
You can personalize the user experience in your event from the first contact they will have until the last impression while using our platform! The standard message, fields and buttons on the forms, on the app, on the event's agenda, and even on the Virtual Lobby, all these values can be tailor-made to make your event special.

Company level

With the company headings, you can personalize your standard message and fields and these values will be made default for all events created within your company.

Adding company headings

Follow the steps below to add company headings:

  1. Navigate to Account > Headings from the Company level.
  2. Press the +Add heading button. The New heading pop-up box will be displayed.
  3. Select the heading you would like to change using the Select heading type drop-down box.
  4. Enter the new value to replace the default value in the Type heading value field.
  5. Press Create.
Screenshot showing the create company heading interface.

Editable company headings

At the Company level, you can personalize the placeholders that will be shown on Registration forms, App, Event booking forms, Custom forms and Membership forms. Editing headings from the Company level will affect the headings of all events within the same company.

You can also edit headings at the Event level.

You can edit headings related to the following forms:

Editing form headings at the Company level will affect the related headings of all events within the same company.

Form heading options related to Registration form and Custom forms are the same at the Company and Event levels. Purchase form headings can only be edited at the Event level.

For faster results when searching for forms, type the following keywords in the search box:

  • Booking for headings related to booking form.
  • Membership for headings related to membership form
  • Custom for headings related to custom form.
GIF showing Form headings at the company level.

To learn more about Form Headings related to Terms of service at the company level, read this article.

You can edit headings related to the mobile app such as App - Login name, Login username, Login password, App Download - Title, etc.

App heading options are the same at the Company and Event levels.
Screenshot showing App headings at the company level.

Editing and removing company headings

To remove a heading you have created simply click on the Edit button and then select the heading you wish to delete and press Remove.

To modify the headings, click on the blue button to open a new window on the right and then press Edit to do the changes needed. You can change the heading Type using the drop-down box and edit the heading Value using the text field. Click End when you are done.

Below is a GIF showing both options:

How to edit or remove headings

Event level

At the event level you can customize the headings for specific events.

Adding event headings

Follow the steps below to add event headings:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Headings or Marketing > Registration > Headings from the Event level.
  2. Press the +Add heading button. The New heading pop-up box will be displayed.
  3. Select the heading you would like to change using the Select heading type drop-down box.
  4. Enter the new value to replace the default value in the Type heading value field.
  5. Press Create.
Screenshot showing the create event heading interface.

Editable event headings

There are several options to personalize the Forms, Purchase form, Activity, Agenda, My Account, My Photos App, Gamification and the Virtual Lobby.

Below, you'll find the most frequent use cases for headings.


You can edit headings related to the Registration form, including RSVP form, Purchase form, and Custom forms (Terms of Service, Confirm button, Success). Editing Form headings at the event level will affect the headings at that event only.

Form heading options related to Registration form and Custom forms are the same at the Company and Event levels.

Purchase form headings can only be edited at the event level.
GIF showing Form headings at the event level.
To learn more about Form Headings related to Terms of service at the event level, read this article.

  1. Labels and buttons

You can find several options to customize the labels and buttons on the Form.

  • The option to personalize the 'Go to event' button that appears when the user completes the form can be very useful. One example is to make it looks like there is nothing to be clicked:
Screenshot showing a customized Go to event heading
In case you wish to avoid access to the Virtual Lobby prior to the event date, check this article.
  • The option to customize labels and buttons on RSVP forms as seen below:

Rsvp form label changes

  • The option to customize labels and buttons on Custom forms as seen below:
custom form labels
  • The option to customize the Invoice label.
For the Invoice label change to reflect on the Invoice, the Stripe invoice feature needs to be disabled.
Customize invoice label

  • The option to customize the message when an Applicant is waiting for approval before purchasing tickets.
  1. Questions

The Registration Form solution has previously defined text for the mandatory questions. You can change the standard questions as described in the Registration Form or change them in the Default Text screen along with the other messages. 

Below is an example of "before and after" image of the registration form questions, edited using the Default text.

Screenshot of steps  Settings> Headings>Add heading>heading value
  1. Adding a link to the Form
  • Form - Disclaimer : To add a Form - Disclaimer link to the registration form follow these steps:
    1. From the Select heading type dropdown, select Form - Disclaimer.
    2. Enter the disclaimer in the Type heading value text box.
    3. Highlight the specific part(s) of the heading values you wish to hyperlink and click on the Insert/edit link icon.
    4. A new window will appear where you can paste the link, add a title, and choose whether the link should open in the current window or a new window.
    You can add more than one hyperlink.
    • If you select new window, it will open in a new tab.
    • If you select current window, the form page will be redirected to the page link.
    You can also format the heading values using options like bold, italicize, add source codes, or clear formatting using the related icons provided in the text box.
    1. Click Save and then Create to finalize your changes.
    Form- disclaimer

Below is an example of the Registration form before and after adding the Form- Disclaimer heading.


  • Form - Disclaimer Bottom: To add a link at the bottom of the registration form. Under Type heading value, you should add the Markdown support as shown in the image below. Example: [Click here](https://example.com){target=_blank} to see more details.

disclaimer bottom

  • Purchase - Register disclaimer: To add a link to the purchase form, follow the steps given here. Below is an example of the Purchase form before and after adding the Purchase - Register Disclaimer heading.

Purchase - Register Disclaimer

The heading Purchase - Register disclaimer will allow you to have a link on the first page of the purchase form, but if you'd rather have a link on the following pages of the purchase form, you can select the headings Purchase - Billing disclaimer, Purchase - Ticket disclaimer, Purchase - Payment disclaimer or Purchase - Confirm disclaimer.

For the login page, there are few options to change the default text. A very functional example would be customizing the 'Request Magic Link' button to login at the InEvent platform as company administrators.

Screenshot showing Login headings at the event level.

You can edit headings related to the mobile app such as App - Login name, Login username, Login password, App Download - Title, etc.

App heading options are the same at the Company and Event levels.
Screenshot showing App headings at the event level.
Virtual Lobby

The options to change the Virtual Lobby's label and buttons can be done via Headings.

If you wish to change the Virtual Lobby menu label (at the main page or inside the activities) you can do it from the Customizable Tabs.
GIF showing Virtual Lobby headings at the event level.
  1. Room status label

Depending on its room video mode, settings, start and end time, each room will display a status tile in its upper left corner.

The existing status are: On Demand, Live, Finished and Invisible.

Screenshot showing a spreadsheet import interface
Invisible rooms are only visible to administrators.

If you wish to customize the room status label, under Select heading type you should select either:

  • Virtual Lobby Room - Status On Demand
  • Virtual Lobby Room - Status Finished
  • Virtual Lobby Room - Status Invisible
  • Virtual Lobby Room - Status Live
Screenshot showing Virtual Lobby status headings at the event level.

You can also manually change each room label status. Click here for further information.

  1. My Agenda

Agenda labels are found on the My Agenda page.

You can change the text of the following items on the My Agenda page:

  • Agenda Label - Agenda
  • Agenda Label - Meetings
  • Agenda Label - Restrictions
  • Agenda Label - Preferences
  • Agenda Label - Tracks
  • Agenda Label - Location
  • Agenda Label - Virtual room
  • Agenda Label - My Sessions
  • Agenda Label - Speakers
  • Agenda Label - Sponsors
Screenshot showing My Agenda headings at the event level.

Below is how the change will look like on the Agenda tab inside the activity, with the default Agenda label - Sponsors heading value on the left and the edited value Sponsorships on the right.

Image showing heading value of Sponsors changed to Sponsorships.
The sponsor will only be visible in the details section of the activity once you have linked the sponsor to that particular activity. To learn more about linking a sponsor to an activity, click here.
  1. Activities

There are many possibilities for customizing the Text of the activities. Here are some of the most used Headings to change the attendees' agenda buttons in the application:

  • Activity - Registration button: When the activity registration is not automatic (to know more, see Agenda Management) the participant must click this button to be linked to the activity.
  • Activity - Dismiss button: Necessary for the participant to withdraw from the activity in which they are enrolled. For Calendar Block in events, found in (Event tools). This button will have no textual content.
  • Activity - Detail button: You can click on it to view more activity information, submit questions, and download materials.
  • Activity - Not Available button: This term will appear in the activity card in the My Agenda tab if there are no more vacancies, if the activity is part of a chain, or if there are simultaneous activities and the concurrent schedule tool is disabled.
GIF showing Activity headings at the event level.
  1. My Account

You can customize the headings and labels on the My Account page to better suit your preference. Below is a list of headings available for personalization on the My Account page

  • Form - Phone
  • Form - Edit button
  • Form - Field placeholder
  • Form - First name
  • Form - Tags
  • Form - Summary
  • My Account Button - Upload File
  • Form - RSVP No answer
  • Form - Field option placeholder
Some heading options listed under the My Account page are shared with forms (e.g. Registration Form). Edits to these headings will also affect their usage across various forms.

You can edit the heading values for the buttons, labels, and text that appear on the Website.

GIF showing Website heading options.

Below is how the change will look like on the Website, with the default Website Texts - The event has started heading value on the left and the edited value on the right.

Screenshot showing the default Website Texts - The event has started value on the left and the edited value on the right.

Below is an example of the default Website Labels - Tags heading value on the left and the edited value on the right.

The Website Labels - Tag heading can be seen above the activity tracks in the Agenda section when using the Oberon website template.
Screenshot showing the default Website Labels - Tags headingheading value on the left and the edited value on the right
Email Subscription

You can modify the heading, button labels, and text that appear on the Unsubscribe confirmation page when attendees choose to opt out of receiving emails from a specific sender.

You can change the text of the following items:

  • Email Subscription - Title: This option allows you to edit the title of the confirmation message.
  • Email Subscription - Message Receiving: Edit the default paragraph for the message when attendees choose to unsubscribe.
  • Email Subscription - Message Receive: Edit the default paragraph for the message when attendees choose to re-subscribe.
  • Email Subscription - Message Change: Edit the default paragraph for the message.
  • Email Subscription - Button Stop Receiving: Edit the text on the default Stop Receiving button.
  • Email Subscription - Button Continue Receiving: Edit the text on the Continue Receiving button.
  • Email Subscription - Button Start Receiving: Edit the text on the Start Receiving button when attendees choose to re-subscribe to the email list.
  • Email Subscription - Message Thank You: Edit the feedback message displayed after confirming unsubscription.
email subscription

Below is an example showing the email subscription message before and after editing.

before anfter deafult text edit

You can modify the following headings of the internal menu bar: (Internal Bar - Attendees, Invitees, Waitlists, Approvals and Leads)

Image showing Internal bar headings that can be changed/modified.
  1. Navigate to Settings > Headings or Marketing > Registration > Headings.
  2. From the Select heading type field, choose the heading you wish to change from the drop-down menu.
  3. From the Type heading value field, enter the label you wish to replace the default heading with, then click on Create.
  4. Refresh your browser and navigate to the internal menu bar that you have edited. You will notice the value of the heading is changed to the value that was set.
Gif showing how top change internal bar heading.

Editing and removing event level headings

To remove a heading you have created simply click on the Edit button and then select the heading you wish to delete and press Remove.

To modify the headings, click on the blue button to open a new window on the right and then press Edit to do the changes needed. You can change the heading Type using the drop-down box and edit the heading Value using the text field. You can also add translations to the heading Value b. Click End when you are done.

Below is a GIF teaching you how to edit and remove headings:

GIF showing how to remove and edit custom headings

Adding heading translations

Once you've created custom headings, follow these steps to add translations:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Headings.
  2. Locate the heading you want to translate and click the blue icon next to it.
  3. Click Edit in the top right corner of the details panel.corner.
  4. Click the Translation icon at the top of the heading value.
  5. Add translations for the desired languages.
For further information regarding custom translations, refer to our Translation dashboard article.

Field mask

By using field mask, you can define the format of answers your participants must use when registering for your event. You can do so by limiting the type and maximum allowed number of characters allowed as a valid answer to specific fields. For more information, refer to our Field mask article.

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