Ticket Management
Using the ticket management dashboard, you will be able to configure your tickets, coupons, and payments, as well as create different types of tickets for your public and analyze your event success. Besides that, you can also separate tickets per group, segmentation, custom form, or invitees' name.
Enabling the Tickets tool
To enable the Tickets tool, follow the steps provided below.
- Navigate to Settings > Tools from the Event level.
- Locate the Tickets tool under the Registration section.
- Click on the Edit button.
- Enable the Tickets tool using the corresponding toggle.
- Click on the End button to save your changes.
After completing the steps above, the Tickets tool will be enabled for your event.

Creating tickets
Tickets can be created manually or by importing spreadsheets. The following sections will explain how to use any of these options.
To create tickets, follow the steps below:
- Go to Marketing > Tickets > Tickets.
- From the Tickets > List page, press the +Add ticket button on the top left corner.
- Enter the ticket name, and ticket price.
- Press Create.

Using a spreadsheet
You can also bulk import tickets to the platform using a spreadsheet. To do so, on the Tickets page, in the List section, press Edit > Import > Download demo file. A spreadsheet will be downloaded to your computer. The spreadsheet comes with explanations of how to fill each of the columns.

Filling the spreadsheet
Once you have downloaded the demo file, fill in the columns with the necessary information needed for your ticket.
The following columns are available in the spreadsheet: name, price, description, entrance, capacity, purchaseMin, purchaseMax, purchaseLimit, active, group, segmentationLists, assignLists, assignHolder, giveawayticket.
- Fill in 0 to represent No and 1 to represent Yes.
- When filling in the group column, you can enter the name of a new group and it will be created on the platform. Alternatively, you can enter the name of an already existing group and the ticket will be added to that group.
- When filling the columns segmentationLists, assignLists, you can enter the name of a new list and it will be created on the platform in the People > Lists page. Alternatively, you can enter the name of an already existing list and the ticket will be added to the list(s). If adding more than one list, use a semicolon (;) to separate them.

Once completed, the file should be saved on your computer and then imported to the platform.
Importing the spreadsheet to the platform
After filling and saving the demo spreadsheet, follow these steps:
- Go to the List section of the Tickets page.
- Click on Edit > Import and press the click to upload button
- Select your spreadsheet from your computer.
- Click on the Preview button, and then Import button to initiate the import process.
- Refresh your page to see the imported ticket(s) displayed with all the filled information once the import process is complete.

You can control the most relevant ticket tools without leaving the Tickets page by clicking on the Settings button in the top right corner. A pop up box will appear and you will see the tools segmented into different fields - Registration, Moderation, and Block. You can enable or disable a tool by toggling on or off the button beside the tool.

For more information about the available tools, refer to our article on Event tools.
Editing ticket information
To edit the ticket information, simply click on the ticket you wish to edit. This will open a new window where you can view and edit the following: Basic information, Sale configuration, Segmentation Control, Triggers, Price batch.
If you prefer to move the window to the sidebar, click on the arrow icon labeled Collapse window to sidebar, and the information will be displayed on the right side of the page.

Basic information
- Name: Modify the name of the ticket. The name has limit of 100 characters.
- Description: Add a ticket description. The description has a limit of 2200 characters.
- Entrance: Specify where the ticket holder must enter the event from. The entrance has a limit of 255 characters.
You can use this to visually group the tickets at the time of purchase. This will affect how tickets are displayed on the purchase form.
To create ticket groups, follow the steps below:
- Click on Groups from the left menu of the page.
- Click on +Add group button at the top left corner and a new window will appear.
- Enter the group name and define if there will be a constraint. Under the Constraint dropdown, you can choose from:
- None: If you select this option, there will be no limit on how many ticket types can be purchased from this specific group.
- One type of ticket: If you select this option, users will be able to purchase only one ticket type from this specific group. See the example below (General admission tickets).
- Click on Create.

After creating the ticket group(s), you will be able to add a ticket to a group. To do this click on the ticket you wish to add to a group. Scroll down to the Group field, click on Edit, and select the group using the drop-down menu. Press End to save your changes.

This is how the tickets will appear categorized in their various groups on the Purchase form. Groups with constraints will display the message 'You may purchase only one of the following tickets for this category'

On the Groups page, all created groups will be displayed on the dashboard. To delete a group, simply click on Edit and click on the Remove button.

Attaching forms to tickets
If the buyer of this ticket sends it to someone else and there is a custom form assigned, the receiver of the ticket will have to fill out this form to accept the ticket.
To do so, you will need to:
- Create an Attached form with the questions you would like the invitee to answer.
- Navigate to Marketing > Tickets > Tickets.
- Select the ticket you wish to associate with the Attached form.
- Click on Edit.
- Select the target Attached form using the Custom form for the invitee drop-down menu.
- Click on End to save your changes.

Sale configuration
- For sale: can the ticket be purchased through the form? If so, choose Yes. If it should not be released yet, check No.
- Can giveaway ticket: You will only see this option if ticket giveaway is enabled on the registration form settings. If you disable this option for a ticket, attendees will not be able to give away that particular ticket.
- Capacity: the total amount of tickets available for purchase at the event.
- Capacity Alert (%): Set the percentage at which you want to receive an alert. The capacity alert is triggered for admins when the number of tickets purchased has reached the specified percentage of the total ticket capacity.
- Purchase minimum: minimum number of tickets a user can purchase in a single transaction.
- Purchase maximum: maximum number of tickets a user can purchase in a single transaction.
- Purchase limit: the maximum number of tickets a user can purchase in total.
- Price: amount to be paid for the ticket.
- Discounts: create automatic discount policies for each ticket. Refer to our Discounts article for more information.

Segmentation control
This feature allows you set who can see and buy specific tickets for your event. To use Segmentation control, follow these steps after you have created your ticket:
- Create a custom list and add to this list the users that you want to have access to the specific ticket.
- Go to Marketing > Registration > Tickets and select your created ticket by scrolling right and pressing the blue button. A window will open showing the ticket's details.
- Click on Edit and scroll down to the Segmentation Control section.
- Select your created list from the drop down menu under the section and press the +Add List button.
- Press End to save your changes.

To remove a segmentation list, simply click on the thrash icon beside it:

Assigning ticket users to lists using Triggers
With the Triggers function, you can add users to a static list based on their selection of a ticket that has been linked to a ticket. To do this:
- Create custom lists, following the instructions given here.
- Navigate to Marketing > Tickets > Tickets and select the desired ticket by clicking on the blue button at the far right. A new window will open on the right side.
- Click on Edit and scroll down till you find the field Assign the ticket user to list under Triggers.
- Choose the list you want to attach to this particular ticket from the drop down menu and press the +Add list button.
- Press End to save your changes.
Once attendees purchase the ticket that has been linked to a static list(s), they will be automatically added to the list(s).

To remove a trigger list, click on the thrash icon beside the list

Price batch
You can create different price batches for your ticket. To add a batch, press +Add Batch.

Add the value and the date you would like to start selling this batch.

When done, press End to save the data. The end date of a batch is the beginning date of the following batch.
Your invitees, when filling out the registration form, will be able to purchase the tickets. The price displayed will be the one relevant to the purchase date.
Creating discount coupons for tickets
To learn how to create coupons for your tickets, refer to the Coupons article.
Removing a ticket
To delete a ticket, click Edit on the top right corner of the Tickets > List page, select the ticket by ticking the checkbox, and press the Remove button at the the top right corner. Then, press the Remove button that appears in the confirmation box. Click on the End button in the top right corner to finish.

Manually assigning tickets to attendees
To manually associate a ticket with an attendee, press People > Attendees > Edit on the top right corner and click on an attendee from the list. A new screen will open on the right-hand side with all of the attendee's information.
On the new screen to the right, scroll down to Ticket, and using the drop-down box, select a ticket for the attendee. Click End to save the changes.

It is also possible to make the digital ticket available through a voucher, which can be sent to the attendee either by email or in the mobile application. The Digital Ticket Voucher is customizable and the event administrator can choose what information it will present (such as QR Code or gateway, for example).
To do this, click on an attendee, then on the menu to the right. Now, click on the Voucher icon, highlighted in green below:

To learn more about it, read Digital Ticket Voucher.
Searching for a ticket
If you have created multiple tickets, the Search functionality can help you easily locate a specific ticket, by simply entering its name in the search box and clicking the blue search button.

Filtering tickets
To do filter tickets, simply click on the Filter button at the top right corner of the page. From the drop-down menu, select the desired ticket group and click on the blue Filter button. Tickets belonging to the selected group will be displayed.

Reordering tickets
Event organizers can rearrange the display order of tickets in Purchase forms. To reorder tickets, click on Edit and from the extreme left of the page, use the drag and drop icon beside the ticket to change the position of the ticket as you wish.

The change will be reflected on the Purchase form as seen in the image below:

If attendees purchase more than one ticket type, the purchased tickets will be displayed following the same order set in the platform in the My Tickets tab of the Virtual Lobby.

Reordering groups
By default, groups are arranged chronologically on both the Groups dashboard and the Purchase form. However, changing the order of ticket groups allows the foremost group to be displayed first, along with its associated tickets, on both the Tickets dashboard and the Purchase form.
To reorder ticket groups, navigate to Groups and click on the Edit button. Use the drag and drop icon beside each ticket to reposition the order of the groups. This will automatically reflect on the List page where the tickets are displayed.

The change will be reflected on the Purchase form as seen in the image below:

If attendees purchase more than one ticket type, the purchased tickets will be displayed My Tickets tab of the Virtual Lobby following the same order set by the event organizer.

Selecting an active ticket in the Purchase form
When an attendee purchases multiple tickets, the platform will automatically assign the first chosen ticket as the attendee's active ticket. However, they have the option to select their active ticket at the moment of purchase by selecting Personal ticket (ticket I will use) under the name of the preferred ticket. After completing the purchase, the selected ticket will be displayed at the top of the list, above other purchased tickets, within My Tickets in the Virtual Lobby.

Ticket transfer between attendees
Event organizers can allow attendees to transfer or send tickets to another attendee. For further information, refer to our article on Ticket transfer configuration and on sending tickets to other attendees.
Generating ticket reports
To generate an excel report on all your tickets, navigate to the Tickets > List page. Then, press the Edit button and click on Report at the top left corner of the page on the Tickets page. You will receive a message letting you know that your excel sheet is being processed and will be sent to you once complete.

The ticket report will contain information such as:

: This shows the ID of the ticket.customOrder
: This shows the number of the ticket purchased.eventID
: This shows the ID of the event associated with the tickets.chainID
: This shows the ID of the associated ticket group.active
: This shows 1 if ticket is for sale. If the ticket is not for sale, the column will be empty.name
: This shows the name of ticket.description
: This shows the ticket's description.entrance
: This shows the entrance information for the target ticket.dateBegin
: Shows the date and time of ticket creation.dateEnd
: Shows the date and time of ticket creation.capacity
: This shows the ticket's capacity (if set). The column is empty if there is no set capacity.capacityAlert
: This shows the percentage (if set) of the total ticket capacity at which the capacity alert will trigger.purchaseMin
: This shows the set minimum amount of ticket purchase.purchaseMax
: This shows the set maximum number of ticket purchase. If there is no set maximum, this column remains empty.purchaseLimit
: This shows the set limit number of tickets that a participant can buy.giveawayTicket
: This shows 1 if the Can giveaway ticket function is enabled. If this tool is deactivated, this column remains empty.price
: This shows the ticket's price.chainName
: This shows the name of the ticket's group. If the ticket is not associated with any group, this column remains empty.constraint
: This shows one-type if the ticket is linked to a group that has a constraint. If there is no constraint associated with the ticket, this column remains empty.approvedTickets
: This shows the number of approved ticket purchases and tickets assigned to users by admins from People > Attendees page.pendingTickets
: This shows the total number of pending, refunded, and cancelled purchases associated with the ticket.approvedPrice
: This shows the total value of received income (approved purchases) related to a ticket.pendingPrice
: This shows the total value of pending, refunded and cancelled purchase associated with the ticket.