Translation dashboard

The Translation page serves as a centralized hub that gathers all translation-related information from every part of the platform. It gathers both existing translations and untranslated content, in the pre-selected translation language options. On this page, you can easily view pre-existing translations, identify fields that still need translation, and even add new target languages. Additionally, you have the flexibility to perform translations on specific fields or apply changes across all platform fields simultaneously.

InEvent offers 103 translation languages for you to choose from.

How can I access the Translation page?

To access the Translation page, go to Event > Content > Translation. On this page, you will see a Summary of the translations made, as well as the Resources where translations are made.

Accessing the Translations page


The Summary page provides an analytical breakdown on the translation languages and resources currently being worked on. Here, you can access the following information:

  • Languages: Displays the total number of translated fields for each translation language in relation to the overall number of fields with content available for translation. The percentage breakdown is also given.
  • Resources: Displays the total number of translations completed across all languages in each resource section in relation to the total number of fields with content. Here, the total number of fields with content is obtained by multiplying the fields with content with the total count of added translation languages. The percentage breakdown is also given.
The analytics for each resource will be displayed at the top of each resource page.
Summary page

In addition to viewing this data, you can take the following actions on the Summary page:

  • Add a new translation language across all resources directly by clicking on the New language button and making a selection from the drop-down menu.
When adding a new language, the event's name and description (if added) will be automatically translated. This can be viewed under the Event resource page.

Adding a new language

  • Translate all resources simultaneously by clicking the Translate all resources with AI button. Refer to this section for more information.


In the Resources section, you'll find a detailed list of distinct segments within the platform. For each segment, you can see the fields available for translation, including those that have already been translated. This allows you to specifically target and translate your desired components or sections of the platform.



In this section, you will find details such as the ID, name, and description of the various activities in your event. By clicking on any of the translation language tabs, you can easily view the translations alongside the original text. If a translation hasn't been generated for a text, the translation box field will appear empty.

Image showing the Activities tab and the translation languages as well as the translations of the activity titles
To learn more about generating translations for your activities' names and descriptions directly from the Activity page, refer to the Agenda management article.


In this section, you will find details such as the ID, name, and description of your event. By clicking on any of the translation language tabs, you can easily view the translations alongside the original text. If a translation hasn't been generated for a text, the translation box field will appear empty.

Event name and description translation
Refer to the Event details article to learn more about generating translations directly from the event Details page.


In this section, you will find details such as the ID, and text of tabs with modified labels. By clicking on any of the translation language tabs, you can easily view the translations alongside the original text. If a translation hasn't been generated for a text, the translation box field will appear empty.

Tabs translations

Refer to the Tabs article to learn more about modifying tabs' names and generating translations directly from the Tabs page.
Questions and fields

In this section, you will find details such as the ID, text and subtitle of questions and fields curated from different forms of the platform such as: registration form, custom forms, abstract form, feedback forms, attached forms, hotel management form, etc. Simply click on a translation language tab to see translations alongside the original text. If a subtitle field lacks text or if the translation hasn't been generated, the translation box will appear empty for that particular field.

Questions and fields

Field options

In this section you will find details such as ID, origin (fields/questions) and the text representing the options added to a field when using the multiple choice or options list answer type. Simply click on a translation language tab to see translations alongside the original text. If a translation hasn't been generated for a specific text, the translation box field will appear empty.

Fields options

Refer to this article to learn how to create options list or multiple choice field answer types and generate translations for these options.

In this section, you will find details such as the ID, title and subtitle of your forms such as: custom form and abstract form. Simply click on a translation language tab to see translations alongside the original text. If a subtitle field is empty or if the translation hasn't been generated for a specific text, the translation box will appear empty for that particular field.

Forms' titles translations


In this section, you will find the ID and RegistrationText added to your website page(s) under the Registration label field of the website page. Simply click on a translation language tab to see translations alongside the original text. If a translation hasn't been generated for a specific text, the translation box field will appear empty.

Website translations
Refer to the Website article, to learn how to add a registration label and add translations.
Website sections

In this section, you will find details such as the ID, name and text of your website sections. Simply click on a translation language tab to see translations alongside the original text. If a text field is empty or if the translation hasn't been generated, the translation box will appear empty for that particular field.

Screenshot showing translations of website section names.

The text field is only available for custom sections. Refer to the Website article to learn more about adding translations to your website sections.
Landing page

In this section, you'll find details such as the ID and name of the website page(s) and other sections of the landing page with modified names. To view translations alongside the original text, simply click on a translation language tab. If a translation hasn't been generated for a specific text, the translation field will appear empty.

Landing page

Refer to this article for more information on adding translations to sections and the web pages.
Landing page custom content

In this section, you'll find details such as the ID and value of the custom content added to your sections in the landing page using the components available under Text section. To view translations alongside the original text, simply click on a translation language tab. If a translation hasn't been generated for a specific text, the translation field will appear empty.

Landing page custom content


In this section, you'll find details such as the ID and value of modified Headings. To view translations alongside the original text, simply click on a translation language tab. If a translation hasn't been generated for a specific text, the translation field will appear empty.


Refer to the Headings article, to learn more about adding translations to heading values.


In this section, you'll find details such as the ID, origin, description and headline of speakers who have set a mini-bio and role. The description field corresponds to the Speaker's mini-bio, and the headline corresponds to the speaker's role. To view translations alongside the original text, simply click on a translation language tab.

If a description or headline field is empty or if the translation hasn't been generated for the text in these fields, the translation field will appear empty.

Speakers translation

To learn more about adding mini-bios and roles of speakers, refer to the Speakers article.

Speaker categories

In this section, you'll find details such as the ID, and name of the speaker categories. To view translations alongside the original text, simply click on a translation language tab. If a translation hasn't been generated for a specific text, the translation field will appear empty.

Speaker categories translations
To learn more about creating and adding translations to speaker categories, refer to the Speakers article.

In this section, you'll find details such as the ID, origin and bio of sponsors and exhibitors who have a mini-bio. To view translations alongside the original text, simply click on a translation language tab. If a translation hasn't been generated for a specific text, the translation field will appear empty.

Sponsors and Exhibitors translatinos

To learn more about and adding mini-bio to your Sponsors and Exhibitors, refer to the Sponsors and Exhibitors articles.

In this section, you'll find details such as the ID, and name of the sponsor and exhibitor categories. To view translations alongside the original text, simply click on a translation language tab. If a translation hasn't been generated for a specific text, the translation field will appear empty.

Sponsor and speaker category translations

To learn more about creating and adding translations to sponsor and exhibitor categories, refer to the Sponsors and Exhibitors articles.
Ticket groups/Form sections

In this section, you'll find details such as the ID, name and description of form sections and ticket groups. To view translations alongside the original text, simply click on a translation language tab. If the description field is empty or a translation hasn't been generated for a specific text, the translation field will appear empty.

The Description column for ticket groups will appear empty, as descriptions cannot be added to ticket groups.
Ticket groups/ sections translations

Generating translations

You can generate translations for individual fields and all fields within a resource, or translate all fields across all the resource sections simultaneously.

Translating a field

To translate content directly from a resource section, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the language name displayed next to the original text.
  2. A new window will open, allowing you to generate translations for all added languages.
  3. Click the green Generate button next to the desired language.
  4. You can add more languages by selecting a language from the Select a language drop-down and clicking Add translation (optional).
  5. Once done, click Save and refresh your page for the translations to reflect.
Translating a field

Translating in bulk

Within a resource

To translate all fields with content within a resource section across all available translation languages simultaneously, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Translate with AI button at the top right corner of the page. A new window will appear.
  2. From the drop-down, select the languages to which you want to translate the fields.
Only pre-selected translation options will be available in the drop-down and the language tab you are on will already be selected.
  1. Click on Translate.
Translation may take a few minutes, and you may need to refresh your page for the translations to be reflected.
Translating in bulk across all fields

Across all resources

To carry out a bulk translation simultaneously across all resources, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Summary page.
  2. Click on the Translate all resources with AI button at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Select from the drop-down the languages you want to translate the fields to.
Only pre-selected translation options will be available in the drop-down and the language tab you are on will already be selected.
  1. Click on Translate.
It may take some minutes to translate and you may need to refresh your page for the translations to reflect.

The gif below shows an example of generating translations for untranslated fields across all resources using the Arabic and Spanish languages:

Generating translations across all resources

Fields without content will have no translation.

Can I upload translations at once via demo file?

Yes! Using the demo file, you can simplify the translation upload process. This feature supports bulk uploads, making it more efficient to manage large volumes of translation data across different resources on the platform. To upload translations at once via the demo file, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Event > Content > Translation.
  2. Click on the Edit button in the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Select Import and click on Download demo file from the import spreadsheet pop-up.
Before downloading the demo file for bulk translation upload, ensure you select the languages you wish to translate on the Translation dashboard. This step is crucial as it ensures that the demo file you download will include the appropriate language fields for your translations.
Alternatively, you can click on Export to download a pre-filled spreadsheet that includes all your resource columns. Simply fill out the translation columns without having to complete the other columns, such as the resource column.
  1. Fill out the required columns in the demo file spreadsheet with your translations.
  2. Return to Event > Content > Translation once your spreadsheet is complete:
  3. Click on Edit.
  4. Click on Import. A pop-up window will be displayed
  5. Click on the green file icon and select your edited spreadsheet.
  6. Click on Import.

Can I remove translations?

You can remove a translation directly from a field. Follow these steps:

  1. Click on the language name next to the original text. A new window will open displaying the generated translations for the field in the added languages.
  2. Locate the translation you wish to remove and clear its content in the text box.
You can also clear the translations of other languages.
  1. Click Save and refresh your page in order for the changes made to reflect.
    Removing a translation
Can a language be completely removed?

Yes, a language will be completely removed when there are no translations for any of the resources in that language. You can also delete a language and all translations generated within that language from the Event > details page. Click here for more information.

Where can users see the translations?

Users will be able to translate the contents of whichever page they are on:

  • In web pages (website, landing page), the default language will appear at the top of the page. By clicking on it, the added translation languages will be displayed. By selecting a language, the affiliated fields will be translated automatically.
Translation drop-down menu

In forms and in the Virtual Lobby, a globe icon will appear at the top of the page. By clicking on the icon, the added translation options will be displayed. By selecting a language, the affiliated fields of the page will be automatically translated.

In forms and in the Virtual Lobby

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