Confirmation email and other automatic emails

You are able to send automatic emails to your attendees as soon as they complete the enrollment.

Where can I find and configure automatic emails?

To find and configure automatic emails, navigate to Marketing > Communication > Automatic emails.

Screenshot showing how to navigate to the Email creator.

In the Automatic emails page, you can enable and disable the automatic emails by using the Status toggle for the corresponding email.

All automatic emails are enabled by default.
GIF showing the automatic emails page.

Alternatively, you can also navigate to Marketing > Communication > Email creator. From the Email creator interface, select Automatic emails on the left sidebar.

Screenshot showing the Automatic email interface.
Refer to the Email creator article, to begin editing your automatic emails.
All Payment automatic emails cannot be disabled. However, when the Tickets tool is disabled, these emails will not be functional and will not be visible in Automatic emails.

What kind of automatic email does the platform offer?

The platform offers 4 categories of automatic emails. The 4 categories are as follows:

  • Event access: Contains automatic emails related to event admission and access.
  • Payment: Contains automatic emails related to the payment process and refund.
  • Meeting: Contains automatic emails related to Meetings in the Virtual Lobby.
  • Other: Contains automatic emails to notify newly added event admins and to acknowledge issue reports raised by attendees.

Event access automatic emails

This section provides information on all emails that belong to the Event access category.

Confirmation email

A Confirmation email will be sent to an attendee who enrolls into the event via the registration form, or an attendee who is added to the event from the platform by event organizers.

Below is how the default Confirmation email looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the default Confirmation email.
I do not want my attendees to receive a confirmation email. Is it possible?

Yes, it is possible. When you disable the Confirmation email, attendees who register for your event will not receive an automatic confirmation email, even if you re-enable the Confirmation email.

When disabled, Confirmation email and other automatic emails can still be edited.
Can I resend confirmation emails?

You can manually resend confirmation emails to individual attendees or in bulk. For more information, refer to our article on resending confirmation emails.

How do I attach a calendar invite to confirmation emails?

You can attach a calendar invite to confirmation emails by enabling .ics file on confirmation emails.

Can I remove the QR code that appears in the confirmation email?

Yes. You can remove the QR code from the Confirmation email by customizing the email using the email editor.

You can also remove the QR code by completely disabling QR codes on your event. You can do so by disabling My QR Code from the Event tools.

Disabling My QR Code will also remove QR codes from the Digital Ticket Voucher and disable Attendee QR codes in the InEvent mobile app.

Ticket invite email

A Ticket invite email will be sent when an attendee invites a third party or gives away a ticket to a recipient. The automatic email will be received by the attendee's invitee or their ticket giveaway recipient.

The Ticket invite email requires Tickets to be enabled in your event.
The Ticket invite email cannot be disabled.

Below is how the default Ticket invite email preview looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot showing the default Ticket invite email preview.

Admission email

An Admission email will be sent to a registrant who has enrolled via the registration form and is awaiting approval from event organizers.

The Admission email requires the Waitlist requirement or Approval requirement tool to be enabled in your event. For more information, refer to our Waitlist and approval requirement article.

Below is how the default Admission email looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the default Admission email.

Approval email/ Approved for purchase email

An Approval email will be sent to a registrant once their event enrollment is approved or accepted by the event organizer.

The Approval email becomes Approved for purchase email when Ticket requirement is enabled alongside the Approval requirement feature

The Approved for purchase email requires the Waitlist requirement or Approval requirement tool to be enabled in your event.

Below is how the default Approval/ Approved for purchase email looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the default Approval email.

Rejection email

A Rejection email will be sent to a registrant once their enrollment is rejected or declined by the event organizer.

The Rejection email requires the Waitlist requirement or Approval requirement tool to be enabled in your event.

Below is how the default Rejection email looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot showing how the default Rejection email looks like

Cancellation email

A Cancellation email will be automatically sent once user cancels their registration to the event by filling and submitting their cancellation form.

The Cancellation email requires the Allows Cancellation tool to be enabled in your event. Refer to this article to learn more.

Below is how the default cancellation email looks like, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Image showing cancellation email preview and sent versions.

Payment automatic emails

This section provides information on all emails that belong to the Payment category.

Refund email

Refund email will be sent when an attendee's refund request is authorized by admins, or when an admin issues a refund to an attendee.

The Refund email requires the Tickets tool to be enabled in your event.

Below is how the default Refund email looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the default Refund email.

Payment in analysis email

A Payment in analysis email will be sent when an attendee's payment is under analysis or review by the integrated payment platform used.

The Payment in analysis email requires the Tickets tool to be enabled in your event.

Below is how the default Payment in analysis email looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the default Payment in analysis email.

Rejected payment email

A Rejected payment email will be sent when an attendee's payment is rejected by the event organizer or fails to be processed by the integrated payment platform used.

The Rejected payment email requires the Tickets tool to be enabled in your event.

Below is how the default Rejected payment email looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the default Rejected payment email.

Waiting for payment email

A Waiting for payment email will be sent when an attendee purchases a ticket using the Stripe automatic invoice option or manual invoice payment option. The automatic email will be received by the attendee associated with the purchase.

The Waiting for payment email requires the Tickets tool to be enabled in your event.

Below is how the default Waiting for payment email looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the default Waiting for payment email.

Authorized payment email

An Authorized payment email will be sent when an attendee's payment is authorized by the event organizer or the integrated payment platform used.

The Authorized payment email requires the Tickets tool to be enabled in your event.

Below is how the default Authorized payment email looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the default Authorized payment email.

Meeting automatic emails

This section provides information on all emails that belong to the Meeting category.

Meeting invitation email - Host

A Meeting invitation email - Host will be sent when an attendee schedules a meeting with another attendee.

Disabling this email will also disable Meeting invitation email - Guest and Canceled meeting email.

Below is how the default Meeting invitation email - Host looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the default Meeting invitation email - Host.

Meeting invitation email - Guest

A Meeting invitation email - Guest will be sent when an attendee is invited by another attendee for a meeting.

Disabling this email will also disable Meeting invitation email - Host and Canceled meeting email.

Below is how the default Meeting invitation email - Guest looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the default Meeting invitation email - Guest.

Canceled meeting email

A Canceled meeting email will be sent to meeting participants when the meeting is canceled by either the host or the guest.

Disabling this email will also disable Meeting invitation email - Host and Meeting invitation email - Guest.

Below is how the default Canceled meeting email looks for the host, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the canceled meeting email for the host.

Below is how the email looks like for the guest.

Screenshot of the canceled meeting email for the guest.

Other automatic emails

This section provides information on the email that belongs to the Other category.

Event admin email

An Event admin email will be sent to an attendee who is given Admin permissions by an event organizer.

For more information, refer to our Permission levels for attendees article.

Below is how the default Event admin email looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot of the default Event admin email.

Email for new troubleshoot

An email for new troubleshoot will be sent to an attendee who raises a troubleshoot report.

Below is how the default email for new troubleshoot looks, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Email troubleshoot

How can I customize the automatic emails?

You can customize the automatic emails by using the Email editor.

To customize or edit your automatic emails, press the blue Open email editor button that corresponds to the automatic email. You will be redirected to the Email editor interface. On this page, you will be able to edit the format, change the colors, change the Subject, add images, add dynamic links, add dynamic content, etc.

Screenshot showing a list of automatic emails with a blue button highlighted.
For more information on customizing emails, refer to our Email creator article.

Dynamic content for automatic emails

When creating or customizing emails using the Email editor, you can use Dynamic links and Dynamic content to personalize your emails based on your event details or your attendees' personal information. Dynamic links and Dynamic content can be included in both automatic emails and new custom emails.

For more information, refer to our Dynamic content article.

Some Dynamic links and Dynamic content are linked to automatic email triggers and therefore can only be used in certain automatic emails. For more information, refer to the following sections.

Registration form answers table for Confirmation emails

You can add a table containing your attendee's registration form answers, such as their personal data and answers to custom questions to your Confirmation email. This table can be added by selecting Dynamic content > Person > Form answers when editing a text element from the Email editor.

Screenshot showing how to add the form answers dynamic content.
Alternatively, you can directly type {{form-table}} in the text box.

Below is how the Form answers table looks on the Confirmation email, containing the attendee's personal data and answers to custom questions, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot showing the Form answers dynamic content
The Form answers table is not available for Admission emails. When the table is added to Admission emails, answers to custom questions will appear as empty.
Hotel information for confirmation emails

You can add a table containing your attendee's hotel name, check in and check out time, etc. This table can be added by selecting Dynamic content > Person > Hotel information when editing a text element from the Email editor

Screenshot showing the hotel information option in the email builder.

Alternatively, you can directly type {hotel-table}in the text box.

Below is how the Hotel information table looks on the Confirmation email, containing the attendee's hotel information with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Hotel information table on the Confirmation email

Payment details table for Payment automatic emails

By default, automatic emails related to payment actions and process (Waiting for payment, Authorized payment, Payment in analysis, and Rejected payment emails) include the Payment details table to display the attendee's payment details. This table can be added by selecting Dynamic content > Person > Payment details when editing a text element from the Email editor.

Screenshot showing how to add the payment details table dynamic content
Alternatively, you can directly type {{payment-details-table}} in the text box.

Below is how the Payment details table looks on the Confirmation email, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot showing the payment details table
The Payment details table is only available for automatic emails related to payment actions and process. When the Payment details Dynamic content is added to other emails, the table will not be displayed for the email recipient.
Payment management button for Payment automatic emails

By default, automatic emails related to payment actions and process (Waiting for payment, Authorized payment, Payment in analysis, and Rejected payment emails) include the Payment management button which leads to My tickets on the Virtual Lobby. This table can be added by selecting Dynamic content > Person > Payment details when editing a text element from the Email editor.

Screenshot showing how to add the payment management dynamic content
Alternatively, you can directly type {{payment-management-table}} in the text box.

Below is how the Payment management button looks on the Confirmation email, with the preview version on the left and the sent version on the right.

Screenshot showing the payment management button
The Payment management button is only available for automatic emails related to payment actions and process. When the Payment details Dynamic content is added to other emails, the button will not be displayed for the email recipient.

How can I check my e-mail analytics?

You can check your e-mail analytics by using the Email analytics.

Navigating to Analytics > Email analytics

Here, you can review engagement statistics such as: how many e-mails have been sent, the delivery success rate, open and clickthrough rates.

For more information, refer to our Email Analytics article.

Which automatic emails will consume email credits?

There are two types of emails that will be sent from the platform: to the admins and the users of the event.

Emails directed to the Admins

The emails addressed to the admins are usually related to the actions performed on the platform. These emails will not consume email credits such as download reports, and notifications (New applicant is added, New registration is added, Event is almost full, Event is full, Refund request), when a new Event admin is invited.

Booking form confirmation emails, which serve as confirmations that a booking form has been submitted, are also directed to admins and will not consume credits.

Emails sent to the users

The emails directed to the users will be deducted from the email credits, such as the following:

  • Automatic emails that can be customized: Admission, Rejection, Ticket, and Confirmation,
  • Payment process: If you are selling tickets for your event the users will receive emails related to that (waiting for the payment, payment authorized/ refused)
  • Booking a Meeting with another participant: 2 email credits will be consumed for each Meeting booked since both who invites and the invitee will receive an email. If you wish to disable the sending of a confirmation email with the meeting's details, click here.
  • Custom emails
No email credits will be consumed when an admin or a user asks for a new magic link or password.

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