My Agenda

InEvent has an agenda where all of an event's activities can be placed and scheduled within the start and end dates of the event. The number of activities that can be posted is unlimited and event organizers can display a brief description of their activities.

For event organizers

How do I enable or disable this feature?

To enable this feature, go to Settings > Tools > press Edit > scroll down to Agenda under the Start section. Click on Edit to enable and tic the Then, make sure the Agenda checkbox is checked.

Feature Enable

Setting your agenda on the platform

Check our Agenda Management article to see in detail how to organize and update your event activities' information.

Creating two agendas: the general agenda and the individual one

To have the attendees' agenda separate from the event's full schedule, it is necessary to enable the Two tab schedule feature in the platform, on Settings > Tools > press the Edit button in the top right corner, then in the Extra section, tick the Two-tab schedule checkbox to enable the tool. Click on End to save your changes.

Now, attendees will be able to see the My schedule tab in the My Agenda tab of the Virtual Lobby and also in the mobile app. The tab will display only the activities they are enrolled in.

Creating two types of agenda

How do I delay an activity through the app?

Administrators can delay activities through the app. To do so, choose an activity from the schedule and tap Details. Then in the Organizer tools section, press Delay. Select how many minutes you would like to delay the activity for and press OK.

You also have the option to either delay or not the subsequent activities, so the activities that come after will be delayed and activities will not overlap.

Delaying activities through the app


Enabling the My Agenda tab for the Virtual Lobby

To make sure that the My Agenda page is displayed on the Virtual Lobby, go to Settings > Tabs, press Web app on the top left corner of the screen. Click on Edit and tick the visible checkbox that corresponds to My Agenda tab.

Enabling the my agenda tab

View List option

To display the activities on My Agenda as a list, you can enable on Settings > Tools. Click on Edit and scroll down to locate the My Agenda as a list tool under the Extra section, tick the corresponding checkbox and click on End.

Enable agenda tab on VL

This will give a different layout for the activities, also displaying the Speakers and Sponsors:

Different activity layout

For attendees

Accessing My Agenda in the Virtual Lobby

Participants are able to access the event's agenda on their account webpage. Once the My Agenda tab is enabled, attendees can access it and see all available activities.

My Agenda in Virtual Lobby

The user can also choose to see My Agenda as a list by clicking on the list icon button:

My Agenda as a list

Activities that are ongoing in a virtual room is indicated with a Live status. Below is how the indicator looks in tile view and list view:

For more information on setting up activities with a virtual room, refer to our article on Setting up your online activities.
Screenshot of the Live activity indicator in the My Agenda page.

Activities that are ongoing, but without a virtual room is indicated with a Now status. Below is how the indicator looks in tile view and list view:

Screenshot of the Now activity indicator in the My Agenda page.

Searching for activities

You can search for activities by typing a key word from the title of the activity you are looking for in the Search box and clicking the Search icon. This will display the activities with that key word for the specific date selected.

Searching for activities

Filtering the activities

Participants can easily filter the event's activities by clicking on the drop-down on the right-hand side and selecting one of these options:

  • Event schedule: This will display all activities of the event, including the ones you are not registered in.
  • My schedule: This will display only the activities you are registered in.
Event Schedule

  • Filtering by tracks: This will filter the event activities by their tracks. Click here for further information on tags and tracks.
If you have created categories for your tracks, you will see the tracks grouped in their various categories under the Tracks section. Tracks without categories will fall under Others.

If you would like to fold the tracks in a category, simply click on the arrow button beside the track category.
If there are more than 2 tracks added to an activity, click on the + sign next to the visible tracks to display all. For tracks to be displayed on the activity's tile, make sure to enable the Activity tile show 'Tracks'.
Filtering the activities
  • Filtering by location: This will filter the event activities by their location. Click here for further information on how to add places.
Filtering from tracks
This feature is available for In-Person & Hybrid events only. Click here to learn more about the different event modes that InEvent offers.

Activity details

By clicking on the Details button, the user will be taken to a new page with the activity information. The activity information will include the activity date and time, speakers, questions, comments, and polling from the activity session. The links to files that have been made available for the session will also be available on the left-hand side of the page in the Materials field.

Activity's details

Click here to learn more about all features that can be added to your attendee's account webpage - you, as an event admin, can check the contents being visualized by your guests by clicking on Event > Attendee center.


If the My Agenda is displayed as cards and not as lists you can click on the Details of the activity. The Action menu will be displayed on the right with the following: Pin/Unpin, Save to calendar, Send feedback.

  • Pin/Unpin: All the activities in which you are enrolled in will be pinned, and the activities in which you are not enrolled will be unpinned. Clicking on Unpin will remove an activity from your schedule , and clicking on Pin will add an activity your schedule. When pinning/unpinning activities, a confirmation pop-up will appear for you to confirm your action.
If the event admin has enabled the Instant activities enrollment tool, the confirmation pop-up will not appear and the actions will be done automatically.
  • Save to calendar: There are 3 possibilities to save the activity in your calendar, in the gif below the activity is saved in the Google Calendar. It can also be saved on Outlook and/or Apple Calendar
  • Send feedback: If feedback was created for this specific activity, when clicking on it a new tab will be open for you to submit a feedback.
Send Feedback

Polling on My Agenda

Admins have the option to control the visibility of polls in an activity from the My Agenda tab. To manage poll visibility, click on the activity's Details > Polls > and press the three dots icon to set the poll as visible/invisibe.

Polling on My Agenda

Uploading files to activities

If you are an Event admin, Staff, Presenter or Linked speaker, you will be able to upload files directly to activities you are pinned to, under the Materials section from the My Agenda page.

For more detailed information on this, please refer to the Files and documents article.

Uploading files to activities

My sessions page for Presenters and Linked Speakers

If you are a Presenter or a Linked speaker, you will notice the My sessions tab appearing before the Agenda tab.

Both Presenters and linked Speakers can perform similar actions to those available on the Agenda tab, with few exceptions:

For more detailed information, please click here to learn more.
Linked speaker

Accessing the event's agenda via the App

To view your agenda, access the Schedule tab. Here you will see all the activities and dates and times they are going to be held.

If the two-tab schedule option is enabled, you will see two tabs: General Schedule and My Schedule. The My Schedule tab only lists the activities that the attendee has enrolled in, while the General Schedule will show all the free activities that are not restricted to lists available for attendees to enroll in.

In the image below, on the left-hand side, the two-tab schedule is disabled. On the right-hand side, the two-tab schedule is enabled.

General schedule x my schedule

Searching for activities in the app

Attendees can search for activities using the following types of queries:

  • Activity Name or description: Click on the magnifying glass in the top right corner and search by the activity's name or description.
  • Tags: Click on the magnifying glass in the top right corner and select the tags corresponding to the topics of interest.
Search button on the app's agenda

  • Location: Click on Change, select the places where activities will take place (you can also select the tags corresponding to the topics of interest), and click the Apply button at the bottom of the screen. 
Change button on the events agenda

  • Pin/Unpin activities: Activities in which you are enrolled in will be pinned, and the activities in which you are not enrolled will be unpinned. Clicking on the Pin button will add an activity to your schedule, and clicking on Unpin will remove an activity from your schedule. When pinning/unpinning activities, a confirmation pop-up will appear for you to confirm your actions by clicking on Yes.
Gif showing how pinning after disabling the tool allows the notification pop-up

If the Instant activities enrollment tool has been enabled by the event admin, the confirmation pop-up will not appear when you click on pin/unpin as shown below:

Gif showing how the notification for pinning an activity disappears once the tool is disabled

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