Agenda management

​In your agenda, you can add all activities, lectures, and sessions from the event. The number of activities is unlimited and you can add in each of the information about location, speakers, sponsors, exclusive materials, and even build content tracks for your participants.

How do I create an activity?

If you wish to have more than 100 activities on your agenda, it's required for the participants accessing the event to have an i7 computer or Apple M1 chip in order for the Virtual Lobby to load properly with no delay.
  1. Manually

Navigate to Agenda > Activities, then click on the + Add activity button in the top left corner. The Add activity pop-up box will be displayed, in which you will be prompted to enter the following details:

  • Title: Title of your activity
  • Starts at: Starting date and time of your activity
  • Ends at: Ending date and time of your activity
  • Location: Location of your activity as added in Places
  • Automatic enrollment: Whether or not to enable Automatic enrollment for your activity

After entering the details, click on Create.

create an activity
  1. Via spreadsheet

You can also upload your agenda via spreadsheet, all activities at once. Go to Agenda > Activities > press Edit > Import and download demo file.

Image showing how to download a demofile, after clicking on Edit, click on import and then on download demofile

Fill in the fields by following the instructions the provided guiding questions. Some of the fields require a yes/no answer, while others require text that will be specified in the guiding question.

Once you download and open the demo file, It is possible to fill in the: name, description, address, location, place, start and end time, capacity, general, highlight, lists, tags, sponsors, speakers and chains.

Spreadsheet information
Spreadsheet information

You can also fill in information about the activity room: Virtual Room, Room Video Mode, Room Host.

Spreadsheet info

More fields regarding the activity room that allow you to tailor the experience are: closedCaptionsAndSubtitles, followUpSession, askForFeedback, feedbackPopupTitle, onDemandUrl, onDemandFrame, sessionCardSize, interactionNotifications, activityVisbility, enrollmentLock, raiseHands, raiseHandsRobertsRule.

Image showing a part of the demo file question fields
Image showing some of the question fields on the demo file

You can also enable any hide options: hideActivities, hideSponsors, hideExhibitors, hideMeetings, hideGroupRooms, hideNetworking, hideQuestion, hideQuiz, hidePeople, hideBreakoutRoom, and hideSpeedNetworking. The hide options can be enabled or disabled via the spreadsheet by simply answering yes or no in the corresponding fields.

Image showing some of the question fields in the demo file

image showing some of the question fields in the demo file

Please input the exact text for columns like roomVideoMode, followUpSession, and sessionCardSize to avoid errors. Mistakes or typing errors will be treated as empty entries. As these fields are not mandatory, the import will succeed and the content will be ignored.

Once the spreadsheet is all filled in, click on the green button with the folder icon and next press Import.

Image showing how to Import a spreadsheet by clicking on Import on top and then by clicking on the green folder and then import button in the window.

To add various speakers/sponsors via spreadsheet, add the names separated by a comma (,).

To enable automatic enrollment while creating your activities via spreadsheet, under the H column type in 1, and to disable the automatic enrollment type in 0.
I can't seem to upload activities via spreadsheet. Why is that?

Click here to check the most common errors when importing activities to the agenda.

After activities are created, a Virtual Lobby link will appear above the activities next to the corresponding date. Clicking on this link will open the Virtual Lobby, displaying all activities scheduled for that same date.

Click the virtual lobby link

How do I edit an activity?

In the Agenda > Activities page, select the activity you would like to edit and click on Edit.

You should be able to edit the fields below:

  • Name: You can change the activity's name and also add translations.
  • Start, and end time: Set the start and the end time of the activity.
  • Description: You can use bullet lists on the WYSIWYG editor, as well as add translations
  • Place: Click here to learn how to create places.
  • Address: Enter the address of your activity.
  • Number of vacancies: Set how many people can enroll in this activity.
Enabling Automatic enrollment on activities together with Activities on form on the Registration Form and setting Number of vacancies may cause errors when checking attendees into the event. It is advised to use either Automatic enrollment or Activities on form with Number of vacancies.
  • Number of people present: Set how many people can join the activity.
Editing the activity's details

Setting up virtual rooms

  • Virtual room: You should check this box if your activity is happening online.
  • Room cover: The desired size is 280 x 160 px.
  • Session replica: If you wish to replicate an activity settings, click here for more information.
  • Room status label: Each room will display a status label in its upper left corner.
  • Room video mode: Click here to check our room video modes.
Activitys details

Depending on which room video mode is selected, some of the fields described below will vary. 
  • Room video provider: Choose a room video provider. Click here to learn more.
  • Room video latency: Set the video latency for your room. Click here to learn more.
  • Social streaming: Stream your activity to a third party social media. Click here to learn more.
  • Dial-in: Enable dial-in option for speakers. Click here to learn more.
  • Room host: Here, you should define who is going to be the room host. Click here to learn the room host's permission.
  • Room recording: You should check this box if you'd like your activity to be recorded. Click here for further information.
  • Number of presenters: Set how many presenters you would like to have in the room. The maximum number of speakers will be 17.
  • Closed Captions & Subtitles: Enable closed captions for your your sessions. Click here to learn more.
  • Speech to text transcription: The transcription will be generated automatically in the language of your preference. You will be able to select the speech-language and a translation option language. Click here for further information.
  • Audio interpretation: You can add audio interpretation channels to enable simultaneous language interpretation.
  • Follow up session: if you want to send your viewers to the follow-up session.
  • Ask for feedback when leaving: if the activity has a feedback form, a pop-up will be shown when leaving the session. Click here for further information.

Access policy

Define whether you would like the attendees to be able to join activities before their start time and after their end time.

  1. Join sessions before starting

If you select No, the attendees will not be able to join an activity before its scheduled start time.

If you would like attendees to be able to join a room before the activity starts, you will be given the option to decide if they should be able to join 5, 15, 30 minutes or 1 hour prior to the activity's start time.

Access policy for activities
  1. Join sessions after ending
Access policy for activities

If you select No, the attendees will not be able to join an activity after its scheduled end time.

If you would like attendees to be able to join a room after the activity ends, select Yes.

If you would like to configure an access policy for the entire event instead of configuring it for each session, you can do so too. Click here for further information.


Here you will be able to configure your activities by controlling the visibility of the following fields in your activity:

Virtual Lobby design
This field will only appear if you have selected the Neo layout as your Virtual Lobby layout type.

In this section, you can select the layout type for the activity room cover in the Virtual Lobby. To do this, simply click Edit and select the desired layout type from the Session card drop-down box. If you select Use system settings, the activity room cover will follow the layout type defined for all activities in the Event > Virtual Lobby > Layout page.

To learn all about the activity layout types, refer to our Virtual Lobby layout article.
Screenshot showing the Virtual Lobby design drop down option.

General settings
General setting tabs

  • Automatic enrollment: All attendees from the event will be automatically enrolled in the activity when registering to the event.
Enabling Automatic enrollment on activities together with Activities on form on the Registration Form and setting Number of vacancies may cause errors when checking attendees into the event. It is advised to use either Automatic enrollment or Activities on form with Number of vacancies.
  • Highlighted position: The activity's room cover will appear in the Large layout in the Virtual Lobby, regardless of whether you are using the Small or Medium activity layout type.
The activity's name will be underlined on the platform to indicate that the activity is highlighted.
  • Interactions notifications: notifications (questions, polling, feedback) from this activity will appear under Alerts.
  • Activity visible to attendees: if enabled, the activity will be visible to the attendees. If disabled, only administrators will see the invisible activity and there will be a tag that says Invisible to let the admins know that the activity is invisible to everyone else.
  • Activity visible on website regardless of restrictions: If enabled, list-restricted activities will be displayed on the Agenda section of the Website. If disabled, list-restricted activities will not be displayed on the Website.
  • Enrollment lock: The enrollment operations will be locked and attendees will not be able to register in this activity anymore.
  • Raise hands: By enabling this feature attendees will be able to click on the Raise hands icon during this session. If you wish to activate this function for the Breakout room created within the Session, click here to learn how.
  • Robert's Rule of Order: This feature is dependent on the Raise hands feature to function. The Raise hands feature must first be enabled, to have it appear. Click here, to learn more about Robert's Rule of Order.
Tab Visibility - Left menu

You can configure the visibility of the following tabs that appear on the left menu inside your activity in the Virtual Lobby :

Tab Visibility - Left menu

  • Hide activities: It will hide the activities tab from users. Admins, presenters, staff and room host will still be able to see the tab in the activity.
  • Hide sponsors: It will hide the sponsors tab inside the activity.
  • Hide exhibitors: It will hide the exhibitors tab inside the activity.
  • Hide meetings: It will hide the meetings tab inside the activity.
  • Hide group rooms: It will hide the group rooms tab inside the activity.
  • Hide networking: It will hide the networking tab inside the activity.

This is how attendees will see the activity in the Virtual lobby before and after the left menu tabs are hidden:

Before and after the left menu tabs are hidden

Tab visibility - Right menu

You can configure the visibility of the following tabs that appear in the right menu of your activity:

Tab visibility - right menu

  • Hide chat: It will hide the Chat tab in this activity in the Virtual Lobby.
If you enable the option Hide chat, the public chat the users use to communicate with each other will disappear, but the private chat will still be available in the room for speakers, admins, staff, and room host.
  • Hide poll: It will hide the Polling tab in this activity in the Virtual Lobby.
  • Hide quiz: It will hide the Quiz tab in this activity in the Virtual Lobby.
  • Hide questions: It will hide the Questions tab in this activity in the Virtual Lobby.
  • Hide people: The People tab will be hidden from users in this room. Admins, presenters, staff and room host will still be able to see the tab.
  • Hide files: It will hide the Files tab inside this activity in the Virtual Lobby
  • Hide breakout rooms: It will hide the Breakout rooms tab inside the activity.
  • Hide Speed networking: It will hide the Speed networking tab inside the activity.

This is how attendees will see the activity in the Virtual lobby before and after the right menu tabs are hidden:

Rigth menu tabs before and after hiding
You can also disable tabs across all activities from the Settings > Tabs > Virtual rooms page. To learn how to do so, take a look at the article Tabs.

Content: people lists, speakers, sponsors, files, tracks and breakout rooms

  1. To associate activities with people lists, check this article.
  2. To associate activities with speakers, check this article.
  3. To associate activities with sponsors, check this article.
  4. To insert files in the activities, click here.
  5. To create trails of content using tracks, check this article.
  6. To create chains between activities, check this article.
  7. To create breakout rooms, check this article.

Additional Settings

In addition to adjusting settings for individual activities, you can also manage tools that impact all activities from the same page. Simply click on the Settings button located in the top right corner. This will open a window where you can enable or disable the tools across their various sections.

Image showing the settings pop-up with the relevant tools of the Activities page

To learn more about each tool in detail, refer to this article. To learn more about Tabs, refer to the Tabs article.

Can I delay activities?

Yes! To delay an activity, press Edit > select the activity you would like to delay and press Delay activity > confirm by clicking Delay.

screenshot showing how to delay activities
Delaying an activity, will also cause a delay in following activities.

How can I define in which order my activities will appear to the attendees?

Our agenda respects alphabetical and numerical ordering. So, if you need to determine a specific sequence, you can make use of the following options:

  1. Numerical order: place a number in front of the activity name, such as 1) Activity name; 2) Name of the activity; 3) Name of the activity.
  2. Alphabetical order: put a letter in front of the activity name, such as A) Activity name; B) Name of the activity; C) Name of the activity;
  3. Temporal order: register the activities with sequential schedules to determine their order, such as 08:00:01; 08:00:02; 08:00:03.

How do I create schedules for different audiences within the same event?

If you'd like to have different schedules for different audiences, you can link lists of people to activities. This way, only those on the list can see the activity and subscribe to it.

Alternatively, you can create activities with restrictions and choice blocks. Refer to this article for more information.

How do I save calendar activities as a PDF file?

To save activities in PDF format, you can add an Agenda section to your hot site and, while viewing the website in the browser on a PC, select CTRL + P on the keyboard or on the Mac, ⌘ + P and select the destination printer as Save as PDF and press Save.

Adding a hotsite section to extract Agenda in PDF will only be possible if there is a hotsite tool in the package purchased with InEvent.

How can I check if an attendee has enrolled in an activity?

Go to Settings > Tools > scroll down until the Extra section and enable Excel sheets with activities.

settings to check if the participants' agenda is full

Download the attendee's report. In the report, locate the filledSchedule column. The filling options are 0 and 1, where 0 indicates that the attendee hasn't enrolled in any activity, and 1 indicates that the attendee has enrolled in one or more activities.

How can I enroll attendees in activities?

There are numerous possibilities to register participants in their activities. Check this article to learn all the possibilities.

Can I send a push message only to attendees enrolled in one specific activity?

Yes! Click here to learn how.

How do I archive activities?

By archiving activities, event organizers can manage their agenda easily. Organizers can hide or archive activities from My Agenda, Virtual Lobby and Website without having to delete them. 

To archive an activity, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Agenda > Activities.
  2. Click Edit on the top right corner of the page.
  3. Check the box next to the activity(ies) you wish to archive.
  4. Click on Archive.
archive activities
  1. A pop-up window will appear. Click Yes on the pop-up window to confirm.
pop up to archive an activity
  1. Press End to save your changes.
Archived activities will no longer be visible from the Virtual Lobby, My Agenda, and Website.

How do I view archived activities?

Event organizers can view the list of archived activities by navigating to Agenda > Activities and clicking on the Archived button on the top left corner of the page.

view archived activities

How do I unarchive activities?

Archived activities can be made visible again by unarchiving them. To unarchive an activity, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Agenda > Activities.
  2. Click on the Archived button on the top left corner of the page.
  3. Click on Edit.
  4. Check the box next to the activity you wish to unarchive.
  5. Click on Unarchive.
unarchive activities
  1. A pop-up window will appear. Click Yes on the pop-up window to confirm.
pop up to unarchive an activity
  1. Press End to save your changes.
Unarchived activities will be visible in the Virtual Lobby, My Agenda tab, and Website.

How can I remove activities?

If you wish to delete one or more activities you can simply follow the next steps. Bear in mind that you will see a different pop-up message to confirm the action depending on the activity (if it has a recording or not).

Activities with no recording

  1. Go to Agenda > Activities > press Edit
  2. Select the activity you wish to remove and press Remove
  3. Press Remove again in the pop-up message
  4. Click End.
screenshot showing how to delete an activity

Activities with recording

  1. Go to Agenda > Activities > press Edit.
  2. Select the activities you would like to remove and press Remove.
  3. Type in the corresponding field: DELETE ACTIVITY AND RECORDINGS.
  4. Press Delete to confirm the action > press End.
screenshot showing how to remove an activity

Can I extract a report for all activities?

Yes! To extract a report of all your activities, follow the steps below;

  1. Press the Edit button.
  2. In the upper left corner, click on the Report button.
  3. From the pop-up box, click Done.

You will receive an email with the report and a download request will also appear in the blue notification banner.

settings pop up
By clicking on the Download button in the blue notification banner, you will be redirected to the All Reports > Activities page where you can preview or download the report.
download report

This report will be for all your activities and will contain information such as: activityID, eventID, placeID, liveID, mktolistd, msdSessionId, name, description, latitude, longitude, location, dateBegin, dateEnd, dateBeginTimezone, dateEndTimezone, timezone, capacity, oversize, general, highlight, notify, visible, hide settings, tags, lists, etc.

Activated columns will display 1.

This report will also have columns for RTMP activities which displays the keys and URLs related to the activity. You will see the following fields: streamingKey, streamingFailoverKey, streamingLowLatencyKey and rtmpAlternateTracks.

RTMP reports

Automating your report downloads

You can automate you report downloads by creating a Recurring report. To do this, follow the steps below;

  1. Press Edit and click on Report in the upper left corner, this will trigger a pop up window to appear.
  2. In the pop up window, click on the dropdown list and select your desired period to generate your report periodically.
Recurrence period option list
You can choose the period for automating report downloads by selecting one of the following options from the drop down menu: Every 12 hours, Everyday, Every week and Every month. You can also choose to create a custom period for generating reports.
  1. Enter the name for the report
  2. Click on Done to generate your recurring report.
Gif showing how to create recurring report

To create a custom recurring report follow the steps below:

  1. Press Edit and click on Report in the upper left corner. A pop up window will appear
  2. From the pop up window, click on the dropdown list and select Custom
  3. Enter your desired period for generating your periodic reports
  4. Define a name for the report and click on Done
Creating custom recurring report

How can I edit and delete my recurring report

You can edit the recurring reports you have created, this allows you to edit the name and recurring time of your reports. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Press Edit and click on Report in the upper left corner. A pop up window will appear.
  2. From the pop up box, Select RECURRENCE LIST.
  3. Click on the corresponding orange icon and edit the Report name and/or Recurrence.
  4. Click on the corresponding blue icon to save the changes made.

To delete the recurring report:

  1. Click on the red thrash icon beside the report
  2. Enter REMOVE REPORT in the pop-up that appears to confirm the deletion.
  3. Click on Remove to finalize.
Editing recurring report

Can I extract a report for specific activities?

If you wish to generate reports for specific activities, click on the activity, press Edit and you will see a Report activity button at the upper right. Click on it and you should receive an email with the activity's report.

Report an activity

By clicking on the Download button in the blue notification banner, you will be redirected to the All reports > Activities page where you can preview or download the report.

This report will be for a specific activity and contain more detailed, targeted and focused information on attendees and their participation in the activity such as: personID, username, name, email, role, company, activities, groupRooms, totalViews, uniqueViews, dateJoined, dateUpdated, totalTimeSpent, avgTimeSpent, watchTimeSpent, Polls, Questions, etc.

This report will also have columns for each reaction added in a live stream activity. Each reaction column will display the amount of times a user clicked on that reaction. To identify each reaction, its name will be enclosed in brackets within the respective column, as shown below:

The Reactions feature can only be used when the activity is set to Live studio. Click here for more information.
Image showing a specific activity user reaction count.

How can I make use of the Clear analytics button?

In order to clear and delete all analytics for a specific activity report in an event, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Agenda > Activities and click on the desired activity.
  2. Press Edit and click on Clear analytics.
  3. A new pop-up window will appear where you will need to type in CLEAR ANALYTICS in the field provided and then click on the red button.
  4. Finally, click on Report activity and view your activity report, which will now clear all analytics in the report such as: avgTimeSpent, totalViews, uniqueViews, avgTimeSpent, Reactions, etc.
Gif showing how to Clear analytics in report of specific activity

Can I search for activities?

To quickly find a specific activity on the Agenda > Activities page, use the Search button. Simply click the Search button and type in a keyword from the activity's title, then press the blue Search button. This will automatically display the activities that have the key word you have typed, helping you locate the specific activity you're looking for faster.

Searching for activities

Filtering activities by lists

The filter feature in the Activities page allows you find activities that have been linked to a list. By clicking on the Filter button, it will display the lists available in your event. Click on a specific list and the activities associated with that list will be displayed.

Select All from the dropdown to remove a filter.

Filtering activities

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