Webinar: Troubleshooting guide

This article lists instructions on how to solve certain errors that may occur in your Webinar Live stream. In case you are experiencing an error not listed here, please take a look through our other related articles or contact our 24/7 customer support team on InEvent's platform.

Troubleshoot button

The troubleshooting button will always appear at the top right of your screen when in the Live stream. By clicking on it you can check for issues with your connection, video and audio and follow recommendations for a better experience. At the bottom of the popup page under the Extra troubleshooting section, you can check for the most common issues.

If you cannot find your issue and need to submit a report, click on the My issue isn't listed button under the Extra troubleshooting. A box will appear for you to type in the description of your issue, click on Send Report once done. The product team will be informed immediately and handle the case accordingly.

Raising a troubleshoot report

Troubleshoot reports

As a company/event admin, you can see the Troubleshoot reports by going to the Webinar > Analytics > Troubleshoot reports page.

You will find the following information on the page's dashboard :

  • ID: The Id of the participant who raised a report.
  • Person: The name of person who raised the report.
  • Report: The troubleshooting report raised.
  • Date: The date and time the troubleshoot report was submitted.
Webinar > Troubleshoot reports

Connection errors on the Live stream

If the Live stream stays in a Connecting state or you can’t join the session due to a Network Error, it could mean that your networking is blocking our IP addresses through a Firewall or a Gateway.

Below is a list of useful articles related to network setup, to prevent connecting issues when logging into the Webinar Live stream:

What if I'm facing another issue?

In case you are still facing issues with InEvent's platform, please have a look at the other articles about troubleshooting:

Perform a system check on your Live stream to make sure you are good to go! Click here to learn how to do so.

Do not share your Unique link with other people. If someone else accesses the event using your link, you will be disconnected. Click here for further information on unique links.

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