Accuracy | [Account] Annual Revenue |
[Contact] Business Phone | [Account] Employees |
[Contact] Business Fax | [Account] Account Description |
[Contact] Mobile Phone | [Account] Owner ID |
[Contact] Home Phone | [Account] Key |
[Contact] Other Phone | [Account] Account Source |
[Contact] Asst. Phone | [Account] SIC Description |
[Contact] Reports To ID | [Lead] Last Name |
[Contact] Email | [Lead] First Name |
[Contact] Title | [Lead] Salutation |
[Contact] Department | [Lead] Title |
[Contact] Assistant's Name | [Lead] Company |
[Contact] Lead Source | [Lead] Street |
[Contact] Birthdate | [Lead] City |
[Contact] Contact Description | [Lead] State/Province |
[Contact] Owner ID | [Lead] Zip/Postal Code |
[Contact] Email Opt Out | [Lead] Country |
[Contact] Email Bounced Reason | [Lead] Latitude |
[Contact] Email Bounced Date | [Lead] Longitude |
[Contact] Data.comKey | [Lead] Geocode Accuracy |
[Contact] Individual ID | [Lead] Phone |
[Campaign] Name | [Lead] Email |
[Campaign] Num Sent in Campaign | [Lead] Website |
[Campaign] Description | [Lead] Description |
[Campaign] Timezone | [Lead] Lead Source |
[Campaign] Session Full Name | [Lead] Status |
[CampaignMember] Activity ID | [Lead] Industry |
[CampaignMember] Activity Member ID | [Lead] Rating |
[CampaignMember] Time Spent on Activity | [Lead] Annual Revenue |
[UTM_link] UTM link Name | [Lead] Employees |
[UTM_link] UTM Link Address | [Lead] Owner ID |
[UTM_link] Campaign Name | [Lead] Email Opt Out |
[Topic] Name | [Lead] Unread By Owner |
[Topic] Description | [Lead] Data.comKey |
[Lead] Email Bounced Date | [Lead] Email Bounced Reason |