Webinar details

That initial information page is generally your webinar’s participant's first contact with the webinar itself and is important for all the information to be available and clear to them.

This article intends to explain to you all the settings options available on the webinar details page.

How do I access the webinar details page?

To configure the initial information of your webinar and that which will be the participant's first contact and experience via website and Live Stream, click Settings > Tools > Edit > scroll down to the InEvent Start section and enable the Details feature.

Then go to Webinar > Details. Press Edit to start making changes to your event details.

 Webinar > Details

Basic Information

This allows you to configure key details about your webinar that will be visible to the public. Here, you can manage event codes, set the event name, and configure the start and end dates, along with enrollment periods and access settings.

Company and Event code

This field shows two 5-digit codes:

The company code can also be found at the company level under the Company > Details page.
  • The Webinar code: The ID automatically assigned to the event when created.
Image showing Company and Webinars codes

Created by

This states which administrator created the webinar and the date and time it was created.

Created by

Event Name

You can modify the initial name of your webinar. The webinar name has a limit of 256 characters (spaces inclusive).

You can also add automatic or manual translations for the webinar name. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Add translation button which will open a new window.
  2. Choose the language you want to translate to using the Select a language dropdown.
  3. Click on Add translation to include the language.
  4. Click on the green Generate button to automatically generate a translation in the desired language or you can type in the translation manually.
  5. Click on Save.
GIF showing how to edit the event name and add name translations

Attendees will be able to see the added language translations on the event's website by clicking on the Language dropdown and selecting from the added language option.

Screenshot showing the language selector drop-down on the website
Event Date and Time
Event Date and Time
  • Event’s start: Date and time of the event’s start.
  • Event’s end: Date and time of the event’s end.
The event must have a minimum duration of 15 minutes and a maximum duration of 365 days.
  • Begin of enrollment: Sets when the participant can sign up and interact with the app or other tools on the platform, as an application form.
  • End of enrollment: Sets when the participant can no longer sign up and interact with the app or other tools of the platform.
  • End of event access: Date on which the participants will no longer be able to access the event. In this case, they will return to the main page.

Select the timezone according to the location of the webinar.

Webinar Mode

Shows the mode of your webinar: Virtual/ Online.

Webinar Mode
General Description

A description of the webinar itself, with no character limit. It will reflect on the Live Stream, under the Webinar title.

General Description
If you are having a bilingual webinar, you can also translate the general description by pressing Add translation. Click here for further information.

Event Configuration

You can manage your event's internal settings, such as its type, status, and capacity within this section.

Event Type

The Event type drop down menu allows you to select a status type created in the company level Event > Settings > Status List, so that the proceeding Event status field will contain the statuses from the Type you pre-selected. To learn more about Event Type, refer to our article Settings: Event Status List.

Event type
Event status

In this section, event admins can choose a status linked to a preselected status type from the dropdown menu to associate with their event. The statuses available in the menu must be created beforehand at the company level. Click here to learn more about the Status feature.

Event status

Set the currency that will be used in the event.

Event Currency
Webinar and Invite capacity
  • Webinar capacity: The number of attendees that can be enrolled in the webinar.
  • Invite capacity: The number of attendees that can be enrolled in the webinar via the invitation list.
Webinar and Invite capacity
If you have set an event capacity and you would like to receive email notifications for when the event reaches 80% of the set capacity and when the event gets full, ensure to enable the Event is almost full and Event is full admin notifications. Click here to learn how to do this.
Guests allowed per registration

Define how many guests each attendee can bring to the event.

Guest allowed per event

To have this field appear on the Event > Details page, you need to enable Guest form tool in Settings > Tools > Registration section. Press Edit, and scroll down to locate Guest form. Toggle its corresponding button on, and click End to save your changes.

Enabling the guest form
Webinar Status: Publishing your webinar

Define whether the webinar will be published or whether it will be as a draft. The webinar must be in published mode for attendees to be registered and start communicating via email.

  1. Published: It is possible to trigger emails, push messages, and register participants.
  2. Draft: You will not be able to send out emails or add participants to the webinar, you will only be able to add content to the webinar such as creating the website, adding speakers and sponsors.
Webinar Status

Select a place listed in the company details. For more information, click here.


Event Branding

Here, you can configure the visual elements of your event that are publicly visible, such as uploading a cover image and applying custom CSS to personalize the event's appearance to match your brand.

Cover Image

This image can be viewed by the participant on the website and registration form. The desired size for the image is 1700x630 (px by px), and 5MB for gifs. Press Edit > the red bar with the folder icon to choose an image to upload > then press End to save the changes.

The cover image will reflect on the website, the emails, the Registration/ Purchase form, the Attendee Center: My Account, My files, My tickets, and the Live Stream when clicking on the Webinar title as shown in the gif below:

Cover Image

Custom CSS
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. Cascading style sheets are used to format the layout of Web pages. They can be used to adapt colors, layout, font, and other aspects of Web pages that previously could only be defined in a page's HTML.
Custom CSS

By using the CSS tool you can edit your web pages. CSS is a language and therefore best used by developers. However, we have an FAQ that shows an example of how you can add background images to your web pages. Click here to learn more about this.

Access policy

On the Access Policy page, you can manage who is allowed to view and access your Webinar.

Access and policy
Virtual Lobby

Displays the link to your webinar's Live stream.

Image showing the VL link
Webinar Nickname

You can create a unique URL by editing your webinar's nickname. Simply click on the text to edit it. Be sure to use a different event nickname to avoid receiving an error message indicating that the nickname is already taken. It's crucial that each webinar has a unique nickname to prevent conflicts and ensure proper identification within the system.

Webinar Nickname
When you change an event's nickname to a new one, the old nickname will still be associated with the event and will automatically redirect to the new nickname. If you wish to use the old nickname for a different event within the same Company or within companies under the same Umbrella account, please contact your Account Manager.
InEvent is a trademark that cannot be utilized in URLs. Therefore, if you attempt to input InEvent into the nickname field, you will receive the warning below:

Event Privacy: public/private

This function allows you to control the event's accessibility, either as a public event or a private one.

  • Private: If you choose Private, an Access password field will appear for you to input a 4-digit code. This code will be a requirement for anyone enrolling into your event via the registration form making your event more exclusive.
To have the Access password field appear when you select Private, ensure that you have disabled the Ticket requirementInvite requirement, and Approval requirement tools from the Settings > Tools page.
4-digit password
  1. Public: If you choose Public, no access password is required when participants are registering for the event.
Event Privacy: public

Define if the event should be visible to everyone, visible to admins, visible to admins and attendees or visible to admins, attendees and select criteria at search findings on mobile app and event directory. In other words, it will determine if the event can be viewed and accessed.

Event visibility
  • Visible to everyone: Anyone can see the event after downloading the app from stores, even if they are not logged in to the app.
To ensure your event appears in the mobile app when set to Visible to everyone, ensure your event mode is set as Hybrid or In-person. If your event mode is set to Virtual/Online, the event will not appear in the mobile app.
  • Visible to admins: When this option is selected, only registered admins will be able to see the event.
  • Visible to admins and attendees: When this option is selected, only the admins and attendees will be able to see the event.
  • Visible to admins, attendees and select criteria: When this option is selected, admins, attendees and only users that fit a particular visibility criteria (Global fields) will be able to view the event.

When this option is selected, a new drop-down menu will be created. Here you can set the visibility criteria by selecting particular company global fields and specific responses to them. You can select more than one global field by clicking on the Add more button. Users that fit any of the criteria will be able to view the event.

Event visibility

Page rules

The Page rules section allows you to define which pages attendees will be directed to when accessing your event.

Main Page

Set the page that will open on the platform every time an admin clicks on this event from the company event list.

Main Page
Content page

Set the landing page for attendees when they access the event for the first time after submitting the registration form.

Content page

Click here for further information on each content page option.

Purchase page

Configure the page to which your attendees will be redirected after purchasing tickets.

Purchase page

Ticket purchases have two outcomes: Success and Error. Depending on these outcomes, you can configure the page where attendees will be redirected after the ticket purchase process.

Once applicants fill the purchase form and click on Place order, they will see the View my tickets button. Once they click this button, they will be redirected to the success/error page depending on the purchase outcome.

You can customize the View my tickets heading to show the name of the set page where the applicants are being redirected to. To learn how to do this, consult this article.
If you select the Custom page option, you will see an additional field where you have to enter the link to the custom page.
Screenshot showing the options for Purchase page: Success.
  • Error: Choose a page where your attendee will be redirected to after a ticket is purchased but the payment is not yet approved. The available options are My TicketsWebsite, and Custom page.
Error Purchase page
Social media

Add social networking information like a public LinkedIn profile, Facebook hashtag, Instagram hashtag, Twitter hashtag and profile, and RSS feed. The social networks will be displayed on the event's cover image in the My Account page. For further information on social media links, click here.

Social Networks
If AdBlock is active, it may block the social networks from appearing in the details.

Advanced Settings

In the Advanced Settings section, you can fine-tune various aspects of your event, including language configurations, links, domain settings, custom emails, tracking, and translations.


In the Language section, you can configure the language preferences for your event and manage translations to ensure accessibility for all attendees.

Main Language

The main language determines the language that the backend platform and the basic structure of the webinar will be in. They can be predetermined by the administrator or defined by the user's device.

Main Language

Website Drop-down Language Selector

You can improve the accessibility of your event by allowing your attendees to select the language in which the web page content is displayed.

To enable the language drop-down menu on your website, make sure to set the Main language to Defined by user, as shown below.

Main language define by user

Depending on the template you choose, this is how the language drop-down menu looks like.

Platform language

Content Language

The content language sets the language used for the content of the event, the language that will be displayed to the participants. They can be defined by device, or lots of other languages as well.

Content Language
  • By clicking on View translations, you'll be able to visualize and delete the translations you have added to the platform, as well as the number of translations generated in each language as shown below:
Screenshot translations
  • By clicking on the Open Translation Dashboard button, you will be redirected to the translation dashboard page, where you can easily view pre-existing translations, identify fields that still need translation, and add new target languages. Refer to our Translation dashboard article for more information.
Translation dashboard
For more information on translations, read Multilanguage Translation Support.

In this section, you can manage the public-facing links and domains for your event, ensuring easy access and communication for attendees.

Frequently asked question (FAQ) pages help your business respond to the needs of your audience more quickly and appropriately. In case you have an FAQ page, you can add the link to this field. The FAQ page will be displayed in the My Account tab of the Virtual Lobby.

FAQ link page

Add your official website link here. The link will be displayed in the mobile app under the Contact fields in the Menu > Event tab, and also in the Virtual Lobby, when you click on the company's logo at the bottom left corner.

Website link page
Terms of Service

Add the link to the terms of service for the event. They will be displayed on the registration form.

Terms and service page

Click here for further information on the terms of service.

Virtual Address

Add a location to your virtual/online event. This information will appear on your Website, depending on the template you use.

This field will only be displayed if your event mode is set to Online.
Virtual address page
Custom domain

Enables access to an external site having a unique domain. For more information, click here.

Custom domain
Custom email

You can add a custom email address and name to your event.

  • Custom email address: Emails sent for this event will come from this address once the DNS is registered.
Custom email
  • Custom email name: Emails sent for this event will come with this name once the DNS is registered.
custom email name
When using a custom email, you need to ensure that your emails are not marked as spam in the recipient's inbox.By setting up a DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), you can protect your domain against spoofing and prevent your outgoing messages from being marked as spam. For a comprehensive tutorial on how to add custom emails to InEvent and set up your DKIM records, click here.
Reply-to email

The Reply-to email address is specified by the sender of an email and is where replies to that email are directed. It can be different from the sender’s email address. It’s used to direct responses to a different address from the one used to send the email. This is useful for managing replies through a specific department or individual.

Reply to Email field
If a Reply-to email address is not set, InEvent will use your custom email instead. If both are empty, the Reply-to email address will be no-reply@inevent.com


The Tracking page allows you to configure analytics tools to monitor event performance and attendee engagement. By integrating these platforms, you can track key events such as registrations, conversions, and interactions.

Facebook Pixel ID

Add your Facebook Pixel ID. To see more information on Facebook Pixel ID, click here.

Facebook pixel ID field
Google Analytics v4 ID

Enter your Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID here. Remember that the entire configuration of the GA must be done previously. For more information, refer to our Google Analytics article.

Google Analytics 4 field.
Adobe Analytics report suite ID

Enter your Adobe Analytics report suite ID here. For more information, refer to our Adobe Analytics article.

Adobe Analytics ID
Twitter Events Manager

Enter here your Twitter Events Manager ID, which allows you to manage your Twitter Website Tag, as well as set up conversion events to tell their system what actions you want to track. Click here for further information.

Twitter events manager field
LinkedIn Insight Tag

Enter here your partner ID to track conversions and unlock insights about your audience. For more info, please have a look at this article.

LinkedIn Insight field
TikTok Analytics tag

Enter here your TikTok pixel ID to track specific conversions and unlock insights about your users. For more information, please refer to this article.

TikTok pixel
Intercom Tag ID

If you have intercom chat support for speaking to your clients, you can now add the chat support pop-up to your Virtual Lobby events. Click here to learn how to do it.

Intercom Tag ID field


This section allows you to configure the event host and custom fields for internal use.


This section will only appear for the event admin to fill if custom fields have been added at the company level. Refer to the Event custom fields article to learn more.

Image showing the Fields section with a custom Field named Country and an option list with it

Select the organizer responsible for the event. The person must be an attendee of the event and must have admin permissions.

Hosted by

Send Message

In the upper left of the page, you should see a button to send push notifications to all attendees simultaneously. This function is only available if you are not on the Edit mode.

Send message notification

You can also schedule the message to be sent at a certain time and date. To learn more about message scheduling, click here.

Downloading a webinar full report

InEvent offers a full report on your webinar that centralizes information from multiple event modules. This spreadsheet contains:

  1. To generate this report, click on Edit and press Report in the upper left corner of the page.
  2. Then, two pop-ups will appear as shown below. You can find your spreadsheet in your email or you can press Download and you will be directed to the Report center, where you will find all extracted reports.

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