Cancellation form

In the InEvent platform, it is possible to provide users the ability to cancel their registration to the event and be directed to a Cancellation form. Attendees can view the Cancellation form from their My Account tab, and submissions can be exported to a spreadsheet document.

How do I enable this tool?

It is required to enable the Allows cancellation feature in the Event tools before using it. To enable Allows cancellation, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Tools.
  2. Locate Allows cancellation under Control section or type in Allows cancellation in the search bar.
  3. Click Edit on the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Toggle on the button beside the Allows cancellation box to enable the feature.
  5. Press End to save changes.
Image showing how to enable allows cancellation feature.

Creating the Cancellation form?

To create the cancellation form, navigate to Marketing > Registration > Cancellation form.

Image showing how to navigate cancellation form i.e. Marketing, Registration, Cancellation form.

Fields: How do I add fields to the form?

By default, there will be a field created on the cancellation form. If you want to add more fields, follow the instructions bellow:

  1. Click Add field. A pop-up box will appear.
  2. Enter your field title or question.
  3. Choose an answer type from the drop-down menu.
To learn more about answer types and configuring fields, refer to this article.
  1. Press Create.
Gif showing how to add field to cancellation form.


Sections allows you to separate fields of your cancellation form into their own group. Sections makes the form look neat and organized, as you can group similar fields on your form. You can also add titles and subtitles to better describe each section.

How do I create form sections?

In addition to creating form fields or questions, you can also create form sections and group your cancellation form fields. To create form sections, follow the steps:

  1. Click the Section tab.
  2. Click on Edit.
  3. Enter the section name in the text box.
  4. Click on New Section.
  5. Press End to save changes.
Gif showing how to create section in cancellation form.

Once you have completed the steps above, you can proceed to modify your section details, such as adding a description, configuring its Conditional rules, or creating its own dedicated page.

How do I edit my sections?

After your section is created, you can click on Edit within the Sections tab and modify the following attributes:

  • Name: Modify the name of your form.
  • Description: Add a description of your form.
  • Conditional from: This field is relevant when setting sections as conditionals. Refer to this article to learn more.
  • Conditional option from: This field is relevant when setting sections as conditionals. Refer to this article to learn more.
  • Dedicated page: When set to Yes, the section and fields attached to it, will be shown on a separate page in the Cancelation form when you click on Next. When set to No, the section will appear within the form's first page. Refer to this section to learn more.
  • Add translations: You can add translations to your Name and Description fields. To learn how to add translations, refer to our information on adding section translations.
Gif showing how to edit a section on the form.

How do I rearrange sections?

After creating sections, you can reorder the section's placement. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on Edit within the Sections tab.
  2. Click and hold the drag handle button of your target section.
  3. Drag and drop the section to the desired placement.
  4. Click End to save your changes.
Gif showing how to reorder sections on form.

After completing the steps above, your sections will be reordered and the attached fields will be displayed following the set order of the sections.

How do I add fields to my section?

After creating sections, you can group fields under your sections. To do so, ensure you have created fields and proceed with the steps below:

  1. Select the field you wish to group under your section.
  2. Click on Edit.
  3. Select the target section using the Section drop-down menu.
  4. Click End to save your changes.
Gif showing how to add field in section.

How do I remove a section?

You can remove a section by following the steps below:

  1. Click on Edit within the Sections tab.
  2. Locate the section you wish to remove.
  3. Click on Delete section. A confirmation pop-up box will be displayed.
  4. Click on Remove to confirm.
When removing a section which contains fields, fields within the deleted section will be moved back to the default section.
  1. Click on End to save your changes.
Gif showing how to delete section on form.

Submissions: How do I view submitted forms?

To view forms that have been submitted, click Submissions.

Image showing all the submissions of the cancellation form.

Click on a user's submission to view their answer to the form.

How do I extract submitted forms data from the platform?

Submitted forms can be extracted into a spreadsheet format and sent to your email address. In order to do so, click on a form and click on Report.The platform will notify that your requested report is being processed. It will be sent to your email once done.

Gif showing how to extract report.
You can click on the Download button in the notification banner and this will lead you to the All reports > Forms page where you can preview and download the report. Below is all the information you can view in the report.
Gif showing downloaded report


You can configure your cancellation form by clicking Settings. The available options are listed below:

  • Form title: Modify the title of your form, as well as add a translation.
  • Subtitle/Disclaimer: Add a subtitle to your form or a disclaimer. You can use this field to specify any instructions which will appear at the top of the form. You can also add a translation.
You can also edit the texts added using the tools in the textbox.
  • Action to execute after the form is finished: Set automated action after form submission. To send automated notification emails following a form submission, select Send email in the first drop-down box and select the email to be sent., then click on Add trigger.
To learn more about creating custom emails, refer to this article.
If you want attendees to receive an automatic confirmation email, which notifies them about cancellation of their registration to the event, refer to our Confirmation email and other automatic emails article..
Gif showing how to configure your cancellation form settings.


To view your cancellation form, select Preview. Your cancellation form will be opened in a new tab.

Gif showing how to preview cancellation form.
Fields not linked to a section will be displayed first in the cancellation form.

Where can attendees access the cancellation form?

The attendees can access the cancellation form from the My Account area. Click here to know more information about this.

Accessing the Cancellation  form

Once a user fills and submits the cancelation form, they are removed from the event.

If the event is ticketed and you have purchased tickets, please request a refund before canceling your participation, as tickets are not automatically refunded upon cancellation.

How can I share my forms?

You can easily share your cancellation form using the Preview link.

Other than sharing the cancellation form link, you can find different options on how to share your cancellation form with your attendees:

  1. Text message

Cancellation form links can be shared using the Text message feature. To add your cancellation form link to a text message, make sure to use a URL shortener tool so the link fits in the 140 characters limit.

Click here to learn more about the Text messages feature.

  1. Push messages

A push notification is a message that attendees receive via their web browser or mobile app. To add your cancellation form link to the push message, make sure to use a URL shortener tool so the link fits in the 140 characters limit.

Click here for further information on how to send Push notifications.

  1. Email

You can send your cancellation form link via email to all event attendees or to predetermined lists of attendees.

Click here to learn more about Custom emails.

  1. Website

You can create a tab to share your cancellation form or simply paste it to any existing section.

Click here for learn more about the Website feature.

  1. Custom tabs

You can create a tab in the Virtual Lobby or mobile app that will redirect your attendees to your cancellation form.

Click here to learn more about Tabs.

  1. News feed

The News feed feature can be used to share files or information about your event. You can use this feature to share your cancellation form link.

Click here for further information on the News feed feature.

  1. Activity description

Cancellation form links can be shared or embed through the Activity description, which will be displayed to all attendees participating in the activity.

Click here for further information on Activity description.

  1. Virtual Lobby Chat

Attendees are able to use the Chats feature to interact during the session. As an administrator, you can pin a message with the link to your cancellation form.

Click here to learn how to do so.

  1. Embed an iframe to an external website

Cancellation forms can be embedded to an external website using its HTML iframe tag. To find the HTML iframe tag, press Share and paste the displayed code to the desired website.

Image showing share embed code.

Cancellation list

You can view a list of cancellations under People > Cancellations with details such as the person ID, username, email, date of cancellation, status, etc.

Image showing list of people who submitted cancellation forms.

You can extract a report of the list by clicking on Edit > Report. The platform will notify that your requested report is being processed. It will be sent to your email once done.

You can click on the Download button in the notification banner and this will lead you to the All report > Waitlists page where you can preview and download the report.
Extracting a report

How will the Cancellation email look like?

The user will be able to receive a cancellation email, confirming their registration has been cancelled. Click here to know more information about this.

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